/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Learn a Lang Natlang Relay 7

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#1Latvian by Rahvuslane
Ai, šī pilsēta! Dziesmas un lauri
Viņas kaunu un daiļumu sedz.
Atkal gāju kā sapnī tai cauri
Raibā naktī, kad ugunis dedz.
Tumsā redzēju izkārtnes laistas:
Lūdzu, lūdzu, te - manta, kas vērts!
Tumsā sejas kā pasakā skaistas,
Garām aizejot, smaidīja - pērc!
Lepni kareivji soļoja taktī,
Smēja fleitas, un stenēja bass;
Skrandains puišelis, slēpdamies naktī,
Klusi laidās kā sikspārnis mazs.
Balta meitene vērās kā mīklā
Pāri galvām, kur mūzika skan,
Un kā milzīgā zirnekļa tīklā
Ļaužu mutulī nozuda man.
Oh, this city! Songs and laurels
Her shame and beauty bear.
Again I went through it as in a dream
Spotted at night, when the fire burned.
Darkness saw signs placed on:
Please, please, here - the property that's worth it!
Dark face like a fairy tale beautiful,
Miss leaving, smiled - buy!
Proud soldiers marching stroke,
Laughing flute, bass and groaned;
Ragged kid, hiding at night,
Silently as the bat flew low.
White girl into consideration as a batter
Pair of heads, where the music sounds,
And as huge spider web
People I bump disappeared.
#2Sranan Tongo by John
Sranan TongoEnglish
Ai, Disi foto! Den singi nanga den bronki
Syen nanga moi fu en kafti en
Agen, Mi ben go abra dat' leki ini wan dreng
Ini a alakondre neti, di den faya ben brong
Ini a dungru, mi ben shi brenki tapun fu fesi
Tangitangi, tangitangi, dya - disi gudu - fa warti?
Ini a dungru, den fesi leki ini den anansitori moi
Waka psa, lafufesi - Bai!
Den bigimemre skotriki waka lekti
Den froyti dat' ben lafufesi, èn den gitara dat' ben dyeme
Wan prit'priti pikin, kibri ini a neti,
frei safri leki wan pikin fremusu
Wan weti umapikin tyari leki lalabrede
Klari den ede, pe den poku prei
èn leki ini a bigi nesi fu anansi
Den sma ini a draikolku kisi futu
Ah, this city! Songs and laurels(lit. flowers)
Her shame and beaty cover her(lit. of her cover her, thats how sranan works :p)
Again, I went throught that as in a dream
In the multicolored night, when fires burned
In the darkness, I saw shiny masks(masks lit. Cover of face)
Please please, here - this property - what worth?
In the darkness, faces like in beautiful fairytales(workaround word, sranan doesn't have fairytales, lit. Fable)
Passing by, smiling - Buy!!!
Proud soldiers march tactfully(Sranan doesn't have a word for tactfully, so easily was used in place)
Smiling flutes, and groaning bass
A Tattered kid, hiding in the night,
Quietly flying like a small bat
A white girl handles matters like dough
over heads, where music sounds(lit. plays, had to work around again)
and like in a huge spider web
People in the swirl(eddy) disappeared from me(Kisi futu is an idiom when something disappears)
#3European French by Aimely
European FrenchEnglish
Ah, cette ville ! La chanson des fleurs,
La honte et la beauté la couvre.
Encore je la traversai comme j'étais dans un rêve
De la nuit multicolore, quand les feus brûlaient
Dans l'obscurité, je vis des masques brillants.
« S'il vous plaît, s'il vous plaît!
Voici ces biens, combien valent-ils? »
Dans l'obscurité, les visages comme un beau conte de fée
Promènent, sourient, et achètent!
Les soldats fiers marchent facilement.
Les flûtes sourient, les basses gémissent.
Un gamin vêtu de chiffon, se cachant dans la nuit,
Vole doucement comme une jeune chauve-souris;
Une fille en blanc le manipule comme de la pâte.
Au-dessus les chansons jouent
Comme dans le nid d'araignée;
Les gens des tourbillons disparaissent.
Ah, this city! The song of flowers,
Shame and its beauty cover it.
Again I went through it like I was in a dream
Of the multicolored night, when the fires burned.
In the darkness, I saw shiny masks.
"Please, please!"
"These goods here, how much are they worth?"
In the darkness, the faces like in a beautiful fairy tale
Walk by, smile, and buy!
The proud soldiers walk easily
The flutes smile, the basses groan.
A tattered child hiding in the night
Flies softly like a bat;
A girl in white handles it like dough.
Overhead, the songs play
Like in the big nest of the spider;
The people of the eddies disappear.
