/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - 2nd Relay (Spring 2015)

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#1Ryqnu by salpfish
Ojynurvat nopnu

Ysynurvat kojn pojlytrujprol, nan kojn pojlytrujprol!
Rakakupralhum mipimqpral sa, rotolot majutsinanatupral,
Paplat kymo mojsyrlot rutvanrupralhit kon.

Tsavinurvat ruphunap pralninqasjynryp, nan ruphunap pralninqasjynryp!
Tytsyngokakupralhum rulvatjupralhum, ritjatsurhiqklispi,
Anka talumtitasisan novlonhononuronprol sa kon.
The forest fruit song

Ground-fruits die in the summer, indeed they die in the summer!
Pick the purple ones, unless their leaves are pointy in three places,
Those and the red ones we do not touch.

Tree-fruits live into autumn, indeed they live into autumn!
If eaten when still green, they will make your teeth hurt,
So wait and let them grow large and bright.
#2Kardii by jayelinda
J'tek vin uwen lemana

Uwen raa kartiiche lemana ekumi. Pri, kartiiche lemana ekumi.
Dejache vree min sindike lo, jenudi rin nis.
Say l'namache yda i'iee lo kin tree!

Uwen lipel awi a uruleche d'tu i vin. Pri, uruleche d'tu i vin.
Dejache tini kin say kaanche min kaan sathasche.
Iila ponke i'iee an irastase kin chintase!
Song of the garden fruits

Ground fruit kills the summer garden. Yes it kills the summer garden.
If it seems blue then pick it, 3 leaves are pointy.
We must not touch it and red!

The fruit in winter is kept strongly. Yes, it is kept strongly.
If it seems green and we chew them, teeth will hurt.
Therefore wait for them to grow big and become bright!
#3Rodoaz by KippLeKipp
Nakhaq lemataraipa

Lemavenezra taraighatoi vexa. Lau, lemavenezra taraighatoi vexa.
Leri cotra paukaka, nainairaya. Iairxakétetzovokhor.

Ialemalêkunvalvunyaura azivaka. Lau, potra azivaka.
Leri potra lefetka, potra keketa navatneleve.
Uéd zaotuya! potra aiat va naraita xeku!
song of fruit field

fruit ground kills field summer. yes, it kills field summer.
when it looks blue then it must be picked, three pointed leaves.

Fruit trees in winter are stored strong. Yes, are stored strong.
when it looks green, we chew for toothache.
therefore we must wait! he/she/it becomes big and bright!
#4Talíekøð by brainandforce

žesvalto þorø ɣjottižesloðžesèntax. sla, žesvalto þorø ɣjottižesloðžesèntax.
malixen xorzléðare, titøpar keset bis hardotraþeɥt.
brižesloðkesdálva hŕnarø. sla, hŕnarø.
malixen pavare, blere kašnarnet.
holoðø šatetøka! sø̀lberømł!
Song of a fertile ground

The fertile grounds in the summer fields die. Yes, The fertile grounds in the summer fields die.
When it is dark blue, one should pick it and the three-point leaves.
The winter fruit trees are strong. Yes, they are strong.
When they become green, they cure a toothache.
We should wait! It’ll become a bit brighter!
#5unnamed alt conlang 1 by Nikolito
unnamed alt conlang 1English
þihtaask haer pàliga ira stilatr

iþ suskù regitr ira sihkaesta vèiðruðisk, jaeþ,
iþ suskù regitr ira sihkaesta vèiðruðisk,
òr kaestà ôròhaage faetr,
ruðiski aar ràasla ira haastilatr;

hisgraaðe jaeþ kaare, jaeþ kaare
òr kaestà tarige faetr,
Tôþ milþiþ aad tvigpartàh
Tò hetr histi! ùr òr kaestà tôtr kiltaetr!
the Song of the Berry field

The roots destroy the summer harvest, yes
The roots destroy the summer harvest.
When they turn violet,
Gather the fruit of the blackberry

The mint is strong, yes strong
When they (the leaves) turn green,
It soothes the toothache
So we wait! Until they shine!
#6Amrangean by Gwaur
ombial orevnot alorneri

olhänädot anales erniadaghot iendos,
edot aghïbät ondonaghot iendos, ulinia,
olhänädot anales erniadaghot iendos,
edot aghïbät ondonaghot iendos,
abemnenïäh eda un'garah udul
oremonanot ilghoi ëghëda erniadaghot iendos

obhörät abomederi, obrasia, obrasia
eda etros un'garah udul
etghah aghummot ades erum
aseri uromumburt! ängëda ekabel un'garah udul!
Song about the berry field

summer gathers things, roots pull them apart, yes
summer gathers things, roots pull them apart
they become deep blue in this season
fruits of the trees they gather

frozen leaves [are] strong, strong
they melt in this season
pain in tooth it helps
thus we wait! they will shine in this season!
#7Sjonna by Clausangeloh
Wēje Sefȳssjen Nekelganjjen

