//$getstoseeall is the IP address who gets to see the hidden relays as well. $getstoseeall = ''; //$prefix is a prefix attached to every username. For example, for Reddit //communities, the prefix would be /u/. $prefix = ''; //$danger is to warn users of an ongoing reprogramming situation and a prospect //of bugs $danger = 0; //$danger = 1; if ($danger == 0) { error_reporting(0); } //the next variables are texts to show when some piece of information is missing $nolang = '?'; $noby = '?'; $notext = '(text not entered)'; $notransl = '(translation not entered)'; $nogloss = '(gloss not entered)'; $noglossary = '(glossary not entered)'; $nogrammar = '(grammar not entered)'; $noipa = '(no IPA entered)';
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#8 | Latin by Bonzi | |
Latin | English | |
Amor sicut avis in disordine est. Nemo potest decipere tranquillum cor. Si tempus cedit omnem solutioni, non eRIT bene iam. Amor sicut infans ab Bohemia est, legem nunquam non oboediet. Si amabas, me ames, si me abamas vere, volo quia sis adiutor meum. | Love is like a bird at mess. Nobody is able to disappoint the heart at rest. If time passes all solutions, it wants to end to be okay. Love is like a child from Bohemia, It will never follow the law. If you loved, you would love, if you truly loved me, I would like you to be my support. | |
The word order is SOV or SVO. The nouns and the adjectives have a declension (the cases) and 3 genders (masculine, feminine, neuter). I mainly used the nominative and the accusative, plus a bit of ablative. There are also different declensions in which are classed the nouns, such as the first, the second, the third and the fourth declensions. I’ll give you a table of the third declension. For ‘’consonant stem’’:
For neuter nouns:
Please take note that that there can be consonant changes, such as an added consonant or just one that replaces another in order for the declension to work. The adjectives also have their own declensions. I’ll give you the table of the second and the third declensions. SECOND DECLENSION Singular
VERBS There are also different kinds of conjugation, with the same tenses you can see in the other Romance languages. Latin also has four declensions, like with the nouns and the adjectives, but also an irregular declension. Coincidentally, only three of the verbs here are not irregular, which are amare and oboedire and cedere. You’ll also see that I don’t use personal pronouns, as they are not needed. The verbs give out the person and the number of the subject. Also, I gave two verb forms, because the verbs are generally designated by the first person singular (in the parenthesis) rather than by the infinitive. Here are the conjugations you’ll need for the irregular verbs. I think you’ll be able to find out how the regular verbs work (they finish with the same letters). sum, esse, fuī — to be, existIndicative mood
Subjunctive mood
possum, posse, potuī — to be able, canIndicative mood
Conjugation of the verb ‘’to love’’ Indivative