/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Games

Game description and house rules.

#11st Relay (2015-03-08)
StartPûča by TallaFerroXIVEnglish
Whê yá dänswa farénč, äp néč fádarân hä lwúrgta.So they had cut out her tongue, but no words she gurgled.
Finish Sjonna by ClausangelohEnglish
Maðo, sjernir almoso.(If) (one) doesn't understand, (then) (they) (must/should) start thinking with heart.
#22nd Relay (Spring 2015)
StartRyqnu by salpfishEnglish
Ojynurvat nopnu

Ysynurvat kojn pojlytrujprol, nan kojn pojlytrujprol!
Rakakupralhum mipimqpral sa, rotolot majutsinanatupral,
Paplat kymo mojsyrlot rutvanrupralhit kon.

Tsavinurvat ruphunap pralninqasjynryp, nan ruphunap pralninqasjynryp!
Tytsyngokakupralhum rulvatjupralhum, ritjatsurhiqklispi,
Anka talumtitasisan novlonhononuronprol sa kon.
The forest fruit song

Ground-fruits die in the summer, indeed they die in the summer!
Pick the purple ones, unless their leaves are pointy in three places,
Those and the red ones we do not touch.

Tree-fruits live into autumn, indeed they live into autumn!
If eaten when still green, they will make your teeth hurt,
So wait and let them grow large and bright.
Finish Endál by ieaunEnglish
Cena lam sasuhé
Ara-wait Sasudókais lam sasuhe dóniag.
Cena Sowinam lam anfé Cemig viné.
Sowiné-para, sowiné-l’ad, sowiné-béd, sowiné-ancel, Dál.
Ara-wait Cekaik garauhe uh indidól, indidé-nialv éredeo je garau.
Kná Garadónaig tŭan cirihe.
Cena lam garauhe, Cena kŭai ért ovman-nialv.
Cena R’okas lam kaibe cel’o.
They know that they harvest
Another person knows that they harvest a harvest during summer.
They know that they pluck vegetables while going around.
A cyan one, a blue one, a green one, a red one, the same.
Another person knows they grow themselves to be similar to a plant, a small one so that strength could grow.
We wait for your own growth.
They know that they grow, they lie down for the next short time.
They know it shines on them.
#31st Babby Relay (Spring 2015)
StartTalíekøð by brainandforceEnglish
líejoteþevþo talíekøðet líevøskáltiroðel!I can’t type Talíekøð with this keyboard!
Finish Zoģaŋ by GwaurEnglish
Ve omgoņe meļ bel aņģironev eŋóronev. Ve eto ahtole eŋuhtego amban viho meļ aņģironiv.They teach guides and paths. On the journey towards a thing, they don't use the guides.
#42nd Babby Relay
StartTardalli by arthur990807English
yotojini ennilangta sunta jante lantoršaamWe translate things badly into our languages at midday
Finish Ǧëýa by SZRTHEnglish
Änurgawr urmäm melǧëýi alan qawsäun.It screws itself over by writing new languages.

(lit. It plays itself ugly of/with new language writing.)
#51st Improv Relay (July 2015)
StartKimadi by CapitalOneBanksyEnglish
Ta emererī sullī sariqinuus, irxárábikzoenkos.(When) we become silent about big things, our lives begin to end.
Finish Pɨkwɨc (Apɨkuwɨc) by YatalacEnglish
səysəɲɲam qaɲɨw ŋandlɨwkəmbə ɨtnɨl ansal ŋamplɨʔkənɢɨʔ.Make understand the end of the sound that is turned on, that awakened y’all’s lives.
#63rd Babby Relay (July 2015)
StartZoģaŋ by GwaurEnglish
góņa tiriļiv ķorogoiv haro keņataev hepeļorolov debiŋThe hole in your face will be a source of beautiful sounds.
Finish Ryqnu by salpfishEnglish
Kytoziicutapšuuvôpyylzmôo kvatumiizundlariha, randzuqin.I know you will speak beautiful words.

