- anexu ['anʌχo]
- aŋgade ['aŋgadə]
- adj first
- aŋgad- > PL H aŋgadar, A aŋgaden, N+U aŋgader
- as ['as]
- 1 conj but, however;
- 2 adv indeed, in fact, truly;
- 3 int yes, showing agreement with an affirmative or disagreement with a negative
- beya [bə'ja]
- nu all, entirety, each, of something, of an amount, of a collection
- beya- > SG ERG beyata, DAT beyande, GEN baye; PL ABS beyar, GEN beyade
- censasednu [ʦən'sasədnu]
- nu insult, pejorative, slur
- ~nu- > SG ERG ~nuta, DAT ~nunde, GEN ~ne; PL ABS ~nur, GEN ~nude
- censasek [ʦən'sasək]
- 1 vt tr to insult;
- 2 vt intr to be insulted, be offended
- eha [ə'xa]
- esiep [ə'siə̯p]
- esimmai [ə'simmai̯]
- nh two people, the two of them, those two, plurale tantum
- esim- > PL ERG esiŋ, DAT esimie, GEN esimade
- hat ['xat]
- pn he, him, his; she, her, hers; they, them, their, theirs; third person singular human pronoun
- ERG hun, DAT hak, GEN hate, ABL has, COM haik
- is ['is]
- nh someone else, another person, others
- it- > SG ERG in, DAT itak, GEN ite; PL ABS ibmai, GEN itade
- iwa ['iwa]
- ptcl is it? am I? you say? etc., interrogative copula
- jerusiu [ʣə'rusiu̯]
- nu nickname
- ~siu- > SG ERG ~siuta, DAT ~sinde, GEN ~siwe; PL ABS ~sir, GEN ~side
- ketca [kət'ʦa]
- 1 nu brain, mind;
- 2 nu knowledge, information, singulare tantum
- ketca- > SG ERG ketcata, DAT ketcande, GEN katce; PL ABS ketcar, GEN ketcade
- mau ['mau̯]
- 1 va tr to banish, shun, exile;
- 2 va intr to lose popularity, to fall out of favor
- Midi Tuici Suri ['midi 'tui̯ʦi 'suri]
- nh prop Midi Tuici Suri, a person’s name
- mis ['mis]
- 1 pn it, its, third person singular unnatural pronoun
- 2 ptcl that, which, nominalizes a clause
- ERG mita, DAT minde, GEN ma, me꞊, ABL mites, COM maik
- nai ['nai̯]
- nauxi ['nao̯χe]
- 1 va tr to make, create, invent, build;
- 2 va intr to be made, to come to fruition, to finish
- puar ['pʊa̯r]
- 1 nu group, company, plurale tantum;
- 2 nu people, nation, plurale tantum
- puat- > PL ERG puattu, DAT puatie, GEN puatte
- qeyar [qʌ'jar]
- 1 vt intr to try, takes a dative;
- 2 vt tr to cause, to force, to make, i.e. that someone do something;
- 3 vt tr to do;
- 4 vt aux will, going to, future tense auxiliary
- rai ['rai̯]
- nu time, occurrence, event
- rai > SG ERG raita, DAT rainde, GEN raye; PL ABS rair, GEN raide
- sate ['satə]
- 1 det this, that, these, those;
- 2 adj one’s own
- SG A hite, N saiwe, U hime; PL H sar, A hituedne, N sayude, U higidne
- Secan Secan Tuici [sə'ʦan sə'ʦan 'tui̯ʦi]
- nh prop Secan Secan Tuici, a person’s name
- sexa [sʌ'χɑ]
- 1 va tr to recognize;
- 2 va tr to understand, to comprehend
- Sukipe Sukipe ['sukipə 'sukipə]
- nh prop Sukipe Sukipe, a person’s name
- suŋ ['suŋ]
- 1 vt tr to set, to align, to fit, to put into place;
- 2 vt intr to happen, to occur
- Tuici Suxet ['tui̯ʦi 'soχʌt]
- nh prop Tuici Suxet, a person’s name
- ui ['ui̯]
- ptcl to be, is, am, are, was, were, copula
- wesunnu [wə'sunnu]
- nu question
- ~nu- > SG ERG ~nuta, DAT ~nunde, GEN ~ne; PL ABS ~nur, GEN ~nude
- yunu ['junu]
- ptcl and, as well as, used between nominals only, of which the following is in comitative
General typology:
- Head-initial
- Somewhat free but generally VSO word order
- Agglutinating, somewhat fusional
- Dissimilation of e /ə/
- ea > ia
- e > a in monosyllables (does not affect clitics)
- e > a in initial syllables when following syllable contains e, ei, or eu
- Affrication
- ts /t.s/ collapses into a geminate tc /tt͡s/
- Long plosive devoicing
- In a cluster of a stop followed by another stop or an affricate, both must become devoiced
- Desyllabification
- i u become y w between vowels
- Tends toward VSO, but focus fronting possible
- Verb or particle in interrogative mood comes last
- Relative clause follows nominalizer
- 2 numbers: singular and plural
- Many singulare tantum and plurale tantum nouns
- Both forms given in lexicon because the formation is incredibly fucky
- 4 genders grouped into 2 categories
- Animate: human (H), animate (A)
- Inanimate: natural (N), unnatural (U)
