/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Discord Conlangers Relay the Seventh

#12Bäladiri by Swamp Dragon

Ïgughø̄n, rigainjämmikkälän. Gezaindäjägghdi Sotsânas tä Tuiðinas Suipëlyn, gezaindajägghdilat gaitä kostas.
Gesaunngënï gessë Mînas, Tuiðinas tä Suinas. Xighīnjängï dizudegïlëssë gevatis. Ïgurīsënnëg; ïgurīs.
Gesaunngïsat kostas gennatas, grantä pazutūs sajkä. Xaha! Dizudūnnsïsëszallë gongä! Ïgurīsënnëg. Kāmatausjäkkälëg!

I understand. She must have been here?
You confronted them because of Sukipo, Sotsano and Tuitsi; confronted them, Tuitsi and Sokoto, the two of them and some others too.
I confronted Miti, Tuisi and Suli recently.
I tried to call someone ??? Do we understand? We understand. I confronted some of them, and now they're leaving.
Haha, what were they called before? Do we understand? Aren't all of them stupid?