/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Learn a Lang Natlang Relay 4

#8Southern Sámi by protondor
Southern SámiEnglish

Eatneme sagki stoerre. Manne gaajhkene lehkesne haelehtem jïh gaajhkem gaajesjem. Manne datnem gaavnem mov tjilmide meatan. Manne gaajhkem gaavnem gosse datnem vuajnam, jïh datne aavodh, dagkoe lea dïjnehke. Manne sïjhtem iehtsedh gaajhkem jïh sïjhtem maehtedh gaajhkem daajhtodh. Læjhkan eatneme tjååbpehke. Stoere eatneme ovmessie, mohte månnoeh maehtien vitnedh.

The world is very large. I fly everywhere and touch everything. I find you with my eyes. I find everything when I see you, and you rejoice, there is sugar. I want to love everything and want to be able to do everything. Nevertheless the world is beautiful. The vast world is different, but the two of us can overcome.


  • aavoedidh - to rejoice (with umlaut: stem oe -> o)
  • dagkoe - there
  • datne - you (sg)
  • daajhtodh - to do, to make
  • dïjnehke - sugar
  • eatneme - world
  • gaajhke - every, all
  • gaajesjidh - to touch
  • gaavnedh - to find
  • gosse - when
  • haeliehtidh - to fly (with umlaut: stem ie -> e)
  • iehtsedh - to love
  • jïh - and
  • lea - to be (can be dropped when used with a predicate adjective)
  • lehkie - place (with umlaut: stem ie -> e)
  • læjhkan - nevertheless
  • manne - I
  • maehtedh - to be able to (with umlaut: stem ae -> aa)
  • meatan - with
  • mohte - but
  • mov - my
  • månnoeh - we (dual)
  • ovmessie - different
  • sagki - very
  • sïjhtedh - to want
  • stoere (pred. form stoerre) - big
  • tjaebpies (pred. form tjååbpehke) - beautiful
  • tjelmie - eye (with umlaut: stem e -> i)
  • vitnedh - overcome, win, triumph
  • vuejnedh - to see (with umlaut: stem ue -> ua)

Basic grammar notes

Southern Sami is SOV, and uses postpositions rather than prepositions. Adjectives have separate predicative (e.g. "the house is white") and attributive (e.g. "the white house") forms, but the forms are not always predictable so I've noted the predicative form after the attributive form in the dictionary. (If I haven't, then the attributive and predicative forms are the same.) Nouns inflect for a lot of cases, but I've listed the relevant ones below. Some forms of nouns and verbs trigger umlaut in certain forms, where one of the stem vowels changes. I've noted the stem vowel change of everything affected by umlaut.

Noun and pronoun inflections:

sg pl
nom -0 -h
acc -m -ide
gen -n -i
singular nounpronounplural noun
inessive-sne, -isnie-ne-bisnie

Verb inflections (present indicative only):


infinitive: -edh, -idh, -odh