/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Discord Conlangers Relay the Seventh

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#1Sevelian by Persephonë
Léánidas iti šieteruli šienuli tehéllenivanainas sulma mindihyimitreu, iti aundra Medivanaizmenanolli azišursuvolli. Má syei grukisoneu, aide grukanéiu no héllenivanahyilivritzyas sufskulanéiu nyuiš kanifalameu. Eteryus mindéiu, ma marayéiu yaruiš.Leonidas was zealous because of only these these men of the Hellenes* to send forth, because it had been greatly charged against them that they had Medized**: so he called them to war, wishing to know whether they would send some men or whether they would openly avoid the alliance of the Hellenes. They, though thinking other things, sent them in.
#2Kyokurei by Sumericus
Kachode ngathengai torema rokunghelenima kataiyang leyonidaseng, rokungmedivat neyonaikama. Nayoḿ rokungmà kokeraikѐna gyongkot mak. Gyonbaikѐna, doi rokungheleni kataimà longroikѐna gachihà yo? Ngatnhone mai jateyirot, go teiyunhone kongkathà.Because Leyonidas restlessly sent this army’s single Heleni ally, the Mediva people are being accused. Thus, war on them was called for, did they wage war or did the Heleni alliance avoid without hesitation? The army was sent, however, they thought differently.
#3Mvlkgtrdmonvbplsm by Gwaur
Pskrlapkptl tunsnmt Lnideskpnm vgpotkpsf vagkpnm Krekkpft, snek vgmdivlktl rabvlmt bugkprf.
Dam vullksp pismltl norvlmt.
Piskpbr fugvlmtrg puf vgpotlktl munvlmtrg zmleg?
Derkptl negvlmt, snek lanmltl krfemrg bervlmt.
The restlessness caused by the Greek's only ally Leonidas was blamed on the Medivans.
Thus the people were called for war.
Did they wage war or did the Greek promptly avoid their allies?
They sent the army, but they had a different plan.
#4supercoollang3 by ᛚᛄᚢᛒᚣᛏ
kjek nana e linide na zauwak li wat sikenk, pei zyba gyrka midiv nana.
lyt zyba li co hi yang
zyba lin li ment fa koyataya zauwak na yang zjereyong ?
zyba li fingocau pei zyba lin li kar touna jam?
Kjek’s and linide’s alliance caused fighting, but they blamed midiv’s
So zyba asked for people
Were they to go to war or avoid the alliance of the people quickly?
They were sent but had they the same plan?
#5? by quhat
tilkʎekχu tilliniteχu hipsaluʁi:kkli7etoretu χu txehin tiliqiqinpsato:qʼi7amoqʼluʁi:knoretu pi mitifin tiliqiqinpsape:piretu
xoqiqipsaʁi:knohe7ane la: xoqiqipsasi:xihe7ane
kʎek and linite were allied, causing war, but the mitif were blamed for it.
they said to the people:
fight, or avoid the mitif?
they went to war
did the mitif do the same?
#6Toma by Knut
Toi ei au'a Kieke au'a e a Ninite nga ai, Tehe uai toa au'a hao toa ai, toi ei no reiro 'oro Mitihu nga ai.
Toi ma nena meu ngopi ungu toma ai, toi ei nena e kao nga ai. pema piu nga ai.
ni au'a toi mo'ó ne? ni au'a toi kui pau toa mo'ó ne?
Toi ei au'a nga ai.
Hie hao e a a ne?
He hurt Kieke and Ninite, Tehe made them hurt each other, he threw road onto Mitihu.
He searched for some voice in his head, he found two. They spoke.
Will I hurt him? Will I go away from him?
He fought.
Was it the same?
#7Drsk by Isoraķatheð