(lit. I know that you shall create words with a beautiful ability of the mouth.)
#71st Natlang Relay
StartSwiss German by AdarainEnglish
D'Welt isch in frei Regiona untrtailt.
Ai Tail got vum Süda zum Westa und übr ds Mittlmeer.
De nennt ma Afrika.
Dr südlich Tail isch haiss und so isch's dötta vur Sunna vrbrennt.
Dr zwaiti Tail vum Westa Zum Norda und in d'See haisst Europa odr Enea.
Dr nördligh Tail dötta isch kalt, Pflanza waggsen nit und ma kunn döt nit leva.
D'Region vum Norda übr dia östlich Region in da Süda nennt ma Asia.
In dem Tail vur Welt isch alli Schönheit un dlla Richtum, Gold und Juwela.
Finish Finnish by GwaurEnglish
Maailma jakautuu kolmeen alueeseen.
Yks alue ulottuu etelästä länteen Välimeren yli.
Sen nimi on Afrikka.
Eteläinen osa on kuuma ja siten siellä on auringon aiheuttamia tulipaloja.
Toinen alue lännestä pohjoseen ja merelle on nimeltään Eurooppa tai Enea.
Pohjoses osas on kylmä, kasvit ei kasva eikä siellä voi elää.
Alue pohjosesta kaakkoon on nimeltään Aasia.
Siinä maailman osassa on kaikki kauneus ja kaikki rikkaus, kulta ja jalokivet.
The world splits into three regions.
One region stretches from the south to the west over the Mediterranean Sea.
Its name is Africa.
The southern part is hot and so there are fires caused by the Sun.
The second region from the west to the north and to the sea is named Europe or Enea.
It's cold in the northern part, plants don't grow and one can't live there.
The region from the north to south-east is called Asia.
In that part of the world there is all the beauty and all the richness, gold and jewels.
#8Discord Inauguration Any-Lang-Goes Relay
StartAlbanian by KlausEnglish
"mjerimi s'ka fat. por ka vetëm zhele,
zhele fund e majë; flamujt e një shprese
t'shkyem dhe të coptuem me t'dalun bese.
Grief has no luck. But it only has rags,
rags from bottom to top; flags of a hope,
torn and fragmented when the oath is broken.
Finish Agup by LukeEnglish
isġatṡ um namoniṡ honṡ.
anu kąp vestu cividu uṡarum tcąsum, su yot isċer ṡairu netcasum.
fora honṡ, usma ifatsum, usma iċer oyasąbayum, itcasum vestu civid.
fora, anu eri yot i baiyum, i bipit.
death is the saddest thing.
if everyone is destroyed with the ground’s blanket, i too wanted to be destroyed.
but the thing which all believe, wanted to kill you, destroys the ground’s blanket
but, if they also won’t die, it isn’t acceptable.
#9Conlangs Only
StartÃśm by GwaurEnglish
Ay Sãmoyã, ãnaydrmś goy Toyvãloy ẹboy London ay Ayfpuśdrudrmś Gmrãvẹ, ayfpuśdrudrmś ẹśẹś oypaysãś; ẹnoydeydmś ẹtsẹś graymẹ ay grãdoy rmay greynẹ Toyvãloy gmrãvẹ.

Ay ayfpuśdrudrmś ẹśẹś oyõdãś śã graymdõr dẹśaygmr goy fpoyãgoy, gmrãvẹ rmẹnoyĩrgeymś ẹtsẹś graymẹ.
The influence of the Samoan missionaries whom the London Missionary Society sent to Tuvalu caused the Tuvaluan people to forget traditional songs of religion and magic.