#4Brazilian Portuguese by Irany
Brazilian PortugueseEnglish
Ah, essa cidade ! A canção das flores,
A vergonha e a beleza cobre.
De novo eu a atravessei como se eu estivesse em um sonho
Da noite multicolorida, quando as chamas queimam
Na escuridão, eu vi das máscaras brilhantes.
« Por favor, por favor!
Aqui está esses bens, quanto valem? »
Na escuridão, as faces como um belo conto de fadas
Passeiam, sorriem e compram!
Os soldados orgulhosos marcham facilmente.
As flautas sorriem, os baixos gemem.
Uma criança vestida de trapo, se escondendo na noite,
Voa suavemente como um jovem morcego;
Uma menina em branco o manipula como uma massa.
Acima as canções tocam
Como em uma teia de aranha;
As pessoas dos turbilhões desaparecem.
Ah, this city ! The song of the flowers,
The shame and the beauty covers.
Again I crossed it like I was in a dream
From the multicolored night, when the flames burn
In the darkness, I saw from the shiny masks.
« Please, Please!
Here are these goods, how much are these worth? »
In the darkness, the faces like a beautiful fairy tale
Take a walk,/Walk, smile and buy!
The proud soldiers easily march.
The flutes smile, the basses moan.
A child dressed in rags, hiding in the night,
Flies smoothly like a young bat;
A girl in white manipulates him like dough.
Above the songs play
Like in a spider web;
The people from the whirlpools.
#5Danish by sen
Ah, denne by !
Blomsternes sang dækker over skammen og skønheden.
Igen har jeg krydset, som om jeg var i en drøm
I den flerfarvede nat mens flammerne brænder.
I mørket så jeg pragtfulde masker.
“Disse varer her, kan du være så venlig at fortælle mig
Hvor meget de koster?”
Ansigterne, som en fes smukke historie,
Går, smiler, og køber i mørket!
De stolte soldater marcherer videre.
Fløjterne smiler, basguitarerne stønner.
Et barn, iført klude som om de gemmer sig i natten,
Flyver jævnt som en ung flagermus.
En pige i hvid, der bevæger sig som dej;
Overfor spilles noterne,
Som i et spindelvæv;
Hvirvlen af mennesker forsvinder.
Ah, that city!
The flower’s song covers over the shame and the beauty.
Again I have crossed, as if I was in a dream
In the multicolored night while the flames burn.
In the darkness, I saw splendid masks.
“These wares here, can you be so kind to tell me
How much they cost?”
The faces, like a fairy’s beautiful story,
Walk, smile, and buy in the darkness.
The proud soldiers march on.
The flutes smile, the bass guitars moan.
A child, wearing rags, as if they are hiding themselves in the night,
Flies smoothly like a young bat.
A girl in white, that moves herself like dough;
Overhead, notes are being played,
Like in a spiderweb.
The whirls of people disappear.
#6Zulu by Qinisela
A, leli dolobha!
Iculo lezimbali lembasa ihlazo nobuhle.
Futhi ngiwelile, njengoba ngibesephusheni
Ebusuku obumakhwezikhwezi nxa amalangabi ayasha.
Ebumnyameni ngibone izivuvu ezincomeka.
"Izimpahla lezi lapha, ungitshele
Abantu, njengenganekwane enhle yomkhovu,
Bahamba, babozozela, bathenga ebumnyameni!
Amajoni agqaja aya phambili.
Amagekle ayabozozela, izigingci ziyakhala.
Umntwana, eqgoka izindwangu njengoba zimcashisa ebusuku,
Undiza kamnandi njengelulwane elisha.
Intombazane ligqoka okokugqoka okumhlophe, elishukuma njengenhlama;
Phezulu amanothi abethiwe,
Indingiliza yabantu iyanyamalala.
Ah, this city!
The flowers' song covers up the shame and the beauty.
Again I have crossed, as if I was in a dream
In the multicolored night while the flames burn.
In the darkness I saw splendid masks.
"These wares here, can you be so kind to tell me
How much they cost?"
The faces, like a fairy's beautiful story,
Go, smile, and buy in the darkness!
The proud soldiers march onward.
The flutes smile, the bass guitars groan.
A child, wearing rags as if they hide him in the night,
Flies smoothly like a young bat.
A girl in white, who moves like dough;
Overhead the notes were played,
Like in a spiderweb;
The swirl of people disappears.
#7Emend by Sumericus
A, ni muang!
Ibsag do met, liiche nanga xua slechtmei membai speil.
Nga balan, mamud oi.
Noks vu, saiyong izi ningsasa lah.
