/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Learn a Lang Natlang Relay 7

#11Brazilian Portuguese by Chill Fruit
Brazilian PortugueseEnglish

Os velhos prédios escondem música nas flores;
passo por eles como se estivesse em um sonho.
O fogo brilhante aquece o crepúsculo, e vê através de belas mascáras.
É esse o tesouro?
O povo novamente parece como os contos de fada,
sorrindo, vão contemplar na escuridão.
Onde os soldados correm rápido, o fruto do violão grita,
as crianças carregam roupas invisiveis
e me movo adeptamente com pequenos morcegos.
As roupas das garotas vão com a massa dos pães,
como uma rede;
Ele chega espiralando, disaparecendo!

The old buildings hide music in flowers;
I pass by them as if I were on a dream.
The brilliant fire warms the twilight, and sees through pretty masks.
Is that the treasure?
The people once again resemble fairy-tales,
smiling, they go contemplate in the darkness.
Where the soldiers run fast, the fruit of the guitar shouts,
and I adeptly move with small bats.
The girls' clothes go with breads' doughs, like a net.
It arrives spiraling, disappearing!


a, o art feminine and masculine definite articles respectively. -s plural.
através prp through
com prp with
como prp as, like
de, do, da prp stablishes a connection, generally of posession or origin much like a genitive, between two words.
de + o -> do
de + a -> da
De does not have a plural, do and da have the same plural ending as the articles.
e con and
em, na, no prp in, on, at
em + a -> na
em + o -> no
Em does not have a plural, no and na have the same plural ending as the articles.
por prp stablishes a connection between two word, possibly of cause, time, space, mode among others.
se con if
um, uma art feminine and masculine indefinite articles respectively. -s plural.


ela, ele pro she and he respectively
esse pro that
me pro reflexive first person pronoun


adeptamente adv adeptly
bela adj beautiful, pretty. -s plural.
brilhante adj shiny, brilliant. -s plural.
invisível adj invisible
novamente adv again, once more
onde adv where
pequeno adj small, tiny. -s plural.
rápido adj fast. -s plural.
velho adj old. -s plural.


aquecer verb to heat
carregar verb to carry
chegar verb to arrive
contemplar verb to contemplate
correr verb to run
disaparecer verb to disappear
esconder verb to hide
espiralar verb to spiral
estar verb to be, alienable quality - irregular
gritar verb to scream, to shout
ir verb to go - irregular
mover verb to move
parecer verb to look like, to resemble
passar verb to pass
ser verb to be, inalienable quality - irregular
sorrir verb to smile
ver verb to see, to watch - irregular


contos de fada noun fairy tales
crepúsculo noun twilight. -s plural
criança noun kid, child. -s plural
escuridão noun darkness. -ões plural
flor noun flower. -es plural
fogo noun fire. -s plural
fruto noun fruit. -s plural
garota noun girl. -s plural
mascára noun mask. -s plural
massa noun dough. -s plural
morcego noun bat (animal). -s plural
música noun music. -s plural
povo noun people.
prédio noun building. -s plural
pão noun bread. -ães plural
rede noun net, hammock. -s plural
roupa noun clothes. -s plural
soldado noun soldier. -s plural
sonho noun dream. -s plural
tesouro noun treasure. -s plural
violão noun guitar. -s plural


Portuguese is an SVO Romance Language, with two genders - masculine and feminine.
Masculine words tend to end with -o, while feminine words tend to end with -a.
Adjectives usually come after their nouns or noun phrases. (ball red, not red ball).

Verbs are divided in three groups, each with its own conjugating paradigm.

  • The first group, ending in -ar
  • The second group, ending in -er or -or
  • The third group, ending in -ir

The text presents three tenses, the present, the present participle and the imperfective preterite subjunctive - the latter of which is only present in one verb on the text:

estivesse - the first person singular imperfect preterite subjunctive of the verb estar

Other irregular verbs found on the text were:

  • é - the third person singular present of the verb ser
  • vão - the third person plural present of the verb ir
  • vê - the third person singular present of the verb ver

The present participle can be constructed by the following manner:

  • verb-ar -> verb-ando
  • verb-er -> verb-endo
  • verb-ir -> verb-indo

The present tense can be conjugated according to the following paradigm


1S -> Eu verb-o
2S -> Tú verb-as* (archaic in Brazilian Portuguese, being replaced by the more common Tú / Você verb-a)
3S -> Ele(a) verb-a
1P -> Nós verb-amos
2P -> Vós verb-ais (archaic in Brazilian Portuguese, being replaced by the more common Vocês verb-am)
3P -> Eles(as) verb-am


1S -> Eu verb-o
2S -> Tú verb-es* (archaic in Brazilian Portuguese, being replaced by the more common Tú / Você verb-e)
3S -> Ele(a) verb-e
1P -> Nós verb-emos
2P -> Vós verb-eis (archaic in Brazilian Portuguese, being replaced by the more common Vocês verb-em)
3P -> Eles(as) verb-em


1S -> Eu verb-o
2S -> Tú verb-es* (archaic in Brazilian Portuguese, being replaced by the more common Tú / Você verb-e)
3S -> Ele(a) verb-e
1P -> Nós verb-imos
2P -> Vós verb-is (archaic in Brazilian Portuguese, being replaced by the more common Vocês verb-em)
3P -> Eles(as) verb-em