The missionaries' influence diminished in the 20th century, and people started bringing back the traditional songs.
Finish Mekori by SloranyEnglish
Las-mrule ‘Tuvalu’-dak solt, arimod fu muro samuaori las-murod lead sholir. Niba ri fisel-ker alead sader. Etsko-kom, las-muro kwesidje'arke newea ayataer. Faer-poi samuaori-bama lead laer fu pote'loiker newea tekir.During your trip to Tuvalu, the culture and the people of Samoa will break your habits. Some of them know how to make rope. With time, you will slowly learn their culture. You will stop to hear twenty samoans sing and make music.
#10Just Another Relay
StartMekori by SloranyEnglish
Nat rerna newea natsko reruker sted, en bosht'arke ker newea natsko pusir. Newea eka'arke jafikero kada upnu bana ofor'arke newea kel'arke shukir meksher. Ir parsh'arke nakom, newea kshfokmuir.If you never sharpen your sword, you will never be able to cut right. You must train and train again, over a hundred times, until you are certain you will succeed. Without this mindset, you will get killed.
Finish Cíhu by IeuanEnglish
Hosuj watane titiwonáha baj maqo, so-maqo mojacá sóná titiwonáha hojiwuha qé-wasa. So-maqo futiha qé-hojiwu husakiha wasa titi jajená? Hosuj kesu hé-hojiwu baj maqo nejfoha, so-maqo nejfoha sóná qé-hojiwu. Finasuj so-maqo masiha qé-wasa fejfí, máwfija baj mojacá baj maqo, totuj so-wasa miwiqaha qé-tajiniki baj wasa.Using your strength, you fought them using a moral spear. Did you want the fight to happen with them? When your fight began, you morally began the fight. Because you teach them, they will see their death because of your spear throw.
#11Learn a Lang Natlang Relay
StartJapanese by EggplantsauceEnglish

Oosutoraria tairiku=ni=wa, tasuu=no yuutairui=no nakama=ga sundeite, sekai=de koko=dake=ni=shika inai doubutsu=ga ooi.
On the Australian continent, there are lots of members of the marsupial family, and there are numerous animals that aren't found anywhere else in the world.
Finish Irish by BaloungEnglish
Tá neart marsúipiach ag an Astráil; tá sé seo fíor sa chás neart ainmhithe eile.Australia has a lot of marsupials; this is true in the case of many other animals.
#12Another Conlang Relay
StartCommon Caber by GalenEnglish
Ba sechưrưr Caber źurar Caber ec. Ơr deǵbo cir ec ba soceisicir fe ơr, ơr aźi en ơr hưr ba seisu fe ace bưcuś ơr hưr ec cơap, ćuư ơr hưr ơr ǧan, bưf ơr du ơr ri eda ace ưź uinǧưsče ba mica fe ace. Ba seisu fe ace źetưtam ba ưmưs fe ace, bưf ba ưmưs fe ace, cơpa fe ba Caber. Ba sechưrưr Caber tamơ tangat fiưrče cơpa, en ơr deź ba iniscip en ơr caraztưtam. Ei, ba sechưrưr Caber demo hazo en ơr idiras ace.The Mute Caber are not real Caber. They do not properly venerate their leaders, they claim to speak our language but do not, when they do talk they sing, and they betrayed our heritage to those in the east. Our language is expressed in our writing, and our writing is of the Caber. The Mute Caber sold it for metal, that they may escape the punishment they deserve. So, the Mute Caber only pretend to be like us.
Finish Jeddu by dendanaEnglish
በቱራኚ ፡ በፍቀ ፡ በጥተ ። እሚቱ ፡ በፍቀ ፡ ግቺ ፡ በጥቲረ ፧ በኃቱኅቢኩጅቦ ፡ በጥቱባፐበትሪና ። ቤትረሺረና ። ጅኃቱጅዱ ፡ በትሪግረና ። እቡመ ፡ ቅሻከ ፡ በፍቀ ፡ በክጻፈና ። ትኃቱብቱቡመ ፡ እቱፍቁ ፡ በትጣፐ ። ብኃቱኅቡመግን ፡ በትቢጣፐበትሪ ።

