//$getstoseeall is the IP address who gets to see the hidden relays as well. $getstoseeall = ''; //$prefix is a prefix attached to every username. For example, for Reddit //communities, the prefix would be /u/. $prefix = ''; //$danger is to warn users of an ongoing reprogramming situation and a prospect //of bugs $danger = 0; //$danger = 1; if ($danger == 0) { error_reporting(0); } //the next variables are texts to show when some piece of information is missing $nolang = '?'; $noby = '?'; $notext = '(text not entered)'; $notransl = '(translation not entered)'; $nogloss = '(gloss not entered)'; $noglossary = '(glossary not entered)'; $nogrammar = '(grammar not entered)'; $noipa = '(no IPA entered)';
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#3 | Mvlkgtrdmonvbplsm by Gwaur | |
Mvlkgtrdmonvbplsm | English | |
Pskrlapkptl tunsnmt Lnideskpnm vgpotkpsf vagkpnm Krekkpft, snek vgmdivlktl rabvlmt bugkprf. | The restlessness caused by the Greek's only ally Leonidas was blamed on the Medivans. | |
SYNTAXWord order OVS. Descriptors come after descriptees. Descriptors do not agree with descriptees in non-derivational suffixes. Derivational affixes are prefixes, non-derivational affixes are suffixes. VERBSDerivational prefixes
Personal affixesA finite verb must have a personal affix.
Tense/mood suffixesA finite verb must also have a tense/mood suffix. In a non-interrogative verb, these come last.
Interrogative suffix
NOUN & PRONOUNSCase suffixesA noun must always have a case suffix, unless it is derived into another part of speech.
Derivational prefixes
Number and definiteness affixesA noun must also always have a number/defness affix, unless it is derived into another part of speech. Since the case suffix comes last, this comes in the middle. A pronoun needsn't one.
ADJECTIVESComparative suffixesAn adjective must have a comparative suffix, unless it is derived into a different part of speech.
Derivational prefixes