/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Learn a Lang Natlang Relay 8

#18Romanian by Rahvuslane

Am fost mușcat de un țânțar
Două ore mai târziu, am luat pastile
După o săptămână, am mai luat încă două (pastile)
În fiecare zi voi mai lua.

I've been bitten by a mosquito
Two hours later, I took pills
After a week, I took yet another two
I'll still take those everyday.

  • a fi = to be
  • a mușca = to bite
  • de ~ of
  • (un) țânțar = mosquito
  • doi = two
  • (o) oră = hour
  • mai târziu = later
  • încă = (yet) another
  • (o) pastilă = pill, drug
  • după = after
  • (o) zi = day
  • a lua = to take
  • mai ~ still going (to)
  • în fiecare = everyday

Romanian is an almost run-of-the-mill Eastern Romance language (>implying there would be other E.R. languages), but anyway...

It is mostly SVO, except when having our wonderful object pronoun before the verb (French much?)

And it's also prodrop, so look in the first word of the tenses for the person ;)

Romanian is uncommon amongst the Romance languages first because of the Slavic flavour, second because it has case endings, and third because it has enclitic articles, which obviously can also combine with the case endings, and also because the verb changes itself, sometimes with no pattern at all, if there's a pattern somewhere for the verbs, please call me, but in the meanwhile I'll try to make SOME patterns.

K so here we go boiiiii...


We have 2 kinds of articles: definite and indefinite. The indefinite ones come before the noun, and the definite ones come after it. Here's the indefinite article, in all cases and genders (- neuter because why):

NOM-ACC:un unii o unele
GEN-DAT:unui unor unei unor

There's also niște, but eh.


If masculine: the plural of the [] + 'i'
If feminine or neuter: plural form of [] + 'le'


The only numerals here are o/un and doi (yes, the singular articles are also numbers with the value of 1, and they can also modify for gender in our case)

un -> doi (or două when neuter, which isn't the case here)
o > două


Compound perfect: am/ai/a/am/ați/au + the participle of the verb (it's in -t 99.9% of the time, and it kinda looks like the original verb anyway)
Future: voi/vei/va/vom/veți/vor + the infinitive of the verb (without the a)
Also that mai shouldn't interrupt you, it's just put between the tense