/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Discord Conlangers Relay the Seventh

#2Kyokurei by Sumericus

Kachode ngathengai torema rokunghelenima kataiyang leyonidaseng, rokungmedivat neyonaikama. Nayoḿ rokungmà kokeraikѐna gyongkot mak. Gyonbaikѐna, doi rokungheleni kataimà longroikѐna gachihà yo? Ngatnhone mai jateyirot, go teiyunhone kongkathà.

Because Leyonidas restlessly sent this army’s single Heleni ally, the Mediva people are being accused. Thus, war on them was called for, did they wage war or did the Heleni alliance avoid without hesitation? The army was sent, however, they thought differently.