(below is the same thing, in romanization to make it less painful for you)

Bäturaňi bäfëḳä bäṭëtä.
Ëmitu bäfëḳä gëči bäṭëtirä?
Bähatuhëbikuǧëbo bäṭëtubapäbätërina.
Ǧëhatuǧëdu bätërigëräna.
Ëbumä ḳëšakä bäfëḳä bäkëṣafäna.
Tëhatubëtubumä ëtufëḳu bätëṭapä.
Bëhatuhëbumägënë bätëbiṭapäbätëri.
They call us ‘neighbors’.
Why do they call us that name?
They do not respect our actions.
They throw themselves at us.
They examine our Jeddu language.
They write that they want metals.
They take our words for metals.
But they do not take our metals.
#13Learn a Lang Natlang Relay 2
StartRomansh by Sascha BaerEnglish
"Tuot quista roba chi'd es giò qua vaivat ramassà?", ha dumandà Limargia fond darcheu ir vi e nan il cheu. "Quai es bler. Tuot il schler es plain."

"Na, da quai chi'd es quia nu vaina ramassà nöglia. Quai d'eira tuot fingià qua", n'haja respus.
"Have you collected all the things down here?", asked Limargia shaking her head back and forth again. "That's a lot. The entire basement is full"

"No, of what is here we haven't collected anything. That was all here already", I answered.
Finish Romansh by SaschaEnglish
Iratxe es gnü guardond i'l spazi ed ha dumandà: "Nu hast tü pakettà fingià teis bagagl? Idiot! Teis bagagl es fingià plain!"
Eu dumond; "Eu nu til n'ha fat amo. Ingün nu n'ha toc roba i'l bagagl... Eu pensess cha ingün nu n'ha toc roba i'l bagagl"
Iratxe came looking into the room and asked: "Have you not packed your baggage yet? Idiot! Your baggage is already full!"
I ask; "I haven't done it yet. No one has touched stuff in the baggage… I'd think that no one has touched stuff in the baggage."
#14Discord Conlangers Fifth Relay
StartVharena by SekiEnglish
kai’e einəm hasilar sho raatən eiv, ghre pelo valar gegei kyotəd.
poomam yeene toi lə kaadem yeene voi hyelarin zheedh kai’e einəm pelo,
thu kihyelarəd heiv ta ghre hyelo ekghlarəm thaanəi, kisootlarenəd ghərs maar,
lə pelo wook hooməd sho, neiv leeməd ta hyelo ghre.
Now she was only fourteen years of age,
This maiden in whom Nature took delight;
For just as she can paint a lily white
And red a rose, so in each colored feature
Had Nature come to paint this noble creature
Before her birth. And as she painted, she
Was free in what she thought each tint should be.
Finish Alvalu by JoelEnglish
(qpa (sit (gjan ~~ ~~ ~~ ftus))
(< ~~)
(gueri ? ?xeri{qoqup})
latqa{kuspi}){sit ~~{kwa 10 dela}};

(khur (tuli{quihi, (khur henda} tuli{quihi, (khur sarla)}))
(xu (nasit (waqpu ~~)) (kar ?vu)[(?traib (?vu quxan)] ){qoqup}
(khur ?)
(nai (kar ?vu~~~~)) )
(bego {klai (patzig bego)} ? … ?) )
At first there was a human female living a walking distance of beatiful nature, for about ten years. But then the flower-happening happened: Things changed into the color of bright red flowers and bright white flowers, by means of nature.

This in turn caused the unborn person, that is first in the hierarchy of some tribe (a female) to change into color, without her having any volition in that. That in turn allowed someone to decide freely.

