/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Discord Conlangers Relay the Sixth

#16Lxelxe by Lucy

tatapej c'em muksirok'e kwap'ekaz
k'ofogsacwa fanco zarigojweze
aspej zaridet'u zop'usac tatapt'u tehit'u wojaz
tehit'u... tehi tatapa tehit'u iwojik
wasi gohim, tehit'u, wasisac konoej asimso zariaz, gil cawach

Their sour berry sings to the woman
People in my world cannot swim
Their time to swim is hidden underneath y'all's berry
yall's... yall find yall's berry
I run, yall's, In me their air swims using language, and salt

/tatapej t͡sʼem muksirokʼe kwapʼekaz
kʼofogsat͡ʃwa fant͡so zarigojweze
aspej zaridetʼu zopʼusat͡s tataptʼu tehitʼu wojaz
tehitʼu tehi tatapa tehitʼu iwojik
wasi gohim, tehitʼu, wasisat͡s konoej asimso zariaz, gil t͡ʃawat͡ʃ/


1 – wasi
2 – tehi
3 – ejni


asim language (noun)
asp time (noun)
cawach salt (noun)
c’em sour (adj)
gil and (conj)
fanco human/person (noun)
gohu run (verb)
kono air (noun)
kwap’ek sing (verb)
k’ofog world (noun)
muksiro woman (noun)
tatap berry (noun)
woj hide (verb)
zari swim (verb)
zop’u under (adposition)

Nominal Morphology

Plurality is optionally marked with –wi, it is usually unmarked.

Nominative –∅
Accusative –ka (after vowel), –a
Genitive –t’u
Allative –k’e
Ablative –laan
Locative –sac
Comitative –wia
Privative –lxui
Instrumental –so
Benefactive –me
Referential –k’at

Genetive constructions of pronouns are often done by cliticising it as –wa, –te, or –ej, i.e. “datna wasit’u homaz” is equivalent to “datnawa homaz”

Allative and Ablative have special roles in sentences with ditransitive valency. Agents are marked with ablative, themes the accusative, and goals the allative (the nominative is not used).

Verbal Morphology

Verb negator -goj-


Past –tix–
Recent Past –xor–
Present –∅–
Imminent Future –fic–
Future –aja–


Inceptive –te–
Perfective –∅–
Terminative –naj–


Indicative –∅–
Desiderative –shat–
Potential –wez–
Obligative –ad–
Optative –kaw–
Conditional –net–

Personal Agreement

1s –im
2s –et
3s –az
1p(inc) –an
1p(exc) –us
2p –ik
3p –e


The Trivial Nominalizer (i.e, eat (v) to eating (n)) is –de

i– acts to reverse a verb, i.e. sleep to wake, leave to come, learn to forget


SOV, Highly Agglutinative, Noun Phrases are generally right Branching. Verbs ending in –u drop the –u in conjugated forms.