/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - 2nd Relay (Spring 2015)

#3Rodoaz by KippLeKipp

Nakhaq lemataraipa

Lemavenezra taraighatoi vexa. Lau, lemavenezra taraighatoi vexa.
Leri cotra paukaka, nainairaya. Iairxakétetzovokhor.

Ialemalêkunvalvunyaura azivaka. Lau, potra azivaka.
Leri potra lefetka, potra keketa navatneleve.
Uéd zaotuya! potra aiat va naraita xeku!

song of fruit field

fruit ground kills field summer. yes, it kills field summer.
when it looks blue then it must be picked, three pointed leaves.

Fruit trees in winter are stored strong. Yes, are stored strong.
when it looks green, we chew for toothache.
therefore we must wait! he/she/it becomes big and bright!

  • ghatoi - summer
  • leri - when (in a cause-effect or if-then situation)
  • nakhaq - song
  • lema - fruit
  • tarai - field
  • -ra - accusative
  • pauka - dark blue
  • vexa - to kill
  • lau - yes
  • bé - 3sg
  • -(p)a - Genitive case
  • -ka - copular morphme, present tense - attached to the patient or quality in a statement
  • nainaira - to pick
  • -ya - deontic
  • irx - three
  • akétet - point
  • zovokhor - leaf
  • ia- - plural suffix
  • valvu - winter
  • lêkun - tree
  • -(ny)au - locative case
  • aziva - strong
  • lefet - green
  • keketa- to cure
  • navat - tooth
  • neveleve - pain,suffering
  • zaotu - to wait
  • uéd - 1pl
  • xeka - to become
  • naraita - bright
  • aiat - bit


‘cot’ and ‘pot’ are part of my system of algebraic-ish relative pronouns. “cot” and “pot” can be thought of as meaning thing1 and thing2 respectively within the same series of statements or paragraph, and further are the appropriate number plus the suffix -ot.

Note that Rodoaz is very aggressive with compounding words. Most adjectives and qualities are stuck to the main noun - for example, palakétetnyaruvahhha means “pentagram”, literally “fivepointstarline”