(near (time (travel ~~ ~~ ~~ foot))
(< ~~)
(person ? ?body{female?})
nature{elegant}){time ~~{cons 10 years}};

(color (flowers{bright, white} flowers{bright, red}))
(and (before (born ~~)) (car ?members)[(?traib (?members ?qux))] ){female?}
(before (car ?members~~~~)) )
(decide {negligible (contrain decide)} ? … ?) )

#15Learn a Lang Natlang Relay 3
StartEuropean French by SloranyEnglish
Ça fait des heures que tu l'attends
T'as mal aux os, t'as mal au dos
Tu transpires, c'est pas parce qu'il fait chaud
Et tu trembles, c'est pas parce que t'as froid
You’ve been longing for him for hours,
Your bones are hurting, your back is hurting,
You are sweating, not because it’s hot,
And you’re shivering, not because it’s cold.
Finish French by SlorEnglish
Il est devenu tel que vous l’aimez toujours
Il va faire vos os et de ses maux de dos
Il transpire, sans raison d’être irrité
Il tremble, sans raison d’avoir froid
He has become as you have always loved him,
He is going to make your bones and his backaches,
He’s sweating, without reason to be irritated,
He is shivering, without reason to be cold.
#16Learn a Lang Natlang Relay 4
StartColloquial Cantonese by Psyk English
你宇宙真闊 我翅膀飛 到處都碰到你
兩眼捕捉你 看見甚麼 看到歡呼嘆氣
甚麼都想即愛即有 甚麼都可即演即奏
甚麼風光都看不夠 地廣天高跟你去到處走
Your universe is really spacious, I fly with my wings and am able to touch you wherever I am.
I can see you with my two eyes. Whatever I see, I cheer and sigh.
I want to have anything I love instantly, I can perform anything.
I haven't seen enough scenery. I follow you everywhere in this vast world.
Finish Colloquial Cantonese by PsykEnglish
The world is immensely large. I fly to everywhere and touch everything. I find my eyes.
I find everything while looking, and you also rejoice. There is sugar. I want to love everything and to love to know and make everything. After everything, the planet world, you are admirable. The world has a large difference, nevertheless I know how to win.
#17Learn a Lang Natlang Relay 5
StartZulu by SmashhoofEnglish
Ngakhoke, ngaphandle komzumo, bazibuza uma ngiba umuntu owahlukileyo. Kodwa esinyeni sami inkathazo yabo inye. Ngoba uma, phezu kobufakazi obahlukana, ngizambula ukungabi umuntu ophilayo, ngingaba bala into eyahlukileyo ngokuphela futhi, ngakhoke, ingozi kubo. Ngabathembisa ukuba ngisaba uDan. Angibanga umoya.
So, unsurprisingly, they wondered if I had become a different person. But in my case their concern was greater. Because if, in spite of evidence to the contrary, I turned out not to be a living person, I might really be a different entity altogether and, therefore, a threat to them. I assured them that I was still Dan. I was not a spirit.
Finish Zulu by Smashhoof English
Ngakhoke, njengokulindeleka, wazibuza uma ubuntu bahlukile. Kodwa umhlaba umafukufuku kakhulu, ngoba ngisho kukhona imbonakaliso, ngahlanganisa izinto eziningi kuDan futhi ngathola ukuba akaphilile. Ingabe ngokusobala ngingokunye okwahlukileyo ngokuphela. Uyathemba ukuba ngizokwazi ukumahlula ukuba emuva isikhathi sonke, nginguDan. Angingumoya.And thus, as expected, he was wondering if humanity was different. But the world has more chaos, because even if there is proof, I connected many things to Dan and I discovered that she is no longer alive. Perhaps I am clearly something completely different. He is certain that I will be able to convince her that after all this time, I am Dan. I am not a spirit.
#18Learn a Lang Natlang Relay 6
StartEuropean French by AimeraisEnglish
L'amour est un oiseau rebelle
Que nul ne peut apprivoiser,
Et c'est bien en vain qu'on l'appelle,
S'il lui convient de refuser.
L'amour est enfant de bohème,
Il n'a jamais, jamais connu de loi;
Si tu ne m'aimes pas, je t'aime;
Si je t'aime, prends garde à toi!
Love is a rebellious bird
That none can tame,
And it is well in vain that one calls him*
If it suits him* to refuse
Love is a gypsy's child,
It has never, never known the law;
If you do not love me, I love you;
If I love you, look out for yourself!

