/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Learn a Lang Natlang Relay 4

#2Swiss German by Sascha Baer
Swiss GermanEnglish

Dis Universum isch huara gross. Mini Flügl flügen überall hi und könn di berüara.
Zwai Auga fangen di. Si gfinden alles woni gsen, so dassi jubla und süfza.
I möchti alles liaba und ha und i kann alles sofort macha.
Egal was für a Landschaft i gsen isch au nit gnuag, dia risig Welt folgt diar überall hi.

Your Universe is very big. My wings fly everywhere and can touch you.
Two eyes catch you. They find everything I see, so that I cheer and sigh.
I would like to love and have everything and I can do everything immediately.
No matter what landscape I see, it's not enough, the giant world follows you everywhere.


alles det everything
au adv also
Aug n-neut eye
berüara v-them to touch
du prn you (singular, informal)
dis adj your (singular, informal)
egal conj no matter
fanga v-them to catch
flüga v-them to fly
Flügl n-masc wing
folga v-them to follow
für prep for
gfinda v-them to find
gnuag adj enough
gross adj big
gse v-ath to see
ha v-ath to have
hi post to
huara adv very
i prn I
jubla v-them to cheer
könna v-mod to be able to, can
Landschaft n-fem landscape
liaba v-them to love
macha v-them to do, make
mis adj my
möchti 1st or 3rd person singular irrealis of möga "to want"
nit adv not
risig adj giant
si v-irr to be
si prn they
so dass conj so that
sofort adv instantly, immediately
süfza v-them to sigh
überall det everywhere
und conj and
Universum n-neut universe
was prn what
Welt n-fem world
wo prn where, introduces relative clause
zwai adj two


In terms of sentence wide word order, Swiss German is very much like other Germanic languages:

  • In subordinate clauses, the predicate (verb) is final
  • In main clauses, the predictate is split up: the conjugated part comes in second position, the rest at the end
    • The first position may be filled with a noun phrase ("the man", "you"), an adverb or a subordinate clause

In noun phrases, the noun generally comes at the end, preceded by adjectives, possessors or articles and prepositions. However, in this text, the postposition "hi" occurs, which follows the noun phrase.

Nouns appear in three noun classes: Masculine, Neuter and Feminine. These demand the use of different forms on adjectives, possessives and articles modifying them. The noun classes are only distinguished in the singular.

Nouns have different plural forms. The plural forms of the nouns in the lexicon are, in order: Auga, Flügl, Landschafta, Universa, Welta

Nouns and pronouns also appear in different grammatical cases. For nouns and things modifying them, there are only two cases: a nominative/accusative case and a dative case. In pronouns, however, nominative and accusative remain distinct, so there are three cases there.

The pronouns occuring in the text take the following forms:


The pronoun "i" often attaches to the word preceding it if it's unstressed. In this case, preceding consonants are geminated (doubled). If the preceding word ends in a vowel, an -n- is inserted. (While other pronouns undergo similar processes, these don't occur in the text and will be ignored here)

The indefinite article takes the following forms:


The definite article takes the following forms:


"da" is used after prepositions, "dr" elsewhere
"d'" is used when directly preceding the noun, "dia" elsewhere

The possessive adjectives "mis" and "dis" inflect as follows:


Verbs can be subdivided into four classes: thematic, athematic, modal and irregular. These classes determine the endings a verb takes on.
Verbs inflect for person, number and to some extent for tense/aspect/mood (mostly mood). Only a single non-indicative form occurs in this text: the irrealis. The irrealis is roughly used like "would X" in English, though it has other uses (such as for conditional statements). No inflection for tense/aspect other than the present simple occurs in the text. The present simple is rather vague in meaning and is probably best described as a generic non-past tense.
To inflect a verb, take off the infinitive ending -a (on thematic and modal verbs) and add the appropriate endings. Athematic verbs don't have an infinitive ending, so just add the endings right away. There are three distinct endings for the singular persons, and a single ending for all plural persons.
When inflecting a verb, the stressed (first) vowel may change. This is somewhat unpredictable, but the infinitve is always identical to the plural forms.