Mes vu, ibsag do naa-gaak igigub.
Ni mei, za anapeñodze iir?
Jan, ibsag do liber oi, goblin met
Mes vu foi do igizalsur do peñodze gher!
Soda daibien foi.
Gigid i sanlya gagig.
Uurjan, huku ki, i huku noks naa-gaak speil,
Bien barash, uur arkab oi.
Uurkobieta ge shiro huku, uurghleb foi do oi;
Liiche ge kurbad han,
Ash ge nidi oi;
Balan i pesh.
Ah, this city!
With beauty, music and flowers cover up the bad things.
I cross, like a dream.
At night, Colorful flames are burning.
In the darkness, a beautiful mask is seen.
“This thing, how much does it cost?”
A person, like a beautiful story with a goblin
Goes, smiles, gives the money in the darkness!
Soldiers march very well.
A child, wearing clothes- the clothes mask the night.
Flying well, like a bat.
A girl’s white clothes, moving like dough,
Above the music,
Like spiderwebs;
Turn and disappear.
#8Brazilian Portuguese by fer22f
Brazilian PortugueseEnglish
Ah, essa cidade!
Música e flores, belamente as ruindades cobrem.
Atravesso, assim como atravesso em sonhos.
Fogo, este corado, aquece perante a noite.
No escuro, lindo é ver pela máscara.
Isso, quanto vale?
Bonita é a pessoa que se assemelha a um livro globin
Ás escuras, vá sorrindo e adquirindo!
Soldados correm com celeridade.
Choram a flauta de cana e o violão.
A criança veste roupa invisível no escuro,
Voa bem, como um pequeno morcego.
A roupa branca da menina se move como massa de pão;
Notas musicais acima de tudo,
Como uma teia;
Vire-se e desapareça.
Ah, this city!
Music and flowers, beautifully cover the ruin.
I cross, like I cross in dreams.
Fire, that colorful, heats up against the night.
In the darkness, beautiful is seeing through the mask.
This thing, how much does it cost?
Beautiful is the person that is like a globin book.
In the dark, go smiling and acquiring!
Soldiers move fast.
Cries the reed flute and the guitar.
The child wears clothing that is invisible in the dark,
Flies well, like a little bat.
The girl's white clothing moves like dough;
Music's notes above everything,
Like a spider web;
Turn and dissapear.
#9Focurc by Merch
Ach, is síte!
i mjúsiç in i flúars i ood bighns þurhijdn.
Amgon er, sibh we i amgon er in dwame.
fijur, is culure jin, 'sgarinit tebhi hót afór i nicht.
It i murcnis, 'sbóne furi masc tesí ben.
'sis i gréfeit?
i bhódís þit a brúane bhuics brédnit anen.
Geje smurtng in spíarin in i murcnis.
i swifnis i sódjursr rininwe.
i fluit ei gtars þurgrítn weit.
nócnsíe çlés i wéns werin it i murcnis.
amflín wío, weit a wí bhaçe.
i bríds déch i lasís quhijt clésr flitn weit.
we a wabh;
s'birlin in, sątje.
oh, this city!
The old buildings cover the music and the flowers.
I cross, like I cross a dream.
Fire, this colourful one, it makes it hot before the night.
At the darkness, it is beautiful to see through the masks
Is this it's wealth?
The people who resemble a goblin book are beautiful
Go smiling and asking in the darkness.
The soldiers run with speed.
They cry with the flute of the guitars.
The children wear invisible clothes at the darkness.
I fly well, with a little bat.
The girl's clothes move with the bread's dough.
With a web.
It turns and, disapear!
#10German by Illuke
Die alten Gebäude verstecken Musik in die Blumen.
Ich gehe vorüber, als ob ich im Traum wäre.
Das bunte Feuer wirkt warm vor der Dämmerung.
Im Finsternis ist es schön durch Masken zu sehen.
Ist das der Schatz?
Die Leute ähneln wieder Märchenbüchern.
Lächelnd gehen in Nachdenken im Finsternis.
Die Soldaten rennen mit Geschwindigkeit darin.
Die Frucht der Gitarre schreit damit.
Die Kinder tragen unsichtbare Kleidung im Finsternis.
Ich bewege mich geschickt mit kleinen Fledermäusen.
Die Kleidung der Mädchen gehen mit dem Teig des Brotes.
Wie ein Netz;
Er kommt schraubend ein -- Verschwinden!
The old buildings hide music in flowers.
I am passing by as if in a dream.
Fire, the colorful one, is creating heat before the twilight.
In this darkness, it is beautiful to see through the masks.
