/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Learn a Lang Natlang Relay 7

#17Latvian by Rahvuslane

Es redzēju sapnī
mūziku, kas apskauj puķu podu blakus vecajai mājai
Es redzu ārzemju bērna ķermeni
uguns, kuru aizsvilināja vakara kvēle
Vai tas ir bagātība?
Visi senči smejas, bet laiks gulēt, un sapnis ir beidzies
Nav svarīgi, kur karavīri skrien, acs joprojām spēlē ģitāru
Bērni velk neredzamas drēbes, es redzu mazus sikspārņus
Meitene drēbēs - baltas kā sniegs
Viņa skrien, pagriežas un pazūd.

I saw in a dream
the music, that surrounded the flower pot next to the old house
I see a child's foreign body
Is this the treasure?
All ancestors are laughing, but the time to sleep, and the dream is over.
No matter where soldiers run, the eye is still playing guitar
Children wear invisible clothes, I see small bats
The girl's clothes - white as snow
She runs, turns and disappears.