* him = love / the bird
Finish European French by Aimerais English
L'amour est comme oiseau en désordre
Nul ne peut décevoir un cœur calme
Si le temps passera pour tous les solutions,
Il ne sera pas sur le point d'être bon.

L'amour est comme enfant de bohème,
Il ne obéit jamais la loi.
S'il peut aimer, j'aimerai
et si je peux vraiment aimer, je voudrai qu'il soit mon assistant.
Love is like a disordered bird
No one can deceive a calm heart
If time will pass for all solutions,
It will not just have been good.

Love is like a child from Bohemia
It never obeys the law.
If it can love, I will love
and if I can truly love, I'd like you to be my assistant.
#19Learn a Lang Natlang Relay 7
StartLatvian by RahvuslaneEnglish
Ai, šī pilsēta! Dziesmas un lauri
Viņas kaunu un daiļumu sedz.
Atkal gāju kā sapnī tai cauri
Raibā naktī, kad ugunis dedz.
Tumsā redzēju izkārtnes laistas:
Lūdzu, lūdzu, te - manta, kas vērts!
Tumsā sejas kā pasakā skaistas,
Garām aizejot, smaidīja - pērc!
Lepni kareivji soļoja taktī,
Smēja fleitas, un stenēja bass;
Skrandains puišelis, slēpdamies naktī,
Klusi laidās kā sikspārnis mazs.
Balta meitene vērās kā mīklā
Pāri galvām, kur mūzika skan,
Un kā milzīgā zirnekļa tīklā
Ļaužu mutulī nozuda man.
Oh, this city! Songs and laurels
Her shame and beauty bear.
Again I went through it as in a dream
Spotted at night, when the fire burned.
Darkness saw signs placed on:
Please, please, here - the property that's worth it!
Dark face like a fairy tale beautiful,
Miss leaving, smiled - buy!
Proud soldiers marching stroke,
Laughing flute, bass and groaned;
Ragged kid, hiding at night,
Silently as the bat flew low.
White girl into consideration as a batter
Pair of heads, where the music sounds,
And as huge spider web
People I bump disappeared.
Finish Latvian by Rahvuslane English
Es redzēju sapnī
mūziku, kas apskauj puķu podu blakus vecajai mājai
Es redzu ārzemju bērna ķermeni
uguns, kuru aizsvilināja vakara kvēle
Vai tas ir bagātība?
Visi senči smejas, bet laiks gulēt, un sapnis ir beidzies
Nav svarīgi, kur karavīri skrien, acs joprojām spēlē ģitāru
Bērni velk neredzamas drēbes, es redzu mazus sikspārņus
Meitene drēbēs - baltas kā sniegs
Viņa skrien, pagriežas un pazūd.
I saw in a dream
the music, that surrounded the flower pot next to the old house
I see a child's foreign body
Is this the treasure?
All ancestors are laughing, but the time to sleep, and the dream is over.
No matter where soldiers run, the eye is still playing guitar
Children wear invisible clothes, I see small bats
The girl's clothes - white as snow
She runs, turns and disappears.
#20Discord Conlangers Relay the Sixth
StartOld Sumrë by MerchEnglish
Sụcwe Panararẹ

Sumátye, lasbbuálid lámyûm lelwepẹmyûm,
Éstye mâlémûm táres suiltása ñaclonmúsa,
Ac sótrye mâlemyụmë rạdnü,
Atónye ayosvárun mâlémûm hálrwo,
Ac sótrye mâlemyụmë lastásë mayụma,
Éstye mâlémûm týlcat!
The Song of The Whale

