/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Just Another Relay

#2Sanukiuwe စဏုကြုဝေ by nankazz
Sanukiuwe စဏုကြုဝေEnglish

ဆဏိ မီဆေ တဏိ ကိဏူစြောဏေ ဩဏာဧး ဏာအ စော အာညဗ စိဗု၊ တဏိ ကိဏူစြောဏေ မီဆေ ဧးဏာဇ မေ။ ကြ တဏိ ဆေ့လာလေကိ စိဇေဝါဏိ ပိဝိကိတေလော အ။ တဏိ မီဆေ အဥကိ အာဆိမြ၊ တဏိ မီဆေ စေငိဆ။ တဏိ ဣလြေ့မုလိ ကိဏူစြောဏေဇိဏေ စြောဏေဏြု။

Tani mīshe tani kinūsione onāe nāa so ānheba sibu, tani kinūsione mīshe enānza me. Kia tani sherāregi sinzewāni piwigitero a! Tani mīshe auki āshimia, tani mīshe sengisha. Tani iriemuri kinūsionenzine sioneniu.

If you never use your sword for harming others, it will make your sword powerful. Frequently try to count 100 again! If you do this, you'll succeed. Without this way of thinking, you'll die.


  • tani: 2pl pronoun, y’all
  • nāa: use
  • onāe: never
  • kinūsione: sword
  • ne: for/to
  • sibu: damage/harm
  • so: other
  • ānhe: person, people
  • āshimia: to cause, to do, cause
  • enānza: power, strength
  • sinzewāni: frequently, often
  • pi(no): try, attempt
  • wiki: talk, tell, say
  • wigitero: count
  • sengisha: success, triumph
  • iriemuri: without
  • au: this/that
  • we: yonder
  • -nzine: way of/path/road
  • miu: though/yet
  • sione: kill, death
  • kinū(ka): bring
  • sinze: many
  • wāni: time
  • tero: number
  • (-)muri: no, not
  • sherāre: a hundred


Sanukiuwe is an SOV, agglutinative, head-final language. It doesn’t have gender or number marking.



Verbs are invariable, but the particle gānga may be added before a verb to make it be in the past tense.


There are three moods: indicative, conditional and imperative. Indicative doesn’t require explicit marking.

For the conditional, the following construction is used:

  • English: If A B, C D.
  • Sanukiuwe: A mīshe B, C mīshe D.

For the conditional, the following construction is used:

  • English: (Do) X!
  • Sanukiuwe: Kia X a!



Nouns decline for case. There are 6 cases.

Nominative isn’t marked.

Accusative is marked either with ki or gi, depending on whether the last syllable is stressed or not.

Dative is marked either with pa or ba, depending on whether the last syllable is stressed or not.

Possesive isn’t marked on pronouns, but it is marked on other nouns. It’s marked with the particle nga which is between the possesor and what’s being possessed.

Instrumental is marked with the particle kūnie after what’s being used.