Is this its treasure?
The people are again resembling fairy-tale books.
Go smiling in contemplation in this darkness.
The soldiers run with speed in it.
The fruit of the guitar cries with it.
These children are wearing invisible clothes in this darkness
I am moving adeptly among small bats
The girls' white clothes are moving with the bread's dough
Like a net;
It is spiraling in -- disapear!
#11Brazilian Portuguese by Chill Fruit
Brazilian PortugueseEnglish
Os velhos prédios escondem música nas flores;
passo por eles como se estivesse em um sonho.
O fogo brilhante aquece o crepúsculo, e vê através de belas mascáras.
É esse o tesouro?
O povo novamente parece como os contos de fada,
sorrindo, vão contemplar na escuridão.
Onde os soldados correm rápido, o fruto do violão grita,
as crianças carregam roupas invisiveis
e me movo adeptamente com pequenos morcegos.
As roupas das garotas vão com a massa dos pães,
como uma rede;
Ele chega espiralando, disaparecendo!
The old buildings hide music in flowers;
I pass by them as if I were on a dream.
The brilliant fire warms the twilight, and sees through pretty masks.
Is that the treasure?
The people once again resemble fairy-tales,
smiling, they go contemplate in the darkness.
Where the soldiers run fast, the fruit of the guitar shouts,
and I adeptly move with small bats.
The girls' clothes go with breads' doughs, like a net.
It arrives spiraling, disappearing!
#12Yucatec by Anaïs
Ku ta’akiko’ob paax ch’ija’an naj ti’ lolo’ob;
kin máan ti’o’ob je’e bix yanaken ich wayak’e’
Ku k’íinkuntik ee’same’enil le k’áak’ leets’balo’, u yéetel ka wilik ti’ ki’ichpam piixicho’ob.
Wáa tesoro lela’?
Ka’ chika’an máako’ob ti’ cuentos de hadas,
che’ejil-che’ej, je’ u cha’anpaj ti’ ee’jo’ch’e’enile’.
Je’ tu’ux ku yáalkab jolkano’obe’, ku yawat u yich guitarra,
ku bisik ma’ilbil nook’ paalal
u yéetel kin bin jach ma’alob u yéetel chan soots’o’ob
Ku bin u nook’ xchúupalo’obe’ je’e bix u sakam pane’
bey je’e bix jum p’éel k’áan;
Ku taal, ku su’usute’, ku báalale’!
the old buildings hide music in the flowers;
I pass through them as though I were in a dream.
The shining fire heats the twilight, and you see through beautiful masks.
Is this the treasure?
The people again look like fairy tales,
smiling, they will contemplate in the darkness.
Where the soldiers run fast, the fruit of the guitar calls,
the children carry invisible clothes
and I move adeptly with small bats.
The girls’ clothes go like bread dough
like a net;
He arrives spiraling, disappearing!
#13Romansch by Sascha Baer
La musica as zoppa sper la chasa veglia aint illas fluors;
Eu vegn tras ellas sco sch'eu füss aint in ün sömmi.
Il fö splendurind s-choda il far not,
e tü vezzast tras mascras müravgliusas.
Es quai il s-chazi?
Ils vegls surriond amo üna jada sü per parablas stübgiaran aint i'l s-chür.
Dapertuot ils sudats cuorran, ils cloman l'ögl da la guitarra.
Uffants portan büschmainta invisibla ed eu vegn fich bain cun utschels mezmürs pitschnas.
La büschmainta da las mattas va sco'l pan dal pan, dimena sco üna rait;
Ella vegn, ella va intuorn, ella svanischa.
Music hides by the old house in the flowers;
I pass through them as if I was inside a dream.
The shining fire heats the dusk,
and you see through beautiful masks.
Is this the treasure?
Again the old people smiling at fairy tales will contemplate in the darkness.
Wherever the soldiers run, they call the guitar's eye.
Children carry invisible clothes and I go very well with small bats.
The girls' clothes go like the bread's bread, so like a net;
it comes, it turns, it disappears!
#14Esperanto by Kimura
La muziko kaŝas apud la malnova domo en la floroj;
Mi vidas tiel se mi estis en revo.
Incendio briladi varmecon en la duonlumo,
kaj vi vidas ĝin tra belegaj maskoj.
Ĉu ĉi tio estas trezoro?
La maljunaj ridetadas, sed la horo por pripensi fabeloj estas fininta.
Kie ajn soldatoj kuras, ili alvokadas la okulon de la gitaron.
Infanoj portas nevideblajn vestaĵojn kaj mi vidas malgrandajn vespertojn.
