/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Just Another Relay

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#1Mekori by Slorany
Nat rerna newea natsko reruker sted, en bosht'arke ker newea natsko pusir. Newea eka'arke jafikero kada upnu bana ofor'arke newea kel'arke shukir meksher. Ir parsh'arke nakom, newea kshfokmuir.If you never sharpen your sword, you will never be able to cut right. You must train and train again, over a hundred times, until you are certain you will succeed. Without this mindset, you will get killed.
#2Sanukiuwe စဏုကြုဝေ by nankazz
Sanukiuwe စဏုကြုဝေEnglish
ဆဏိ မီဆေ တဏိ ကိဏူစြောဏေ ဩဏာဧး ဏာအ စော အာညဗ စိဗု၊ တဏိ ကိဏူစြောဏေ မီဆေ ဧးဏာဇ မေ။ ကြ တဏိ ဆေ့လာလေကိ စိဇေဝါဏိ ပိဝိကိတေလော အ။ တဏိ မီဆေ အဥကိ အာဆိမြ၊ တဏိ မီဆေ စေငိဆ။ တဏိ ဣလြေ့မုလိ ကိဏူစြောဏေဇိဏေ စြောဏေဏြု။

Tani mīshe tani kinūsione onāe nāa so ānheba sibu, tani kinūsione mīshe enānza me. Kia tani sherāregi sinzewāni piwigitero a! Tani mīshe auki āshimia, tani mīshe sengisha. Tani iriemuri kinūsionenzine sioneniu.
If you never use your sword for harming others, it will make your sword powerful. Frequently try to count 100 again! If you do this, you'll succeed. Without this way of thinking, you'll die.
#3jemala by Stefan
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sjad tusun bi uzkebzo miljo tusunizkaple zanjutji gazuwn ponsun, duws kaple mupjamo luwk. kesta ponjanwe minsjal u gizja keitji tusuntji ozjak! sjad tusun kestazo jawoi, tusun sjinada luwk. tusun iku tolsau lebjutamugtji juwi kapletji sle pleulja nujma.
If you will never use your sword to damage other people, make a stronger sword. Do a hundred frequently and try to count [them]! If you will do this, you will have success. You don't have the way of sword for killing yet.
#4Mnuir by Phany
Don tyuc du-nguomoc nonre-nemo, oc don tyuc da-nguocu. Nonnon omfu don-uroco nonsa cor? Don caro, oc don contyrucu. Don mo tyuc-onscuc unmocso nos.If you never use your sword for harming others, then you make it stronger. Do hundreds of people often try considering you? If you do this now, you will succeed: Find the way of the sword by killing with it.
#5Mesak by Sascha
Ko tenarnos ehitnoi mbúre tȿunot kañmesittohperkko, tétoñ zundot gindnaros. Dɀáns ñ-imesittohnys dɀányt zútyt indésnihieko iȿoɀheeko? Ko ȿoɀeo, darperepyo. Geñ inarnos núot zútot tehaȿnos: ȿykperkko.If you haven't used / don't use your sword to harm another person, then you have a strong sword. Do one hundred people often try to think of you? If you do so, then you will succede. You now know the way of the sword: to kill.
#6Proto-Suunitic by Knut
sildh dwīxn zla sarnkhi prirū ansi naw ājudun. prirā tsixā cuīpā ansi tusth? sildh mirn zla cunkhi. naw ājudun tus urkh, urkh tus naw wiñaw: tuñ.you are strong if you hurt people with your spear. Do all people think about it regularly? You succeed if you think. Your spear is time, you know time: killing.
#7Bundigeer by Bryce
Sintaar bantin kitekin gaarinät anauin. Rigaarnos anauät? Rigaartier kat een fäntigeer. Teer klintäär gaarinoi, aunoi tarigaarsin rieeti anauin: mint. You all will be strong warriors because of your spears. Do you think using them? You would think well to do so. While they time your spears, show them your thought: kill.
#8Misanü by Salp
So‘ay may ‘yahangu balünanchu ke nihirünga. Nyochine so‘ay cha? ‘Ülwa teyche. Dakwong ke dehirünga, ‘angdushoy nyelke‘uraha.“You are warriors who are strong with your spears. Can you think for yourself? If you can, that is acceptable. While they measure their spears, show them your willingness to die.”
#9Common Caber by Galen
Common CaberEnglish
Ba otgoć ơr ri ưtar ba cươc cưtar ćuư, ba soưsroc nuas. Ba ǧưm ćưa? Ba ǧưm ơ, ba madičbo ǧưm nuas. Ơr comostưtam ba cươca fe ơr ćuư, camnon ơr en bưbư en ba ǵơn nuas.
You are strong when you fight those who are skilled with the spear. Do you act? If so, you are right to. When they test their spears, show them that you will die.
#10Laqan by Gwaur
Theɱfag zhandaye, grenen brud razhm htogga. Greɱfa naqeoya qhon? Greɱfanaqefag, greɱfanaqei htogyebu. Haŋ qlemag razhd bruta, murhaen phatefa mheta, haŋ bru hphamanen mher.Yall fight them with the good spear when yall are strong. Will yall start fighting? If yall start fighting, yall'll rightly start fighting. They learn from yall that, when forcing their spears, they'll see that yall'll die.
#11Vharena by Seki
kighralarəd faanz sa, heidhəd thaanəi ta irole fii khorəm. nye ba’eil zaidəm ghir irlareni? kilorlarenəd irlarəs faanz sa, lorou thaanəye zaidəm irlari. ruita myai’e faaghəm, liee kinoovlarəm faanz kinalarəd heidhəs khars ta.In your strength, by righteous spears you all fight them. Do you all intend for them to be fought? In the beginning of your fighting, you justly begin to fight. They learn from you, by seeing you die from the throwing of their spears.
#12Cíhu by Ieuan
Hosuj watane titiwonáha baj maqo, so-maqo mojacá sóná titiwonáha hojiwuha qé-wasa. So-maqo futiha qé-hojiwu husakiha wasa titi jajená? Hosuj kesu hé-hojiwu baj maqo nejfoha, so-maqo nejfoha sóná qé-hojiwu. Finasuj so-maqo masiha qé-wasa fejfí, máwfija baj mojacá baj maqo, totuj so-wasa miwiqaha qé-tajiniki baj wasa.Using your strength, you fought them using a moral spear. Did you want the fight to happen with them? When your fight began, you morally began the fight. Because you teach them, they will see their death because of your spear throw.