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#1Swahili by John
Nimepata matokeo ya upimaji wako; bila shaka umepatwa na malaria. Nimekuandikia maelezo ya matumizi ya dawa. Meza vidonge hivi vinne, na baada ya masaa sita, meza vidonge viwili vingine. Halafu meza vidonge viwili kila siku kwa wiki nzima. Rudi hapa kama hujapata nafuu.I have your test results; without doubt you have malaria. I’ve written you a prescription. Swallow these four tablets, and after six hours take another two. Then swallow two tablets each day for a whole week. Come back here if you don’t feel any improvement.
#2Mandarin by Aimerais

Wǒ shōu dào le nǐ de cèshì jiéguǒ. Nǐ dāngrán huàn le nüèjí. Wǒ yǒu xiě gěi nǐ yìxiē guānyú rúhé chī zhè zhǒng yàowù de xìnxī. Shǒuxiān chī sì lì yàowán, liù gè xiǎoshí hòu, duō chī liǎng lì. Ránhòu, xià gè xīngqí měitiān chī liǎng lì yàowán. Bù huīfù dehuà, qǐng huílái.
I’ve received the results of your test. You’ve definitely contracted malaria. I’ve written you some information regarding how to consume this kind of medicine. First, take four pills. Six hours later, eat two more. Then, for the next week, take two every day. If you don’t recover, please come back.
#3Portuguese by Irany
Eu recebi o resultado do seu teste, você definitivamente contraiu malária, escrevi para você instruções de como tomar esse tipo de remédio.
Primeiramente, tome quatro pílulas, após seis horas, tome mais dois, depois, nas próximas semanas, tome duas pílulas todos os dias, se você não se melhorar, volte aqui.
I've received the result of your test, you've definitely contracted malaria, I've wrote you instructions on how to take this kind of medicine.
Firstly, take four pills, after 6 hours, take more 2 and then in the next weeks take two pills everyday, if you don't get better, come back.
#4Swedish by Ulfalizer
Jag fick dina testresultat, du är definitivt malariasmittad. Jag skickar skriftliga instruktioner om hur denna typ av medicin tas. Ta först fyra piller, sen två till efter sex timmar, och sen två piller dagligen nästa vecka. Om du inte blir bättre, kom tillbaka hit.I got your test results, you definitely contracted malaria. I'm sending you written instructions on how this type of medication is taken. First, take four pills, then two more after six hours, and then two pills daily next week. If you don't get better, come back here.
#5Sumerian by Sumericus
𒂷𒂊|𒃻𒋃|𒉌𒍝|𒌇 𒉆𒄃|𒉏𒈠|𒃶𒅁𒆤𒇷𒂗 𒂷𒂊|𒃻𒅗𒂵|𒃻𒅥𒀀|𒉆𒀀𒍪𒁉𒅗|𒊬𒊏|𒋗|𒈬𒊏𒋺𒋺𒀭 𒅆𒂠|𒀀𒁲𒐉 𒃶𒅁𒅥𒌦 𒂕|𒌓𒈦𒀀𒀀𒋫|𒀀𒁲𒐉|𒃶𒅁𒅥𒌦|𒅇|𒀀𒁲𒐉|𒌓𒁕|𒌓𒐌𒂠|𒃶𒅁I received your test results. You are infected with the plague of the mosquitoes. I have sent the instructions for consumption of the medicine in writing to you. First, please consume 4 potions. After 1/2 of a day, take 2 potions, and 2 potions daily for one week. If you don't feel healthy, please come back to me.
#6Spanish by len
He recibido el resultado de la prueba de las personas de infectadas por la plaga de mosquitos. Escribí su consumo. Primero, cuatro dosis fueron tomadas consumidas. Después de doce horas, dos más dosis fueron tomadas, y dos más fueron tomadas tras siete días. Si se toma diariamente, las personas volverán a su salud habitual.I have received the result of the test of the people infected with the plague of mosquitoes. I wrote your consumption. First, 4 pills were consumed. After 12 hours, 2 more pills were taken, and 2 more were taken after seven days. If you take daily, the people will return to their normal health.

(translation supplied by Sumericus)
#7Danish by Sen
Jeg har modtaget resultattestene af mennesker smittet med myggeplagen.
Giv dem følgende dosering:
Først skal fire doser tages.
Efter tolv timer skal endnu to doser tages og to yderligere skal tages efter syv dage.
Hvis det tages daglige, bør han/hun være frisk igen.
I have received the test results of people infected with the mosquito plague. Give them the following dosage: First, four doses must be taken. After 12 hours, two more doses must be taken and two further must be taken after seven days. If it’s taken daily, she/he should be fresh again.
#8Brazilian Portuguese by Lovecraft
Brazilian PortugueseEnglish
Recebi os resultados das pessoas com a praga dos mosquitos.
Dê a eles a seguinte dosagem,
Primeiro devem tomar por quatro dias,
Depois de doze horas, ainda devem tomar mais duas doses e depois mais duas depois de sete dias.
Se tomada diariamente, devem ficar curadas.
I've received the test results of the people with the mosquito plague.
Give them the following dosage:
First they must take it for four days,
After twelve hours they still have to take two doses and then take two more after seven days.
If taken daily, they should be healthy again.
#9Swedish by Mega
Jag har fått resultaten av dem så plågas mygg
Ge till dem följande dos
Efter tolv timmar ge till dem två mer doser och två mer efter sju dagar
Om tas dagligen ska de bli kureras
I've received the results of the tests for those plagued by mosquitoes
Give them the following dosage:
First, you should give it to them for four days
After 12 hours, give them 2 more doses, and two more after seven days
If taken daily, they will be cured.