Merjan wyllister pannīrnt nekunēnt,
Bēr mirjān skāpte, bdesse
nekunēnt pannīrnt wyllister merjan,
Skāpte mirjān bēr,
Esprekjē 'ntsses ganisses,
Merjān ganjjīn nekunēn

Jēnō nauvō, trasjō, trasjō
antsses glamēr
dwideim wamnembana
eni, kalām; ārā 'ntsses!
Berry Field Song

Summer moves all things together,
Roots are moved away, indeed
Summer moves all things together,
Roots are moved away,
They become more grue this season,
They moved fruits together

Frozen leaves, strong, strong
They melt this season
Heals the toothpain
Thus, we wait; they shine this season!
#8Nalimba by norskie7
Hahiṣil ma dalēki fa ṣalis,
Hahiṣil nubuta hādne w dāne, ṣa
Hahiṣil ma dalēki fa ṣalis,
Hahiṣil nubuta hādne w dāne
Alar, ahadar, azalr sawa,
Hahiṣil ma dalēki fa ṣalis

Ṣahir nabit, tatziri3 kariye
Talitish nazara3
Talilmuṣid maṣlēkiya ladh halitazin
Wamak, alarahid; talitarawik ma nanak!
I harvest with others in summer,
Yes, I harvest vegetables near and far
I harvest with others in summer,
Yes, I harvest vegetables near and far
Green, purple and blue alike
I harvest vegetables in summer

Small vegetable, grow strong
You cure our hunger
You help someone in need
Thus, I rest; you shine among us!
#9Pûča by TallaFerroXIV
Kos ä margéde

Whê ho be âtére
an órâs ä margéde.
Wérâdân häbâtá,
ídar ko údar;

Fläfa, mószara,
zälja är rûza.
Awâu anéne;
awâu héne
tä hâtí.

Whê ho be âtére.
Alpé wérâdas,
anénzsa äblaye!
Téleda, sóryamas!

Póde ftélwarân,
tä sélfsa!
Whê hédwâu.
Âséy i whídoy.
So he harvests with the other in the summer.
Picking plants
here and there;

Blue, teal
green or red
all similar
all the same
they are

Thus he with the other.
Small plants,
grow strong!
Grow green, we hunger!

Help those in need.
Thus we rest.
He shines with us!
#10Goreugu by IgorTheHusker
Reixe no

Da bashugol azeulol
Reixeribi ado barmaacenu gohmironu.
Zikkæ decær,
zigun o regun;

Himog, habog,
blomog o eshmog,

Da bashugol azeulol.
tilogonu odigonu,
dægada xæsug!
bouban dæ dæga!

da geilen.
laize oniku.
He who harvests

so he with other
during summer that harvests
taken vegetables
here and there

blue, teal
green and red
all alike
all the same
they are

so he with other
like a small plant
grow strongly!
we expect you to grow well

they help
so they help
he shines them
#11Lorošae by Yatalac
Rxrexrebsu mošut
Xinortsu nesustawa

Ližiin, kaikiin,
alsiin, čariin,
Nxalsu mošut

geliin nazukik laniin
Suknö nxalseilor.

He/she is harvesting
The other person harvests
during the summer
He/she plucks the vegetables
going back and forth

The cyan, the blue
the green, the red ones
are the same
The other person grows

like a small plant
so that he/she might get strong
We expect you to grow
They help

They lie down for a bit
It (the sun) shines on them
#12Endál by ieaun
Cena lam sasuhé
Ara-wait Sasudókais lam sasuhe dóniag.
Cena Sowinam lam anfé Cemig viné.
Sowiné-para, sowiné-l’ad, sowiné-béd, sowiné-ancel, Dál.
Ara-wait Cekaik garauhe uh indidól, indidé-nialv éredeo je garau.
Kná Garadónaig tŭan cirihe.
Cena lam garauhe, Cena kŭai ért ovman-nialv.
Cena R’okas lam kaibe cel’o.
They know that they harvest
Another person knows that they harvest a harvest during summer.
They know that they pluck vegetables while going around.
A cyan one, a blue one, a green one, a red one, the same.
Another person knows they grow themselves to be similar to a plant, a small one so that strength could grow.
We wait for your own growth.
They know that they grow, they lie down for the next short time.
They know it shines on them.