/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Discord Conlangers Relay the Seventh

#18Carisitt by Jasper

El olhighom que teum que tátaet uianý.
El ferétom fér te mi ogvifar.
Imont te fe i he nhe vagh?
Igh ogviff Min fe Tuti imendu he vagh raquenuss.
El raquenuss darugheum nefiót.
Darughet feui me?
Feui darughet me.
He dizóiet geiý veghý marut idei faiech.
Igh quebb darughet.
Darughet feui uian me?
Faieund nefiu nhe?

We go with him very carefully.
We scream as you join with me.
Did you and they not tell each other words?
I recently joined Min and Túti telling each other words.
We almost attacked ignorant people.
Does fear attack me?
Fear attacks me.
He gives the word my idea to flee.
I have attacked.
Does much fear attack me?
Do ignorant people not flee?

[ie̯l ue̯ʎɨʒom kˣe tˢym kˣe tˢatai̯t ujɛnui̯]
[ie̯l fie̯rœtom fœr tˢe mɨ ue̯gvɨvɛr]
[ɨmon tˢe fe ɨ çe ɲe vɛʒ]
[ɨʒ ue̯gvɨf mɨn fe tˢutɨ ɨmai̯ndu çe vɛʒ rɛkai̯nus]
[ie̯l rɛkai̯nus tɛruʒym nie̯fjut]
[tɛruʒet fie̯ me]
[fie̯ tɛruʒet me]
[çe tɨzujet kie̯jui̯ vie̯ʒui̯ mɛrut ɨdi fɛjeʃ]
[ɨʒ kˣɨp tɛruʒet]
[tɛruʒet fie̯ ujɛn me]
[fɛjyn nie̯fju ɲe]

The Carisitt dictionary can be found at https://bassoonian.github.io/. All nouns include inflection tables while all adjectives follow declension A for the common gender and declension B for the neuter gender. These aren’t included in the pages yet; luckily, the two top results, abl and ach, are declension B and A, respectively.

Adjectives agree in number and case with the noun they accompany and usually (but not always) follow the noun.

Two words aren’t included in the site yet, these being the following:

  • marut: possessive pronoun (my); it behaves like an adjective
  • fér: when (but only used as a conjunction)

Two tables are still missing from the site, these being the verbs and the personal pronouns. For the verbs, you can use the table below:

Infinitive-echPresent Participle-endPast Participle-et

Note: suffixes marked with an asterisk show umlaut.
The preterite, pluperfect and future perfect can be formed by conjugating quebbech (to have) in the present, imperfect and future tense, respectively, alongside the past participle. The passive voice can be formed by conjugating the copula in the active voice alongside the past participle.

The pronouns are currently still under construction and only those that occur in the text can be found below:

  • igh: 1s, nom.
  • mi: 1s, acc.
  • te: 2s, nom.
  • teum: 3s (masc), dat.
  • el: 1p, nom.
  • i: 3p (neut), nom.

Sentences are SVO in nearly all cases. Questions show VSO.