/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Learn a Lang Natlang Relay 6

#2Romanian by Stefan

Iubirea este o pasăre rebelă
Pe care nimeni nu poate s-o îmblânzească.
Și este în zadar s-o chemăm
Dacă îi convine să refuze.
Iubirea este fiul boemului,
Nu este niciodată cunoscută legii.
Dacă tu nu mă iubești, eu te voi iubi.
Dacă eu te iubesc, eu te voi veghea!

Love is a rebel bird
whom nobody can tame.
And it's in vain calling it
If it wishes to refuse.
Love is the bohemian's son,
it is never known to the law.
If you don't love me, I'll love you.
If I love you, I'll protect you!


  • nouns
    • iubire -> FEM :: {"love"}
    • pasăre -> FEM :: {"bird"}
    • zadar -> NEUT :: {"vain"}
    • fiu -> MASC :: {"child, son"}
    • boem -> MASC :: {"bohemian"}
    • lege -> FEM :: {"law"}
  • verbs
  • fi -> IRREG, INTR :: {"to be"}
    • putea -> II, TR :: {"to can, to be able to"}
    • chema -> I, TR :: {"to call (in/up)"}
    • iubi -> IV, TR :: {"to love"}
    • îmblânzi -> IV, TR :: {"to tame"}
    • refuza -> I, TR :: {"to refuse, to not accept"}
    • conveni -> IV, TR :: {"to suit, be okay with"}
    • veghea -> I, INTR :: {"be awake, take care of s.o./smth, to watch"}
  • adjectives
    • rebel :: {"rebel"}
    • cunoscut :: {"known"}
  • conjunctions
    • să :: {"~ to, more on it later"}
    • dacă :: {"if"}
    • și :: {"and"}
  • prepositions
    • în :: {"in"}
  • adverbs
    • niciodată :: {"never"}
    • care :: {"which, that, ... (more on it later)"}
  • pronouns
    • ea -> III, SG, FEM :: {"she"}
    • eu -> I, SG :: {"I"}
    • tu -> II, SG :: {"you"}
    • nimeni -> NEG :: {"nobody"}

This should be about it for the lexicon.


Romanian is an almost run-of-the-mill Eastern Romance language (>implying there would be other E.R. languages), but anyway...
It is mostly SVO, except when having our wonderful object pronoun before the verb (French much?)
Romanian is uncommon amongst the Romance languages first because of the Slavic flavour, second because it has case endings, and third because it has enclitic articles, which obviously can also combine with the case endings, and also because the verb changes itself, sometimes with no pattern at all, if there's a pattern somewhere for the verbs, please call me, but in the meanwhile I'll try to make SOME patterns.

K so here we go boiiiii...


We have 2 kinds of articles: definite and indefinite. The indefinite ones come before the noun, and the definite ones come after it. Here's the indefinite article, in all cases and genders (- neuter because why):

NOM-ACC:un unii o unele
GEN-DAT: unui unor unei unor

There's also niște, but eh.

And the definite articles, be ready:


If masculine and ending in a consonant: + 'ul' (sg)
If masculine and ending in a vowel: + 'le'
If feminine: + 'a'
If last letter of feminine word 'ă': ă > a
If last letter of feminine word 'e' and preceded by consonant: + 'a'
If last letter of feminine word 'e' and preceded by vowel: 'e' > 'a'
For some words ending in 'ea' > + 'ua'
If neuter and ends in consonant: + 'ul'
If neuter and ends in 'e': + 'le'


If masculine: the plural of the [] + 'i'
If feminine or neuter: plural form of [] + 'le'

Easy, wasn't it?

Be warned though, the 'o' in 'o pasăre' IS DIFFERENT from that same 'o' in 's-o chemăm'.
Speaking of that, let's talk abooooooout:


So, first, as you've seen, 'fi' is irregular, so here's the chart of the common tenses we use, cuz I'm not going to list them all, if you look at the chart you might help me not make an explanation on 'să' :)

* FI *:

Infinitive: (a) fi
Participle: fost
Gerund: fiind
Imperative (SG, PL): fii!, fiți!


  • sunt, îs
  • ești
  • este, e, îi
  • suntem
  • sunteți
  • sunt, îs

Present conjunctive (same as above):

  • să fiu
  • să fii
  • să fie
  • să fim
  • să fiți
  • să fie


  • eram
  • erai
  • era
  • eram
  • erați
  • erau


  • voi fi
  • vei fi
  • va fi
  • vom fi
  • veți fi
  • vor fi

So basically, for imperfect:

  • PART + -(am/ai/a/am/ați/au)

For future:

  • voi/vei/va/vom/veți/vor + the infinitive (- a)

Not sure on the subjonctive, but it has să, so most of the times you can be 100% it's the subjonctive mood.

As you might have noticed, nu is like the english 'no' or in the context of verbs, 'not'.
And thus, in the case of 'nimeni nu poate', we have that sweet double negation going on that's mandatory in romanian. :v


oh boi
here we go
We have 5 cases: nominative, accusative, genitive, dative and vocative. The vocative isn't found here, fortunately. :)
These are commonly grouped as nominative-accusative and genitive-dative, since morphologically they are the same form. (in the latter case it's the personal pronouns that are making the difference). Taking the nouns 'băiat' (meaning boy), 'mamă' (mom) and 'ou' (egg), here are all of the forms of the noun when having the definite article:

'băiat' > MASC
'mamă' > FEM
'ou' > NEUT


NOM-ACC băiatul băieții
GEN-DAT băiatului băieților


NOM-ACCmama mame
GEN-DAT mamei mamelor


NOM-ACC oul ouăle
GEN-DAT oului ouălor

I hope you could somehow get the ending out of there
And now for the pronouns:
At nominative (SG - PL pairs):

eu - noi
tu - voi
el - ei
ea - ele

At accusative (unstressed forms, since those are the most used imo):
mă - ne
te - vă
îl - îi
o - le

Dative (stressed-unstressed forms as well):
mie-îmi - nouă-ne
ție-îți - vouă-vă
lui-îi - lor-le
ei-îî - lor-le

At genitive:
um, um, it's complex
we have to keep in count both the possessor and the possessed
and um, we have no genitive here, phew

Reflexive pronouns:

mă-ne îmi/mie-ne/nouă
te-vă îți/ție-vă/vouă
se îți/sieși (no one uses this one)

Oh, and also adjective can take case endings.
Well, um, what should I say?
Koloku, I'm really wishing you this one.