/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Learn a Lang Natlang Relay 4

#1Colloquial Cantonese by Psyk
Colloquial CantoneseEnglish

你宇宙真闊 我翅膀飛 到處都碰到你
兩眼捕捉你 看見甚麼 看到歡呼嘆氣
甚麼都想即愛即有 甚麼都可即演即奏
甚麼風光都看不夠 地廣天高跟你去到處走

Your universe is really spacious, I fly with my wings and am able to touch you wherever I am.
I can see you with my two eyes. Whatever I see, I cheer and sigh.
I want to have anything I love instantly, I can perform anything.
I haven't seen enough scenery. I follow you everywhere in this vast world.