La vestaĵoj de la knabinoj iras tiel pano de pano, tiel maŝaro;
ili iras, ili iras turni, ili malaperas.
The music hides near the old house in the flowers;
I see it as if I was in a dream.
Fire shining heat in the dusk,
and you see it through beautiful masks.
Is this treasure?
The old ones still smiling, yet the time for thinking about fairy tales is over.
Wherever soldiers run, they call the eye of the guitar.
Children wear invisible clothes and I see small bats well.
The clothes of the girls go like bread of bread, so like a net;
They go, they go turning, they disappear.
#15Farsi by Alethos
کنار خانه‌ای قدیم در گل ها موسیقی پنهان میکند;
می بینم مثل اینکه خواب می بینم.
آتش برای تابیدن گرما در غروب
از طریقه ماسک های ظریف می بینیش
ایا این گنج است؟
نیاکان لبخند می زنند ولی وقت برای خیال بافی رفته است.
هر جای که سربازان می دوند چشم گیتار را بخوانند
بچه ها لباس های نامرئی را می پوشند و من خفاش های کوچولو می بینم.
لباس های دختران حرکت میکنند مثل نان نان ها مثل تور
می روند می چینند ناپدید شوند.

Kenar-e xaane-ye qadim dar golha moosiqi panhaan mikonad;
mibinam mesl-e inke xaab mibinam.
Aatash baraye taabidan-e garmaa dar qoroob,
az tariq-e maaskha-ye zarif mibinish.
Aaya in gonj ast?
Niaakaan labxand mizanand, vali vaqt-e baraye xiaal-baafi rafte-ast.
Har jaa-i ke sarbazaan midavand, cheshm-e gitaar ra boxaanand
Bacheha lebaas-ha-ye naamar’i mipushand va man xofaashha-ye koochooloo ra mibinam.
Lebaasha-ye doxtaraan mesl-e naan-e naanha, mesle-e toor,
Miravand, mipichinand, naapadid shavand.
The music hides next to the worn out house amidst the flowers;
I see as if I were dreaming.
Fire, to radiate heat in the dusk,
and you see it through exquisite masks.
Is this treasure?
The old smiles, but the hour for indulging in fables is over.
Wherever soldiers run, they call on the eye of the guitar.
Children wear invisible clothes and I see small bats.
The girls’ clothes move like the breadiest bread, like netting,
they go, they turn away, they disappear.
#16Hokkien by Rick Shaw

guá uán-jiân tī bāng tiong khuànn-kìnn
im-ga̍k bih tī láu tshù pinn ê hue-phûn tiong,
guá thàu-kuè tsi̍t ê ī-kok ê siáu-kuí-á-khak
àm-thâu-á huat-kng ê hué,
tse kám sī pó-tsōng?
tsóo-sian lóng teh tshiò, tān-sī bîn-bāng ê sî-tsūn í-king kuè-khì ah.
m̄-kuán ping-á óng tó-uī tsáu, ba̍k-tsiu guân-tsāi tuânn gì-tà.
gín-á tshīng ún-sìng ê sann, guá khuànn tio̍h bi̍t-pô á.
tsa-bóo ê sann khuànn khí-lâi tshin-tshiūnn pháng kah bāng-á
in tsáu ah, in huan-sin ah, in bô-khì ah.
It is as if I saw it in a dream,
music hiding inside the flowers in an old house.
I saw it through an exotic mask,
a fire burning in the evening.
Is this a treasure?
The ancestors are all laughing, but the time for dreaming is already over.
Whenever the soldiers are running, the eye still plays the guitar.
The child wears invisible clothes, I see little bats.
The girl's clothes look like breads and nets.
They left, the turned around, they disappeared.
#17Latvian by Rahvuslane
Es redzēju sapnī
mūziku, kas apskauj puķu podu blakus vecajai mājai
Es redzu ārzemju bērna ķermeni
uguns, kuru aizsvilināja vakara kvēle
Vai tas ir bagātība?
Visi senči smejas, bet laiks gulēt, un sapnis ir beidzies
Nav svarīgi, kur karavīri skrien, acs joprojām spēlē ģitāru
Bērni velk neredzamas drēbes, es redzu mazus sikspārņus
Meitene drēbēs - baltas kā sniegs
Viņa skrien, pagriežas un pazūd.
I saw in a dream
the music, that surrounded the flower pot next to the old house
I see a child's foreign body
Is this the treasure?
All ancestors are laughing, but the time to sleep, and the dream is over.
No matter where soldiers run, the eye is still playing guitar
Children wear invisible clothes, I see small bats
The girl's clothes - white as snow
She runs, turns and disappears.