//$getstoseeall is the IP address who gets to see the hidden relays as well. $getstoseeall = ''; //$prefix is a prefix attached to every username. For example, for Reddit //communities, the prefix would be /u/. $prefix = ''; //$danger is to warn users of an ongoing reprogramming situation and a prospect //of bugs $danger = 0; //$danger = 1; if ($danger == 0) { error_reporting(0); } //the next variables are texts to show when some piece of information is missing $nolang = '?'; $noby = '?'; $notext = '(text not entered)'; $notransl = '(translation not entered)'; $nogloss = '(gloss not entered)'; $noglossary = '(glossary not entered)'; $nogrammar = '(grammar not entered)'; $noipa = '(no IPA entered)';
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#6 | Speedlang by Sascha | |
Speedlang | English | |
baa3 lul3 - ti2 tis2 | The Song of Salt | |
#NOUNS# inflect for state
#VERBS# inflect for TAM
#OTHER# don't inflect
##PHONOLOGY##As there is a lot of morphophonology going on in the text, I am going to quickly introduce some important details about the phonology: This is the phoneme inventory: Consonants:
There are phonological effects bounded by the word and ones bounded by the domain (see below). Firstly ones that can only occur within the same word: The capital lettered plosives are realized as if they were bilabial before rounded vowels. In all other positions, they are realized as velar. Polysyllabic words are stressed on every second syllable, starting from the first, with the exception of the final syllable. Monosyllabic words are stressed. Thus, where S = stressed syllable and s = unstressed syllable:
Stress is relevant for the placement of tones, see below.
Using, as an example, an English sentence (which of course has differences in word order) and applying the same rules, these are the domains:
If a vowel is nasal, then this nasality spreads backwards (to the left) until the domain boundary. Vowels become nasalized, with mid vowels behaving as follows:
With consonants, the following alterations occur:
Tone: Tones are a bit complicated. Only a bit. First of all, a distinction must be made between the underlying tones
and surface tones, represented by numbers from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest). In the dictionary, underlying tones are given, in the text you get the surface tones (how they're actually pronounced). Underlying tones are not tied to any specific syllable, they can move quite freely within the domain. A single underlying tone may also be assigned to multiple, adjacent syllables (called spreading). I will first explain how the tones are assiged to syllables and then how they are realized. I will do the first with a whole bunch of examples; followed by a hopefully rigorous algorithm. Assume for now a made up domain consisting of just a single, four-syllable word, let's say "patakasa" (remember that this would be stressed 'pata'kasa). I will assign various tone patterns to this word to illustrate how the tones get assigned to syllables. First, I shall make a few examples using only H and L (R behaves a bit differently): (1) Single high tone, e.g. pátakasa or patákasa or patakása or patakasá:
Then, the tone spreads rightwards to all adjacent syllables with no assigned tone: pátákásá This word would then surface with a continuous high tone. Similar things happen with a single low or rising tone. (2) Two identical tones, e.g. pátakása or similar: (3) Two different tones, e.g. pátàkasa or similar: pátakàsa pátákàsà pátàkása pátàkásá (5) Five tones, e.g. pátàkásà + H pátàkásàá Going on to rising tones now: A rising tone requires there to be two morae, i.e. it must be assigned to either a long vowel or to two syllables. This could push tones off. From now on, I'll use the word pataaka (stressed 'pata:ka) pǎtǎ:kǎ pátǎ:kà pǎtǎ:ká pátà:kǎ: pátà:kǎá These rules might be summarized as a list of constraints where ones higher up on the list are more important:
Now for the realization of the tones, i.e. how you get from those forms above to the numbers. Words have an "inherent" tone of height 3, i.e. mid. Tones then modify that level. In particular how they work is that before the start of the tone, the level is changed, then the tone is pronounced, and then the level changes again. If that made no sense, no worries. First, the representations of the three tones:
These can't be "connected" as the numbers next to the hyphen aren't identical (the L tone lowers the level by one) so the numbers on the H must be adjusted:
At this point, depression can be explained: The phonemes written with a diaeresis below are pronounced identically as the normal voiced ones. However, they lower the level by one. Thus a word like bábhá is pronounced ba4 ba3. These consonants are called depressor consonants and the phenomenon depression. Note that depression is inherent to the consonant, i.e. not a tone in itself. Now for spreading. The spreading of H and L is very straighforward; while that of R is a bit more complex:
In other words, H and L just retain the tone throughout the spread; R spreads the rise over the first two syllables and then stays high. Finally, final syllable contours:
##GRAMMAR##We now come to the straighforward part. Nouns inflect for three states (read: cases). The terminology here is a bit confusing. Absolutive state:
Ergative state:
Genitive state:
Verb roots take a different tone depending on the mood: L for indicative, R for imperative (no other moods occur in the text). Word order is S O V X, but ergative pronouns attach to the verb (in which case one gets (O) V-S X) Spaces separate syllables, hyphens separate words. No other punctuation is used. |