/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Learn a Lang Natlang Relay 7

#13Romansch by Sascha Baer

La musica as zoppa sper la chasa veglia aint illas fluors;
Eu vegn tras ellas sco sch'eu füss aint in ün sömmi.
Il fö splendurind s-choda il far not,
e tü vezzast tras mascras müravgliusas.
Es quai il s-chazi?
Ils vegls surriond amo üna jada sü per parablas stübgiaran aint i'l s-chür.
Dapertuot ils sudats cuorran, ils cloman l'ögl da la guitarra.
Uffants portan büschmainta invisibla ed eu vegn fich bain cun utschels mezmürs pitschnas.
La büschmainta da las mattas va sco'l pan dal pan, dimena sco üna rait;
Ella vegn, ella va intuorn, ella svanischa.

Music hides by the old house in the flowers;
I pass through them as if I was inside a dream.
The shining fire heats the dusk,
and you see through beautiful masks.
Is this the treasure?
Again the old people smiling at fairy tales will contemplate in the darkness.
Wherever the soldiers run, they call the guitar's eye.
Children carry invisible clothes and I go very well with small bats.
The girls' clothes go like the bread's bread, so like a net;
it comes, it turns, it disappears!


aint in prep. in
amo adv. yet, still, in addition
as prn. 3rd person reflexive pronoun
bain adv. well
büschmainta n. coll clothes
chasa n. fem house
clomar v. call
cuorrer v. run
da prep. of
dapertuot prn. wherever
dimena conj. thus, so
e(d) conj. and
eu prn. I
el(la)(s) prn. 3rd person; -la for feminine; -s for plural
esser v. irr be
far not n. masc dusk
fich adv. very
fluor n. fem flower
n. masc fire
füss 1st person sg subjunctive/conditional of to be
guitarra n. fem guitar
il(s), l', 'l(s) masculine definite article
intuorn adj turning
invisibel adj invisible
ir v. irr go
jada n. fem time (as in "five times")
la(s) feminine definite article
mascra n. fem mask
matta n. fem girl
müravglius adj. beautiful
musica n. fem music
ögl n. masc eye
pan n.
parabla n. fem fairy tale
pitschen adj small
portar v. carry, wear
per prep. for, to, around
quai prn. this
rait n. fem net
scha conj if
sco conj as, like
s-chazi n. masc treasure
s-chodar v. heat
s-chür n. masc darkness
sömmi n. masc dream
sper prep. near, at
splendurind adj. shining
stübgiar v. think about, ponder, contemplate
sudats n. masc soldiers (irregular plural)
surriond adj. smiling
prep. up
svanir v. disappear (takes -isch- before personal ending in some forms)
tras prep. through
prn. you (singular)
vegl(ia) adj old
gnir v. irr to come
verer v. to see (finite forms take stem vezz- but inflect regularly)
uffant n. masc child
utschels mezmürs n. fem bats (animal) (irregular plural)
ün masculine indefinite article
üna feminine indefinite article
zoppar v. hide (reflexive)


Nouns are part of a noun class: masculine, feminine or collective. Adjectives and articles connected to the noun, as well as third person pronouns referring to it reference the noun class.
Collective is treated grammatically like feminine singular, even if it may be semantically plural.
Feminine is marked on adjectives with -a, plural with -s, in that order. Adding the feminine marker may cause an earlier vowel to disappear.
Adjectives generally follow the noun.
Verbs inflect for tense and subject. Regular verbs (v.) replace the infinitive ending (-ar, -er, -ir) with the following forms:

-ast 2nd person singular present
-a 3rd person singular present
-an 3rd person plural present
-aran 3rd person plural future

Irregular verbs inflect as follows (all forms present tense) (not all forms occur in the text):

esser ir gnir
1s sun vegn vegn
3s es va vegn
3p sun van vegnan

Prepositions may fuse with following definite articles, producing the following (relevant) forms:

  • in + il = i'l
  • in + las = illas
  • da + il = dal