/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Learn a Lang Natlang Relay 3

#1European French by Slorany
European FrenchEnglish

Ça fait des heures que tu l'attends
T'as mal aux os, t'as mal au dos
Tu transpires, c'est pas parce qu'il fait chaud
Et tu trembles, c'est pas parce que t'as froid

You’ve been longing for him for hours,
Your bones are hurting, your back is hurting,
You are sweating, not because it’s hot,
And you’re shivering, not because it’s cold.


  • Attendre: to wait, to long for
  • Aux: contraction of “à” + “les”
  • Avoir: to have
  • Avoir mal à: to hurt (+ place where it hurts)
  • C’est: contraction of “ce” + “est”
  • Ça: demonstrative pronoun
  • Ce: demonstrative pronoun
  • Chaud: warm, hot, also used to express difficulty
  • Des: indefinite plural article
  • Dos: Back (anatomy), back of something
  • Est: 3rd person (singular) of the verb “être”, to be
  • Et: used to concatenate several elements into a list
  • Faire: to make, to do
  • Froid: cold, aloof, distant
  • Heures: hours
  • L’: contracted form of “le” or “la”, singular definite articles (le = masc, la = fem)
  • Les: plural of “le” or “la”
  • Mal: (adjective) bad, (noun) evil
  • Os: bones
  • Parce que: indicates motive or reason
  • Pas: indicates negation, similar to “not”
  • Qu’: contraction of “que”
  • Que: relative pronoun
  • T’: contraction of “tu”
  • Transpirer: to sweat, to perspire
  • Trembler: to shake, to shiver, to shudder, to quake, to tremble
  • Tu: personal pronoun, second person, singular


Mostly SVO.

French conjugations (singular)

  • 1st person ends in -e or -s
  • 2nd person ends in -s
  • 3rd person ends in -t

Relative clauses are often indicated by a relative pronoun (european french is NOT pro-drop at all, contrary to Québec french) and sometimes also separated from the main clause by a comma, although commas are also used to indicate concatenation and lists of elements.

Note: this text is poetry so accurate punctuation may not be present.