#8Proto-Mepteic by serena
— Sexaseŋka mis. Sunjiu saiwe raites.
— Nai, censasenettu Sukipe Sukipe yunu Secanik Secan Tuici. Tuici Suxet sar esimade yunu ibmaik censasembieuju? As, Tuici Suxet. Qeyaneyu Midi Tuici Suri minde mawe hat. Qeyanerib hat minde nauxitte esiep jerusir. Maik ui ketca.
— Wesunnu sexasenca? As.
— Raites hat censasenekiru, puatci mauneyei?
— Eha. Raites hat censasenekiru iwa?
— Nasexaseŋka censasednu aŋgade. As beyar iwa?
— I understand that. It happened back then.
— Right, someone insulted Sukipe Sukipe and Secan Secan Tuici. Was it Tuici Suxet who insulted those two and other people in general? Yes, Tuici Suxet. Midi Tuici Suri tried to banish him. He was forced to make two nicknames. They have information.
— Do I understand the question? Yes.
— When we insulted him, was he banished from the crowd?
— Hah. When we insulted him?
— I understand the first insult. But all of them?
#9Drahyl by Uruwi
— Gejleto. Nūnêr rinaṡunama vulera.
— Ḣanafuẏkáne Sûkipo Sûkipo Sotsán Sotsán Tujsi meteltara.

Tujsi Sôḣot, mon etunylu ḣêhetunylu matotosora?
Tujsi Sôḣot, matotosora.
Midis Tujsis Sûris nyveldara.
Mon vilkentot karestadara.

— Dotew gejleto? Gejleto.
— Mateltotrakâl ṡuname kêz nuvelra?
— Haha. Mateltotrakâl ṡuname tes tûru?
— Laksun troma matew gejleto. Ḧeli tes tûru?
— I understand it. Obviously, it occurred at that time.
— Thus, he insulted Sukipe Sukipe and Secan Secan Tuici.

Tuici Suxet, have you insulted with these two people and someone else?
Yes, Tuici Suxet.
Midi Tuici Suri has tried to banish him.
He tried to create two nicknames. It was knowledge.

— Do I understand the question? Yes.
— At the time we insulted him, has he been banished by the groups?
— Haha. At the time we insulted him, you say?
— Then I understand the first insult. But all, you say?
#10Loshelekor by TurtleDuckDate
jaitotu. lakathosheani otalasipa.
thathaharlila jor mushisho sukipo sukipo sotosano sotosano tuisi tuisi

thathaharlilo sejarkomi, tuisi sohoto, taka sejarkomi meti taka sejarkomi
thathaharlilo sejarkomi, tuisi sohoto.
lathathaharlilole midihe tuisihe sulihe jor
lanuolale taka sejarkomihe lir "kenoto"

thiki jaitotu. jaitotu.
thathaharlitho orher osipola tipesita
Haha. thiki lathathaharlijo orher tipesita "tulu".
jaitona orher. thiki ketetu "tulu".
- I understand. It obviously happened.
- Because Sukipo Sukipo Sotsan Sotsan Tujsi Tujsi, she insulted her.

Tujsi Sohot, two people with two other people, we insulted someone.
Tujsi Sohot, we insulted.
Midis, Tujsi, Suris, tried to insult them.
TWo men calling themselves Kento.

