/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Discord Conlangers Relay the Seventh

#11Kotulese by Slorany

- es lampamka. tse otemo tsekalkju.
- e sultalso kos Sukipo, Sotosano om Tuisi, e sultalso peti kul, Tuisi om Sokoto, tul kikul om ekas wumo. e sultalso peti kul, Tuisi om Sokoto.
- tse Miti, Tuisi om Suli sulpalso. tse tepalluk tjela "kemoto" ekam.
- esja lampumka. es lampumka.
- tse ekam sulpalso, sola es wukulta.
- wawa. se'e tseja tjekulla.
- es lampuka ekam. esja oll'a kokul'o lalowapo.

- I understand. It obviously happened.
- Confront him because [???] [???] [???], confront some of them, Tuisi and Sohoto, two of them as well as the others.
Confront some of them, Tuisi and Sohoto.
We confronted Midi, Tuisi and Suli.
We tried calling them "Kenoto".
- Do I understand? I understand.
- We confronted them, they are leaving now.
- Haha. Did you call them stupid last time?
- I understand them. Are they all stupid?


Each line is a possible meaning of the word, differing in grammatical usage. For instance, the first line for the meaning of a verb can be one that expresses transitivity, while the second line doesn't.

  • kos
    • that/which is the cause of
    • because (of)
  • lalowapo
    • stupid, inane
  • lamka
    • to understand, to comprehend
    • to be taught
  • oll'a
    • all, everything
  • om
    • concatenation/juxtaposition conjunction
  • otemo
    • obvious
    • obviously
  • peti
    • quantifier indicating a limited sample
  • se'e
    • before, previously
  • sulso
    • to confront, to face (something)
  • sola
    • (one) time, moment, try
    • now
    • this (previously referred to) moment
  • teluk
    • to attempt, to try
    • to be tempted
    • to be confronted with
  • tjela
    • to call, to name
  • tsekju
    • to happen, to occur
    • to make happen, to cause
  • tul
    • two
    • pair
    • dual
  • wumo
    • indicates similarity to a previously designated concept, object or person
    • too, also
  • wuta
    • to leave, to quit, to abandon, to forsake

Kotulese is an ergative-absolutive language with two genders (masculine and feminine), three numbers (singular, plural and singulative) and no completely set word order thanks to its 7-case system, however words can change meaning depending on their position in the sentence.


Category IPA Orthography
Plosives p t k ʔ <p t k '>
Nasals m <m>
Fricatives s <s>
Approximants l j w <l j w>
Vowels i e a o u <i e a o u>

SYLLABLES and phonotactic rules


{i,u} > ∅ / {j,w)_V
CC[identical] > C[+length]


Examples with kwes - tree and otla - flower
Plural is marked with -(a)s, with the a dropping in favour of an already present vowel, except /i/ (> j_#) and /u/ (> w_#).
Singulative is marked with -em, following the same rules as the plural.

Singular Plural Singulative Singular Plural Singulative
kwes kwesas kwesem otla otlas otlam
the tree (the) trees a tree the flower (the) flowers a flower


Case Ending
Absolutive unmarked
Ergative (o)- [ > ∅ / #_V]
Genitive k(i)- [ > k / #_V]
Dative e- [ > eʔ / #_V]
Locative -o [ > V1o / V1V2_#]
Causal m(i)- [ > m / #_V]
Essive-modal a(s)- [ > a / #_CC]

Examples with lusi - man and okmi - woman

sg pl sg pl Uses
Absolutive lusi lusias okmi okmias Core argument of an intransitive verb, object of a transitive verb
Ergative olusi olusias okmi okmias Agent of a transitive verb
Genitive kilusi kilusias kokmi kokmias Possession, composition, origin
Dative elusi elusias e'okmi e'okmias Recipient or affected
Locative lusio lusios okmio okmios Spatial situation
Causal milusi milusias miokmi miokmias Causation
Essive-modal alusi alusias asokmi asokmias Way (of being)


Demonstrative pronouns:

Singular Plural
masc fem masc fem
Near emam emal emas emas
Far emem emel emes emes

Indefinite pronoun => "(an)other(s)":



Number, gender and person are carried via an infix, which goes before the last syllable of the infinitive of the verb.
The default gender is the feminine, which is also used as neuter. Only animals and humans are gendered.
The singular is used when the subject is singulative.
The object of a verb can be placed either just before the TAM marker, between the TAM marker and the verb, or directly after the verb.

Person masculinefeminine
sg pl sg pl
1 -pam- -pum- -pal- -pul-
2 -tam- -tum- -tal- -tul-
3 -kam- -kum- -kal- -kul-

Example with the verb soswe - to say

masculine feminine
sg pl sg pl
sospamwe sospumwe sospalwe sospulwe
sostamwe sostumwe sostalwe sostulwe
soskamwe soskumwe soskalwe soskulwe

Tense, aspect and mood are shown via auxiliaries formed as follows:


Far-past (general) se-
Close-past tse-
Present e-
Future sa-


Perfective -
Imperfective V > [+length]
Gnomic -s-
Inchoat./Incep. -ks-
Delim./Durat./Cont. -ss-
Prospective -tt-


Indicative -
Interrogative -ja
Imperat./Juss. -u
Optative -i

Double consonants can't end a TAM marker, so if it is the case they get reduced to only one.


Adverbs are generally placed between the TAM marker and the verb they qualify.
Adverbs regarding time are placed before the TAM marker.


Don't inflect, always before the noun (after the article)
The -ko suffix (see above) may be added to some case forms to make their syntactic function adjectival.
An adjectival phrase can be constructed with a personal pronoun, the copula "ko", that can be conjugated as "ko'o" and the desired adjective.