/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Learn a Lang Natlang Relay 8

#4Swedish by Ulfalizer

Jag fick dina testresultat, du är definitivt malariasmittad. Jag skickar skriftliga instruktioner om hur denna typ av medicin tas. Ta först fyra piller, sen två till efter sex timmar, och sen två piller dagligen nästa vecka. Om du inte blir bättre, kom tillbaka hit.

I got your test results, you definitely contracted malaria. I'm sending you written instructions on how this type of medication is taken. First, take four pills, then two more after six hours, and then two pills daily next week. If you don't get better, come back here.


Av Of
Bli Get/become
Bättre Better
Dagligen Daily
Definitivt Definitely
Denna This
Din Your (singular)
Du You (singular)
Efter After
Fick Past tense of 'få'
Fyra Four
Först First/firstly
Hit Here (motion towards)
Hur How
Instruktion Instruction
Inte Not
Jag I
Kom Come
Malaria Malaria
Medicin Medicine
Nästa Next
Och And
Om If/about
Piller Pill
Resultat Result
Sen Then/afterwards
Sex Six (or sex)
Skicka Send
Skriftlig Written (adjective)
Smitta Infect/contaminate
Ta Take
Test Test
Till To, also 'additional/more'
Tillbaka Back (to where you came from)
Timme Hour
Två Two
Typ Type
Vecka Week
Är Am/are/is

Grammar notes

  • There are two genders:
    • Common: Historically a merged masculine and feminine gender. Expressed with the indefinite article 'en'. These nouns change in the plural.
    • Neuter: Expressed with the indefinite article 'ett'. These nouns usually do not change in the plural.
      • 'Instruktion' is an 'en' word, while 'piller' and 'resultat' are 'ett' words.
  • Adjectives inflect for gender and number according to this scheme:
    • Stor = Big
    • Stor man = Big man ('man' is an 'en' word)
    • Stort hus = Big house ('hus' is an 'ett' word)
    • Stora män = Big men (gender irrelevant in plural)
    • Stora hus = Big houses (gender irrelevant in plural)
  • English marks the present tense with '-s' in 'he runs', but leaves it unmarked in 'I run'. Swedish always marks the present tense with '-r':
    • To walk = Att gå
    • I walk = Jag går
    • They walk = De går
    • He walks = Han går
    • It walks = Den går
  • Swedish usually uses noun inflection rather than a definite article (though I don't think it comes up in the text):
    • A house = Ett hus
    • The house = Huset
    • A car = En bil
    • The car = Bilen
  • The '-ed' in 'protected' usually turns into '-d' in Swedish.
  • A passive '-s' can be used to express that something is being done to a noun:
    • Bilen kör = The car drives
    • Bilen körs = The car is driven
    • Stoppa tjuven! = Stop the thief!
    • Tjuven stoppas = The thief is stopped
    • Att ta = To take
  • Att tas = To be taken
    • Like German, Swedish does not put spaces in compound nouns. 'Test resultat' would be incorrect since 'test' is not an adjective.