- Do I understand? I understand.
- We insulted them when they left.
- Haha. You insulted them then "turu"?
- Then you understand them. Everything "turu"?
#11Kotulese by Slorany
- es lampamka. tse otemo tsekalkju.
- e sultalso kos Sukipo, Sotosano om Tuisi, e sultalso peti kul, Tuisi om Sokoto, tul kikul om ekas wumo. e sultalso peti kul, Tuisi om Sokoto.
- tse Miti, Tuisi om Suli sulpalso. tse tepalluk tjela "kemoto" ekam.
- esja lampumka. es lampumka.
- tse ekam sulpalso, sola es wukulta.
- wawa. se'e tseja tjekulla.
- es lampuka ekam. esja oll'a kokul'o lalowapo.
- I understand. It obviously happened.
- Confront him because [???] [???] [???], confront some of them, Tuisi and Sohoto, two of them as well as the others.
Confront some of them, Tuisi and Sohoto.
We confronted Midi, Tuisi and Suli.
We tried calling them "Kenoto".
- Do I understand? I understand.
- We confronted them, they are leaving now.
- Haha. Did you call them stupid last time?
- I understand them. Are they all stupid?
#12Bäladiri by Swamp Dragon
Ïgughø̄n, rigainjämmikkälän. Gezaindäjägghdi Sotsânas tä Tuiðinas Suipëlyn, gezaindajägghdilat gaitä kostas.
Gesaunngënï gessë Mînas, Tuiðinas tä Suinas. Xighīnjängï dizudegïlëssë gevatis. Ïgurīsënnëg; ïgurīs.
Gesaunngïsat kostas gennatas, grantä pazutūs sajkä. Xaha! Dizudūnnsïsëszallë gongä! Ïgurīsënnëg. Kāmatausjäkkälëg!
I understand. She must have been here?
You confronted them because of Sukipo, Sotsano and Tuitsi; confronted them, Tuitsi and Sokoto, the two of them and some others too.
I confronted Miti, Tuisi and Suli recently.
I tried to call someone ??? Do we understand? We understand. I confronted some of them, and now they're leaving.
Haha, what were they called before? Do we understand? Aren't all of them stupid?
#13Semụr by Sascha
Va qhụ́ra komọ́nco kevên, su phénsu phé lâ.
Va hná vusu Sọ́ċa Túidi nusu Suipêl sụgụrlirîbu, óhna?
Va hná vusu besu sụgụrlirîbu, óhna?
Oga hníga lêlvu vusu Mín Túidi Sûi sugurlûrbu.
Oga hníga kufâhn vusu voqho fenqhòhn sụq̇inrîbu.
Oga bàhmga bimâhmfensúhna bíl? Bénga ká kíl.
Oga hníga usu sugurlûrbu, phíhn qùga phú mọqhọtâhm.
Qhahá! Ga hníga bâmfi vûchi usu sụq̇inrîbu!
Uga bàhmga bimâhmfensúhna bíl?
Su uvàhmsu asqho fenqhòhn bíl?
Act carefully, they were here.
You argued with Sotsa, Tuidi because of Suipel, didn’t you?
You argued with them and others, didn’t you?
I recently argued with Min, Tuidi and Sui.
I almost called them retards.
Am I paranoid? Yes, I am.
I argued with them, thus I’m now walking away.
Haha! What did we call them earlier!
Am I paranoid?
Aren’t they imbeciles?
#14Milevian by Enigmatic Emolga
Śareyayun ankiní uvá; te dé. Reźürmürge Sáranal Tűdínäl
Sűpälykör? Reźürmürge tśenal paź, mágo? Leźürmür kítí
Mínnal Tűdínäl Sűpälykör. Luvalur śaraní üva̋kyödüräśed.
Igyorungo? Igyorun. Źürmüdäräl tśenalsá lemértün. Hahá!
Luvalur debirvok ded! Igyorungo? Tege má üva̋kyödüräś?
You must move carefully; he is here. You argued with Sára and Tűdí about Sűpäly? You argued with them as well, did you not? I recently argued with Mín and Túidi about Sűpäly. I almost called him a retard. I argued with them, so now I’m leaving. Haha! I called him that earlier! Am I scared? Is he not a retard?
#15Classical Ngade n Tim Ar by Galen
Classical Ngade n Tim ArEnglish
Tégé hé cn khugé índí máhmáh. Ngaskar cn signa tehár tih üm ngus cn. Îzm édí cn khugé hé, á5e r? Îzm Mín cá Tûdi ngus signa tehár 5iná. Këdên káctogácto ü ngus 3ês. Á5e lugan ngus? Á5e lugan ngus. Actîn îzm ü ng ngus hé sonen óndó ngus. Háhá! Këdên hé ngus rághe. Á5e lugan ngus? Á5e káctogácto hé, á5e r?You must move with utmost care to him.

