/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Discord Conlangers Relay the Seventh

#14Milevian by Enigmatic Emolga

Śareyayun ankiní uvá; te dé. Reźürmürge Sáranal Tűdínäl
Sűpälykör? Reźürmürge tśenal paź, mágo? Leźürmür kítí
Mínnal Tűdínäl Sűpälykör. Luvalur śaraní üva̋kyödüräśed.
Igyorungo? Igyorun. Źürmüdäräl tśenalsá lemértün. Hahá!
Luvalur debirvok ded! Igyorungo? Tege má üva̋kyödüräś?

You must move carefully; he is here. You argued with Sára and Tűdí about Sűpäly? You argued with them as well, did you not? I recently argued with Mín and Túidi about Sűpäly. I almost called him a retard. I argued with them, so now I’m leaving. Haha! I called him that earlier! Am I scared? Is he not a retard?

*** Editor's note: Lol I'm not transcribing this entire PDF document, check it out yourself. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/328536634280771584/328537284955734016/Torch_Gwaur.pdf