/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Learn a Lang Natlang Relay 8

#11Dutch by lȝubit

Ik heb de resultaten ontvangen voor de ergernis van de mug.
Geef de volgende doses twaalf uur later.
Geef twee meer doses en over zeven dagen weer twee.
Als zij de doses dagelijks hebben gebruikt zijn zij genezen.

i have gotten the results of the annoyance of the mosquitoes
give the next dose 12 hours later
give two more doses and over 7 days 2 more doses.
if they've taken the doses daily, they'll've been healed.


  • ik - i (pronoun)
  • hebben - to have (v)
  • de - the (article)
  • resultaat - resultaat (n - common)
  • ontvangen - to receive (strong past participle: ontvangen)
  • voor - for (prep)
  • ergernis - annoyance (n - common)
  • van - of, from (prep)
  • mug - mosquito (n - common)
  • geven - to give
  • dosis - dose (n - common)(irregular plural: doses)
  • twaalf - 12
  • uur - hour (n - neuter)
  • later - later, after (adj)
  • twee - two
  • meer - more (adj)
  • en - and (conj)
  • dag - days (n - common)(irregular plural: dagen)
  • over - over, about (prep)
  • weer - again (adv)
  • zeven - seven
  • twee - two
  • Als - as, like; if
  • zij - they
  • dagelijk - daily
  • gebuiken - to use
  • zijn - to be
  • genezen - to heal (strong past pasticiple: genezen)

word order: SVO(V2), or VSO is allowable with adverbs and after certain conjunctions; in imedded clauses SOV

spelling: if two vowels of the same vowel are in a row, this is a long vowel, for example 'geef',
however if there is a syllable after, the long vowel is written as one vowel, for example 'geven'
if a syllable is after a short vowel, the consonant is doubled instead 'zit' -> 'zitten'
dutch also includes intervocalic voicing of fricatives and is reflected in the orthography in that infinitives using with z or v between vowels becomes s or f

Nouns: two genders, common and neuter (archaic dutch cases use three genders, masculine feminine and neuter)
neuter - definite article het, and if indefinite, adjectives do not inflect
common - definite article de, all plurals are common
plurals - formed with -en or -s both regularly, however irregulars exist

Adjectives - before a noun, adjectives inflect by taking -e, however this does not occur if the noun is neuter and is taking an indefinite article

infinitives: most regular verbs end in -en, however some single syllable verbs simply take a long vowel and a -n.
root: drop the -en, and account spelling for long vowel (if necessary)
inflection for person:

  • first: (root)
  • second/third: (root) -t
  • plural: (infinitive)

past tense:

  • singular (root) -te/de (depending on voicing of final consonant of root)
  • plural (root) -ten/den (depending on voicing of final consonant of root)

past participle:

  • most words take the form 'ge-(root)-t/-d, except for words with a stressed prefix, which don't take the ge- prefix (e.g. van, uit, ont etc)

perfect aspect: formed with hebben + past pariciple
passive voice: formed with zijn + past participle

irregulars: zijn (to be)

  • first - ik ben
  • second - jij bent
  • third - hij,zij,het is
  • plural - we,jullie,zij zijn
  • past singular - was
  • past plural - weren
  • hebben (to have)
  • third - hij,zij,het heeft
  • past singular - had
  • past plural - hadden

Ik heb de resultaten ontvangen voor de ergernis van de mug.
Geef de volgende doses twaalf uur later.
Geef twee meer doses en over 7 dagen weer 2.
Als zij de doses dagelijks hebben gebruikt zijn zij genezen.