/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Learn a Lang Natlang Relay 7

#3European French by Aimely
European FrenchEnglish

Ah, cette ville ! La chanson des fleurs,
La honte et la beauté la couvre.
Encore je la traversai comme j'étais dans un rêve
De la nuit multicolore, quand les feus brûlaient
Dans l'obscurité, je vis des masques brillants.
« S'il vous plaît, s'il vous plaît!
Voici ces biens, combien valent-ils? »
Dans l'obscurité, les visages comme un beau conte de fée
Promènent, sourient, et achètent!
Les soldats fiers marchent facilement.
Les flûtes sourient, les basses gémissent.
Un gamin vêtu de chiffon, se cachant dans la nuit,
Vole doucement comme une jeune chauve-souris;
Une fille en blanc le manipule comme de la pâte.
Au-dessus les chansons jouent
Comme dans le nid d'araignée;
Les gens des tourbillons disparaissent.

Ah, this city! The song of flowers,
Shame and its beauty cover it.
Again I went through it like I was in a dream
Of the multicolored night, when the fires burned.
In the darkness, I saw shiny masks.
"Please, please!"
"These goods here, how much are they worth?"
In the darkness, the faces like in a beautiful fairy tale
Walk by, smile, and buy!
The proud soldiers walk easily
The flutes smile, the basses groan.
A tattered child hiding in the night
Flies softly like a bat;
A girl in white handles it like dough.
Overhead, the songs play
Like in the big nest of the spider;
The people of the eddies disappear.


-ment suffix (transforms adjectives into adverbs)
acheter vb. to buy
ah interj. Ah!
araignée n-fem. spider
au-dessus adv. overhead
basse n-masc. bass (all senses)
beau adj-irr. beautiful
beauté n-fem. beauty
bien n-masc. good, property, commodity, possession
blanc adj. white
brillant adj. shiny
brûler vb. to burn
ce det. this
chanson n-fem. song
chauve-souris n-fem. bat (the animal)
chiffon n-fem. rag
combien prn-interr. how much
comme conj. as, like
conte n-masc. story
couvre vb-irr. 3rd person singular present of 'couvrir'
couvrir vb-irr. to cover
dans prep. in
de prep. of
des contraction of 'de les'
disparaissent vb-irr. 3rd person plural present of 'disparaître'
disparaître vb-irr. to disappear
douce adj-irr. feminine of 'doux'
doux adj-irr. soft
en prep. in
et conj. and
étais vb-irr. 1st person singular imperfect of 'être'
facile adj. easy
feu n-masc. fire
fier adj. proud
fille n-fem. girl
fleur n-fem. flower
flûte n-fem. flute
fée n-fem. fairy
gamin n-masc. (slang) kid, child
gen n-masc. person
gémir vb. to moan, to groan
honte n-fem. shame
jouer vb. to play
manipuler vb. to manipulate
masque n-masc. mask
multicolore adj. multicolored
nid n-masc. nest, web
nuit n-fem. night
obscurité n-fem. darkness, obscurity
promener vb. to walk (around, by); to take a walk
pâte n-fem. paste, dough
quand conj. when
rêve n-masc. dream
s'il vous plaît part. please
se cacher vb. to hide
soldat n-masc. soldier
sourient vb-irr. 3rd person singular present of 'sourire'
sourire vb-irr. to smile
tourbillon n-fem. eddy, whirlpool
traverser vb. to cross
valent vb-irr. 3rd person plural present of 'valoir'
valoir vb-irr. to be worth
vetir vb-irr. to clothe
ville n-fem. city
vis vb-irr. 1st person singular past of 'voir'
visage n-masc. face
voici vb-irr. here is' (defective singular present tense)
voir vb-irr. to see
voler vb. to fly, to steal
vêtu vb-irr. past participle of 'vetir'; clothed


Word Order

French is mainly SVO, with one exception:

  • if a personal pronoun is in the object position, the order is SOV.

Adjectives generally come after head words. The general noun phrase order is preposition + article + noun + adjective(s).

Besides this, French syntax is more or less similar to English.


Two noun genders exist, masculine and feminine.

Adjectives and articles agree with their nouns.

Only two adjectival gender suffixes are attested in this text:

  • -e [feminine]
  • -Ø [feminine]

Two numbers exist, singular and plural. Again, adjectives and articles agree with their nouns.

Only one plural suffix is attested in this text:

Plural suffixes come after gender suffixes.


In French, verbs agree with the person and number of the subject of the sentence. The pronoun 'je' is 1st person singular; the pronouns 'il' and 'elle' are 3rd person singular. All other nouns in this passage are 3rd person singular or plural.

All verbs in the passage are in the indicative mood.

The past tense is formed using an auxiliary verb. Most verbs use the auxiliary verb avoir, while reflexive verbs, as well as certain verbs of motion, use the verb être. After this, the past participle of the verb appears.

Below is a (simplified) verb conjugation table. The first column represents a regular verb 'verber.' The other columns represent common irregular verbs.


The 3rd-person plural imperfect tense suffix marker -aient appears in this passage. This is a kind of continuous past tense.

The 3rd-person singular historic past tense suffix marker -ai appears in this passage. This is a completed perfect past tense.

One reflexive verb appears. This verb requires a reflexive pronoun in the object position, which agrees with the subject of the verb. See "Pronouns" for more details.


1p3p sing. masc.3p sing. fem.


part.dude lades

The partitive article exists as a construction; it is formed by combining the preposition 'de' and definite article. It has the meaning of 'some of' or 'various.'


Certain short words ending in the vowel -e lose their vowel before vowels, contracting their final -e to an apostrophe. No spaces appear after these short words.