/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Learn a Lang Natlang Relay 4

#5Norwegian Nynorsk by yoshi
Norwegian NynorskEnglish

Universet er ganske stort.
Eg flyg overalt, og eg rører alt.
To augo finn deg. Dei finn alt som dei ser, og dei feirar det, og dei sukkar.
Eg vil elska alt og ha alt, og eg vil kunna gjera alt straks.
Uansett landskapet som eg bur i, er det ikkje nok. Den store verda fylgjer deg overalt.

The universe is very large.
I fly everywhere, and I touch everything.
Two eyes find you. They find all that they see, and they celebrate it, and they sigh.
I want to love everything and have everything, and I want to be able to create everything now.
Regardless of the landscape that I live in, it's not enough. The great world follows you everywhere.



  • å bu - to live, to reside
  • å elska - to love
  • å feira - to celebrate
  • å finna - to find
  • å flyga - to fly
  • å fylgja - to follow
  • å gjera - to make, to do
  • å ha - to have
  • å kunna - to be able to, to have competency in something
  • å røra - to touch
  • å sjå - to see
  • å sukka - to sigh
  • å vera - to be
  • å vilja - to want, to will


  • alt - everything (neuter form of all)
  • auga - eye (neuter)
  • deg - second person singular object pronoun
  • dei - third person plural subject and object pronoun
  • den - generally "the," determiner for masculine and feminine nouns
  • det - generally "it" or "that," can also mean "the," determiner and pronoun for neuter nouns
  • eg - first person singular subject pronoun
  • landskap - landscape (neuter)
  • som - connects a noun phrase with phrase that tells something more about it or what it does
  • to - two
  • univers - universe (neuter)
  • verd - world (feminine)


  • ganske - very
  • ikkje - not
  • nok - enough, sufficient
  • overalt - everywhere
  • stor - large, great
  • straks - now, immediately
  • uansett - regardless


  • og - and


  • i - in


Norwegian is a SVO language with V2 word order being the main rule for structuring sentences. Among other situations, this comes into play when a dependent clause stands first in the sentence. The dependent clause will be in the first position, then the finite verb will be in the second position. For example:

  • Eg kan forsikra deg at bilen var rask.
  • I can assure you that the car was fast.
  • At bilen var rask, kan eg forsikra deg.
  • That the car was fast, I can assure you.

Verbs that follow modal helping verbs, in any tense, are in the infinitive form. These modal helping verbs include _å ha_ (to have), _å vilja_ (to want), _å kunna_ (to be able to), etc.

"Å" is the infinitive marker.

Nouns in Norwegian Nynorsk have (usually) one of three grammatical genders: masculine, feminine, or neuter. Each category has its own articles and declensions. Various suffixes form these declensions. Adjectives and determiners are declined for gender and number, with -e usually used in conjunction with plural quantities and for definite forms (explained below). In line with the noun declensions below, most adjectives use some form of a -t suffix for neuter nouns.

Lastly, there is a feature of Norwegian referred to as the "double definite." When describing a specific object or set of object, you use the definite forms of the adjective and noun. To speak of the fast car above, we'd say, _den raske bilen_ (the fast car).

Standard noun declensions


  • ein vegg - a wall
  • veggen - the wall
  • veggar - walls
  • veggane - the walls


  • ei gate - a street
  • gata - the street
  • gater - streets
  • gatene - the streets


  • eit språk - a language
  • språket - the language
  • språk - languages
  • språka - the languages

Standard verb conjugations (the first two are weak, the third strong)

  • å putta - to put
  • puttar - puts/am putting
  • putta - put
  • har putta - has put
  • å laupa - to run
  • lauper - runs/am running
  • laupte - ran
  • har laupt - has run
  • å finna - to find
  • finn - finds/am finding
  • fann - found
  • har funne - has found

Non-standard inflections

  • eit auga - an eye
  • augo - eyes
  • å kunna - to be able to, to have competency in something
  • kan - can, has/have competency in something
  • å sjå - to see
  • ser - see/sees
  • å vera - to be
  • er - am/are
  • å vilja - to want, to will
  • vil - want/wants, will/wills