//$getstoseeall is the IP address who gets to see the hidden relays as well. $getstoseeall = ''; //$prefix is a prefix attached to every username. For example, for Reddit //communities, the prefix would be /u/. $prefix = ''; //$danger is to warn users of an ongoing reprogramming situation and a prospect //of bugs $danger = 0; //$danger = 1; if ($danger == 0) { error_reporting(0); } //the next variables are texts to show when some piece of information is missing $nolang = '?'; $noby = '?'; $notext = '(text not entered)'; $notransl = '(translation not entered)'; $nogloss = '(gloss not entered)'; $noglossary = '(glossary not entered)'; $nogrammar = '(grammar not entered)'; $noipa = '(no IPA entered)';
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#1 | Old Sumrë by Merch | |
Old Sumrë | English | |
Sụcwe PanararẹSumátye, lasbbuálid lámyûm lelwepẹmyûm, | The Song of The Whale"Come, you creature of the wet path, | |
Grammar summar:Old Sumrë is a fighly fusional SVO language. There are 20 noun cases but I’ll list only the ones you’ll need for this text. Old Sumrë has a mobile pitch accent (marked via acute accents and underdots) but besides definiteness it has no grammatical function so you can just ignore it. Adjectives and possessive pronouns must agree to nouns in case and number. Adjectives follow the nouns they modify. Definite nouns in Old Sumrë are marked via mutating the first vowel. There are several patterns which a noun can follow so I will list each alternation with a number and that number by a noun in the glossary.
PS: translate the title also. Cases
Verbal inflection