#10Spanish by O'Shawcroft
He recibido los resultados de los que están molestados por los mosquitos.
Darles las siguientes dosis.
Después de doce horas, darles dos dosis más, y dos más después de siete días.
Ellos serán curados si se toman las dosis diariamente.
I have received the results of those who are annoyed by mosquitoes.
Give them the following doses.
After twelve hours, give them two more doses, and two more after seven days.
They will be cured if the doses are taken daily.
#11Dutch by lȝubit
Ik heb de resultaten ontvangen voor de ergernis van de mug.
Geef de volgende doses twaalf uur later.
Geef twee meer doses en over zeven dagen weer twee.
Als zij de doses dagelijks hebben gebruikt zijn zij genezen.
i have gotten the results of the annoyance of the mosquitoes
give the next dose 12 hours later
give two more doses and over 7 days 2 more doses.
if they've taken the doses daily, they'll've been healed.
#12Georgian by Anaïs
კოლოს უსიამოვნების შედაგები მოვიღე.
თორმეტი საათის შენდეგ შენდეგი დოზები მიეცი.
კიდევ ორი დოზა მიეცი და შვიდ დღეში კიდევ ორი.
თუ ყოველდღე დოზებს მიიღებენ, განიკურნებიან.
I have received the results for the annoyance of the mosquito.
Give the following doses twelve hours later.
Give two more doses and over seven days two again.
If they have taken the doses daily, they are healed.
#13German by aquaticonions
Eine Moskito hat mich gebissen.
Nach zwölf Stunden hast du mir eine Dosierung gegeben.
Du hast mir zwei mehr gegeben, und innerhalb von sieben Tagen zwei mehr.
Wenn ich eine tägliche Dosierung nehme, wird es heilen.
"A mosquito bit me.
After twelve hours, you gave me a dose(edited)
You gave me two more doses, and two more within seven days
If I take a daily dose, it will heal."
#14Esperanto by Kimura
Kulo mordis min.
Poste dek du horoj li donis dozon al mi.
Li donis al mi du pli, kaj en sep tagoj du pli.
Se mi ingestas dozojn tage, estos resaniĝonta.
A mosquito has bitten me.
After twelve hours he has given me a dose.
He has given me two more, and within seven days two more.
If I take daily doses, I will have healed.
#15Turkish by quelutak
Sivrisinek beni ısırdı
On iki saattan sonra o bana dozu verdi
Bana iki daha verdi, ve yedi gün içinde iki daha
Eğer ben dozları her gün alırsam, yakında iyileşeceğim.
The mosquito bit me
Twelve hours later he gave me the dose
He gave me two more, and in seven days two more
If I take the doses every day, I will soon get better
#16Sranan Tongo by Fuseteam
Sranan TongoEnglish
wan maskita biti mi
wantentitu uru na ing mi gi a dosering
mi gi tu moro baka seibidei
Als mi teki a dosering aladei, mo betre snel.
a mosquito bit me
twelve hours afterwards i give it a dose
after seven days i gave it two more
if i take the doses everyday i'll heal faster
#17Bengali by sushi
একটা মশা আমাকে কামড় দিয়েছে
বাইশ ঘণ্টার পরে আমি ওষুধ নিয়েছি
এক সপ্তাহের পরে আমি আরো দুইটা নিয়েছি
প্রতিদিন ওষুধ নিলে আরো ভালো লাগে
A mosquito bit me
In twenty-two hours I took medicine
After a week I took two more
If I take medicine every day, I feel better
#18Romanian by Rahvuslane
Am fost mușcat de un țânțar
Două ore mai târziu, am luat pastile
După o săptămână, am mai luat încă două (pastile)
În fiecare zi voi mai lua.
I've been bitten by a mosquito
Two hours later, I took pills
After a week, I took yet another two
I'll still take those everyday.
#19Spanish by 420 Swag Lord
Yo fui mordido de un mosquito
Después de dos horas, yo tomé dos pastillas
Después de una semana, yo fui a tomar dos más (pastillas)
Todos los días yo ir a tomarlas.
I was bitten by a mosquito
After two hours, I took two pills
After a week, I went to take two more (pills)
Everyday I go to take some.
#20French by sen's partner
J’étais mordu par un moustique.
Après deux heures, j’ai pris deux pilules.
Après une semaine, j’ai pris deux autres pilules.
Je prends un autre chaque jour.
I was bitten by a mosquito.
After 2 hours, I took 2 pills.
After 1 week, I took 2 other pills.
I take another every day.
#21Zulu by Qinisela
Ngilunywe ngumiyane.
Emva kwamahora amabili, ngidle amaphilisi amabili.
Emva kweviki elilodwa, ngidle amaphilisi amanye amabili.
Ngidla iphilisi elinye onke amalanga.
I was bitten by a mosquito.
After two hours, I took two pills.
After one week, I took two other pills.
I take another every day.
#22Esperanto by fer22f
Mi estis mordita moskite
Post du horoj, manĝis mi du pilolojn
Post semajno, manĝis mi pilolojn kaj pli pilolojn
Manĝas mi alian pilolon la tutan tagon
I was bitten by a mosquito
After two hours, I ate two pills
After one week, I ate pills and more pills
I eat another pill all day
#23Swahili by John
Nimeumwa mbu
Baada ya saa mbili, Nilimeza vidonge viwili
Baada ya wiki, Nilimeza vidonge kwa hatua vidonge
Ninakula kidonge kingine siku yote
I was biten by a mosquito
After two hours, I ate two pills
After a week, I ate pills and more pills
I eat another pill the whole day