/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Discord Conlangers Relay the Seventh

#17Sape by Gufferdk

Semon mkómai lúlusi.
Háwë kon kápmawuk somsaum ejúm mnotpë.
Háwë senisa homli semé lëkíh lak notnot íwhemokuën mah?
Ko Min Túti homli somsaum lëkíh notnot íwhehi ukoma.
Núpmamíhwe íwahmohé.
Wokat ne̋suntën?
Wokat ne̋sunt.
Sem ne̋anokt lëk hom mtahét.
Sún mpumhi.
Wokat popít ne̋suntën?
Núpmam lak momën mah?

You go to him very carefully.
When you are with me, we scream about joining.
You don't argue with them using him, right?
I recently argued with Min and Túdi about joining.
We almost attacked (some) ignoramus'.
Am I afraid?
I am afraid.
He was my idea, then he fled from my idea.
I have attacked him.
Am I scared?
He is not an ignoramus, right?