/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Just Another Relay

#12Cíhu by Ieuan

Hosuj watane titiwonáha baj maqo, so-maqo mojacá sóná titiwonáha hojiwuha qé-wasa. So-maqo futiha qé-hojiwu husakiha wasa titi jajená? Hosuj kesu hé-hojiwu baj maqo nejfoha, so-maqo nejfoha sóná qé-hojiwu. Finasuj so-maqo masiha qé-wasa fejfí, máwfija baj mojacá baj maqo, totuj so-wasa miwiqaha qé-tajiniki baj wasa.

Using your strength, you fought them using a moral spear. Did you want the fight to happen with them? When your fight began, you morally began the fight. Because you teach them, they will see their death because of your spear throw.