"Come, you creature of the wet path,
Carry us on your endless swim,
And recieve from us a purpose,
Give us breath under the surface,
And recieve from us the fruits of the land,
Carry us to *Tolc!"
Finish Old Sumrë by Merch English
Tilrwô tehacë panarëen nimat,
macuba nâ sbŕnëenmu,
dëna seḥlhâ restalgutrau taraa tilruna,
tara...artwomuar tilrwo,
ñômâ, tara, sbŕnau suba râ, uiḥhihac.
Sour berries sing to a woman
In a human's world they can't swim
Swimming's time hides under your berry
your...you reveal your berry
I run, your, it swims in language's air, and salt
#21Learn a Lang Natlang Relay 8
StartSwahili by JohnEnglish
Nimepata matokeo ya upimaji wako; bila shaka umepatwa na malaria. Nimekuandikia maelezo ya matumizi ya dawa. Meza vidonge hivi vinne, na baada ya masaa sita, meza vidonge viwili vingine. Halafu meza vidonge viwili kila siku kwa wiki nzima. Rudi hapa kama hujapata nafuu.I have your test results; without doubt you have malaria. I’ve written you a prescription. Swallow these four tablets, and after six hours take another two. Then swallow two tablets each day for a whole week. Come back here if you don’t feel any improvement.
Finish Swahili by John English
Nimeumwa mbu
Baada ya saa mbili, Nilimeza vidonge viwili
Baada ya wiki, Nilimeza vidonge kwa hatua vidonge
Ninakula kidonge kingine siku yote
I was biten by a mosquito
After two hours, I ate two pills
After a week, I ate pills and more pills
I eat another pill the whole day
#23Discord Conlangers Relay the Seventh
StartSevelian by PersephonëEnglish
Léánidas iti šieteruli šienuli tehéllenivanainas sulma mindihyimitreu, iti aundra Medivanaizmenanolli azišursuvolli. Má syei grukisoneu, aide grukanéiu no héllenivanahyilivritzyas sufskulanéiu nyuiš kanifalameu. Eteryus mindéiu, ma marayéiu yaruiš.Leonidas was zealous because of only these these men of the Hellenes* to send forth, because it had been greatly charged against them that they had Medized**: so he called them to war, wishing to know whether they would send some men or whether they would openly avoid the alliance of the Hellenes. They, though thinking other things, sent them in.
Finish Sevelian by Persephonë English
suliu valitáie grubarami
sri van hyilivranŭ, ineráie
aundra nén mež seivuen vesuleiu nainé ĭsuvéiu?
mĭnye* mež tzuci** ená, velsulyui vanen suvitzu nyiprkviš
dzéyamaraiatelyui ĭkšataiu nyiprkviš
aide kukuru vya kšatané
kukuru vya azikšaté
svuen vesuluns maraitzya važ karaitzai dayé
aide grukukuru vya kšatané?
aide dzéyamaraiateleiu nekaranéiu?
We go with them with great attention
we scream when you join me
They were saying you and themselves were not words?
I join Min and Tuti saying words to myself recently
We recently were attacking fools
Does fear attack me?
fear attacks me
self gives to the word my idea to flee
I have fought
Does great fear fight me?
The fools flee not?

What is the Relay Game

Relay is a game where people are put in an order and a "torch" is passed through the line. The torch is a message written in some language, and all grammar and vocabulary needed for understanding that message, but no translation or even gloss of the message.

Passing the torch means figuring out what the meaning of the message is, translating it into your own language, documenting only the relevant vocabulary and grammar, and sending it to the next person.

Thus the game of Relay is similar to the game of Telephone. Changes in the message are inevitable, and in fact, the whole point of the game.

Phases of a turn

Remember! Messing up the message of the text is not embarrassing, wrong nor being bad at the game! Not messing up the text is more the exception.

The Relay Clock

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