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#1Colloquial Cantonese by Psyk
Colloquial CantoneseEnglish
你宇宙真闊 我翅膀飛 到處都碰到你
兩眼捕捉你 看見甚麼 看到歡呼嘆氣
甚麼都想即愛即有 甚麼都可即演即奏
甚麼風光都看不夠 地廣天高跟你去到處走
Your universe is really spacious, I fly with my wings and am able to touch you wherever I am.
I can see you with my two eyes. Whatever I see, I cheer and sigh.
I want to have anything I love instantly, I can perform anything.
I haven't seen enough scenery. I follow you everywhere in this vast world.
#2Swiss German by Sascha Baer
Swiss GermanEnglish
Dis Universum isch huara gross. Mini Flügl flügen überall hi und könn di berüara.
Zwai Auga fangen di. Si gfinden alles woni gsen, so dassi jubla und süfza.
I möchti alles liaba und ha und i kann alles sofort macha.
Egal was für a Landschaft i gsen isch au nit gnuag, dia risig Welt folgt diar überall hi.
Your Universe is very big. My wings fly everywhere and can touch you.
Two eyes catch you. They find everything I see, so that I cheer and sigh.
I would like to love and have everything and I can do everything immediately.
No matter what landscape I see, it's not enough, the giant world follows you everywhere.
#3Esperanto by Kimura
Via universo estas tre granda. Mi flugas ĉie kaj povas tuŝi ĉio.
Du okuloj perceptas vin. Ili perceptas ĉion ili vidas, kaj aplaŭdegi kaj suspiri.
Mi desiras ami kaj havi ĉio, kaj povas agi ĉio tuj.
Tutegale kio pejzaĝo mi vidas, ne estas sufiĉa, via giganta mundo postiras vin ĉie.
Your universe is very big. I fly everywhere and can touch all.
Two eyes find you. They find everything they see, and cheer and sigh.
I want to love and have everything, and can do everything immediately.
No matter what landscape I see, it is not enough, your giant world follows you everywhere.
#4French by Chill Fruit
L'universe est très grand.
Je vole partout et je touche tout.
Deux eyes te trouvent. Ils trouvent tout ce qu'ils voient, et ils se réjouissent et ils soupirent.
Je veux tout aimer et tout avoir, et je veux pouvoir tout faire immediatement.
Qu'importe le paysage dans lequel je vis, ce n'est pas assez; le monde géant te suis partout.
The universe is very big.
I fly everywhere and touch everything.
Two eyes find you. They find everything they see, and cheer and sigh.
I want to love and to have everything, and be able to do to everything immediately.
No matter what landscape I live in, it's not enough, the giant world follows you everywhere.
#5Norwegian Nynorsk by yoshi
Norwegian NynorskEnglish
Universet er ganske stort.
Eg flyg overalt, og eg rører alt.
To augo finn deg. Dei finn alt som dei ser, og dei feirar det, og dei sukkar.
Eg vil elska alt og ha alt, og eg vil kunna gjera alt straks.
Uansett landskapet som eg bur i, er det ikkje nok. Den store verda fylgjer deg overalt.
The universe is very large.
I fly everywhere, and I touch everything.
Two eyes find you. They find all that they see, and they celebrate it, and they sigh.
I want to love everything and have everything, and I want to be able to create everything now.
Regardless of the landscape that I live in, it's not enough. The great world follows you everywhere.
#6Spanish by 81cheney
El universo es muy grande. Yo vuelo a cada locación y toco cada cosa. Te encuentro con mis ojos. Encuentro cada cosa cuando miramos a tu, y tu celebrado, hay azúcar. Quiero amar todo y quiero ser capaz de hacer todo. Independientemente el paisaje de el universo es bonito. El gran mundo diferente, pero podemos triunfo.The universe is very large. I fly to every location and I touch everything. I found you with my eyes. I found everything when we saw you, and you celebrated. I want to love all and I want to be capable of doing everything. Regardless, the scenery of the universe is beautiful. The large earth is different, but we can triumph.
#7Latvian by Orbacle
Visums ir ļoti liels. Es lidoju katrā vietā un pieskaros katrai lietai. Es atrodu tevi ar manām acīm. Es atrodu visu, kad es skatos uz tevi, un tu svin, tur ir cukurs. Es gribu mīlēt visu un es gribu būt spējīgs darīt visu. Neskatoties uz to, Visuma ainava ir skaista. Lielā pasaule ir atšķirīga, bet mēs varam triumfēt.The Universe is very large. I fly to every place and touch every thing. I find you with my eyes. I find every thing when we look at you, and you celebrate, there is sugar. I want to love everything and I want to be capable of doing everything. Regardless, the scenery of the Universe is beautiful. The grand world is different, but we can triumph
#8Southern Sámi by protondor
Southern SámiEnglish
Eatneme sagki stoerre. Manne gaajhkene lehkesne haelehtem jïh gaajhkem gaajesjem. Manne datnem gaavnem mov tjilmide meatan. Manne gaajhkem gaavnem gosse datnem vuajnam, jïh datne aavodh, dagkoe lea dïjnehke. Manne sïjhtem iehtsedh gaajhkem jïh sïjhtem maehtedh gaajhkem daajhtodh. Læjhkan eatneme tjååbpehke. Stoere eatneme ovmessie, mohte månnoeh maehtien vitnedh.The world is very large. I fly everywhere and touch everything. I find you with my eyes. I find everything when I see you, and you rejoice, there is sugar. I want to love everything and want to be able to do everything. Nevertheless the world is beautiful. The vast world is different, but the two of us can overcome.
#9Zulu by Smashhoof
Umhlaba mkhulu kakhulu. Ngiyandiza nxazonke futhi ngithinta konke. Ngikuthola ngamehlo ami. Ngithola konke ngesikhathi ngikubona, futhi uyenama; kukhona ushukela. Ngifuna ukuthanda konke futhi ngifuna ukwazi ukwenza konke. Kanti, umhlaba uyababazeka. Umhlaba omkhulu wahlukile, kodwa sazi ukunqoba.The world is very big. I fly everywhere and touch everything. I find you with my eyes. I find everything when I see you, and you rejoice; there is sugar. I want to love everything and I want to be able to do everything. Nevertheless, the world is beautiful. The big world is different, but we can triumph.
#10Spanish by roguecit
La Tierra es inmensamente grande. Vuelo a todas partes y toco todo. Encuentro mis ojos. Encuentro todo cuando miro, y también tú te regocijas; ahí hay azúcar. Quiero amar todo y amar saber hacer todo. Después de todo, planeta Tierra, tú eres admirable. La Tierra tiene una gran diferencia, pero yo sé cómo vencer.The Earth is enormously big. I fly everywhere and touch everything. I find my eyes. I find everything when I look, and you too rejoice; there is sugar there. I want to love everything and love knowing how to do everything. After all, planet Earth, you’re remarkable. The Earth has a great difference, but I know how to conquer.
#11Colloquial Cantonese by Psyk
Colloquial CantoneseEnglish
The world is immensely large. I fly to everywhere and touch everything. I find my eyes.
I find everything while looking, and you also rejoice. There is sugar. I want to love everything and to love to know and make everything. After everything, the planet world, you are admirable. The world has a large difference, nevertheless I know how to win.