You screech about bonding near me. You argued with them too, no? I argued with Min and Tüdi about bonding recently. I nearly gave it to the arch-idiot. Am I scared?

I’m scared.

He connected to my argument and I left. Haha! I gave him it beforehand. Am I scared?

Isn’t he the dumbest?
#16Dâo Kóng by Aimely
Dâo KóngEnglish
Zrôe hyaosỳ ńg phoehk gyôung ví. Khãt ó ngâ qhài vôi qang sãp. Zrôe hyaosèi ńg hyao bý ãp ng ? Vẽihk ngâ xa Miny xa Túdity vôi qang bý. Qài phoehk thúbài bâo. Ngâ khe ng ? Ngâ khe. Hyao ngádi mòi, ãk ngádi hqoi. Háhài ! Ngâ hyao ḿ bâo. Ngâ khesze ng ? Hyao phoehk thú ãp ng ?You go to him with very great care. You scream about joining when you are with me. You argue with them using him, isn’t it? I argued with Min and Tudi about connecting recently. I nearly attacked the ignoramuses. Am I afraid? I’m afraid. He understands my arguments, then goes away from me. Haha! I’ve attacked him before. Am I scared? Isn’t he an ignoramus?
#17Sape by Gufferdk
Semon mkómai lúlusi.
Háwë kon kápmawuk somsaum ejúm mnotpë.
Háwë senisa homli semé lëkíh lak notnot íwhemokuën mah?
Ko Min Túti homli somsaum lëkíh notnot íwhehi ukoma.
Núpmamíhwe íwahmohé.
Wokat ne̋suntën?
Wokat ne̋sunt.
Sem ne̋anokt lëk hom mtahét.
Sún mpumhi.
Wokat popít ne̋suntën?
Núpmam lak momën mah?
You go to him very carefully.
When you are with me, we scream about joining.
You don't argue with them using him, right?
I recently argued with Min and Túdi about joining.
We almost attacked (some) ignoramus'.
Am I afraid?
I am afraid.
He was my idea, then he fled from my idea.
I have attacked him.
Am I scared?
He is not an ignoramus, right?
#18Carisitt by Jasper
El olhighom que teum que tátaet uianý.
El ferétom fér te mi ogvifar.
Imont te fe i he nhe vagh?
Igh ogviff Min fe Tuti imendu he vagh raquenuss.
El raquenuss darugheum nefiót.
Darughet feui me?
Feui darughet me.
He dizóiet geiý veghý marut idei faiech.
Igh quebb darughet.
Darughet feui uian me?
Faieund nefiu nhe?
We go with him very carefully.
We scream as you join with me.
Did you and they not tell each other words?
I recently joined Min and Túti telling each other words.
We almost attacked ignorant people.
Does fear attack me?
Fear attacks me.
He gives the word my idea to flee.
I have attacked.
Does much fear attack me?
Do ignorant people not flee?
#19Sevelian by Persephonë
suliu valitáie grubarami
sri van hyilivranŭ, ineráie
aundra nén mež seivuen vesuleiu nainé ĭsuvéiu?
mĭnye* mež tzuci** ená, velsulyui vanen suvitzu nyiprkviš
dzéyamaraiatelyui ĭkšataiu nyiprkviš
aide kukuru vya kšatané
kukuru vya azikšaté
svuen vesuluns maraitzya važ karaitzai dayé
aide grukukuru vya kšatané?
aide dzéyamaraiateleiu nekaranéiu?
We go with them with great attention
we scream when you join me
They were saying you and themselves were not words?
I join Min and Tuti saying words to myself recently
We recently were attacking fools
Does fear attack me?
fear attacks me
self gives to the word my idea to flee
I have fought
Does great fear fight me?
The fools flee not?