/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - 2nd Relay (Spring 2015)

#12Endál by ieaun

Cena lam sasuhé
Ara-wait Sasudókais lam sasuhe dóniag.
Cena Sowinam lam anfé Cemig viné.
Sowiné-para, sowiné-l’ad, sowiné-béd, sowiné-ancel, Dál.
Ara-wait Cekaik garauhe uh indidól, indidé-nialv éredeo je garau.
Kná Garadónaig tŭan cirihe.
Cena lam garauhe, Cena kŭai ért ovman-nialv.
Cena R’okas lam kaibe cel’o.

They know that they harvest
Another person knows that they harvest a harvest during summer.
They know that they pluck vegetables while going around.
A cyan one, a blue one, a green one, a red one, the same.
Another person knows they grow themselves to be similar to a plant, a small one so that strength could grow.
We wait for your own growth.
They know that they grow, they lie down for the next short time.
They know it shines on them.