- 6 cases: absolutive (dictionary form), ergative, dative, genitive, ablative, comitative
- First four in singular as well as PL.ABS and PL.GEN given in lexicon because the same reason
- Ergative
PL | H | -ŋ (replaces -i of PL.ABS form) | | A, N, U | -u (replaces -e of PL.ERG form) |
- Dative
PL | H, N, U | -ie | | A | -ie (added onto PL.ABS form) |
- Ablative: also used in time expressions
SG | H, A | -s (added onto SG.GEN form) | | N, U | -ites (replaces stem auslaut vowel if applicable) | PL | H, N, U | -ji | | A | -ji (added onto PL.ABS form) |
- Comitative: used for possessive/"to have" constructions with the copula
SG | | -ik (added onto SG.ABS form, not root) | PL | | -ik (added onto PL.ABS form, not root) |
- Proper nouns:
- Only the first name is inflected, using a simpler system of suffixes:
| ERG | -aŋ | | DAT | -ak | | GEN | -aye | | ABL | -ites | | COM | -ik |
- Possession:
- Alienable: possessor.GEN comes after possessed as a separate word
- Inalienable: possessor.GEN cliticized before possessed phrase (still written separately)
- Adjectives:
- Come after nouns
- Adjectivalizer -me
- Numerals:
- Nearly all are grammatically ambitransitive
- Some make distinctions in meaning depending on transitivity used
- Classes: thematic, athematic marked by whether there's a theme consonant or not
- i.e. the final consonant
- undergo irregular phonological changes depending on environment
- infixes go before them: desa-p- + ‹ne› > desanep
- suffixes marked with ° cause them to be deleted: desa-p- + -°ida > desaida
- Full formation: converb + evidentiality prefix + verb stem + verb suffix
- Stem: root + aspect infix + voice infix + evidentiality infix + theme consonant
- Suffix: transitivity, ABS, ERG, reflexive, tense, interrogative, imperative (all fusional, fuck you)
- Evidentiality:
- ne- information contrary to what is expected
- ‹ji› obvious, well-known information; somewhat scornful-sounding
- Aspect:
- ‹ne› perfective (assimilates to ‹m›, ‹n›, or ‹ŋ› before other infixes)
- Voice:
- ‹bi› antipassive, reduces ergatives to ablative and ablatives to genitive
- Suffixes:
- Present:
SUBJ: | | Ø | 1S | 2S | 3S | 1P | 2P | 3P | OBJ: | 1S | -°iŋ | | -eŋku | -eŋ | -ŋer | -empa | -eŋa | | 2S | -°eu | -uŋka | | -u | -ur | -upa | -ua | | 3S.A | -°ie | -eŋka | -eku | -e | -er | -epa | -ia | | 3S.I | -°i | -seŋka | -sku | -Ø | -ser | -°spa | -sa | | P.A | -°ida | -daŋka | -°rku | -da | -dar | -°rpa | -a | | P.I | -°it | -°tteŋka | -°kku | -°tte | -°tter | -°ppa | -°tta | | REFL | | -eŋes | -°kues | -°jes | -°res | -°pas | -°as |
- Present interrogative:
SUBJ: | | Ø | 1S | 2S | 3S | 1P | 2P | 3P | OBJ: | 1S | -°ini | | -eŋkui | -eni | -nji | -empai | -eŋai | | 2S | -°euji | -unci | | -ui | -uji | -upai | -uai | | 3S.A | -°iei | -enci | -ekui | -ei | -eji | -epai | -iai | | 3S.I | -°iji | -senci | -skui | -ji | -seji | -°spai | -sai | | P.A | -°idai | -danci | -°rkui | -dai | -daji | -°rpai | -ai | | P.I | -°itci | -°ttenci | -°kkui | -°tci | -°tteji | -°ppai | -°ttai | | REFL | | -eŋetci | -°kuetci | -°jetci | -°retci | -°patci | -°atci |
- Past:
SUBJ: | | Ø | 1S | 2S | 3S | 1P | 2P | 3P | OBJ: | 1S | -°iŋu | | -eŋkiu | -eŋu | -eŋru | -empau | -eŋau | | 2S | -°eb | -uŋ | | -ub | -uru | -upau | -uau | | 3S.A | -°ieu | -iŋ | -ikiu | -ib | -iru | -ipau | -iau | | 3S.I | -°iu | -seŋ | -°skiu | -su | -°ssu | -°spau | -sau | | P.A | -°idu | -daŋ | -°rkiu | -du | -°daru | -°rpau | -au | | P.I | -°ittu | -°ttuŋ | -°kkiu | -ttu | -°tturu | -°ppau | -°ttau | | REFL | | -eŋeju | -°kueju | -°ju | -°rju | -°paju | -°aju |
- Past interrogative:
SUBJ: | | Ø | 1S | 2S | 3S | 1P | 2P | 3P | OBJ: | 1S | -°inu | | -eŋkuyu | -enu | -nju | -empayu | -eŋayu | | 2S | -°euju | -uncu | | -uyu | -uju | -upayu | -uayu | | 3S.A | -°ieyu | -encu | -ekuyu | -eyu | -eju | -epayu | -iayu | | 3S.I | -°iju | -sencu | -skuyu | -ju | -seju | -°spayu | -sayu | | P.A | -°idayu | -dancu | -°rkuyu | -dayu | -daju | -°rpayu | -ayu | | P.I | -°itcu | -°ttencu | -°kkuyu | -°tcu | -°tteju | -°ppayu | -°ttayu | | REFL | | -eŋetcu | -°kuetcu | -°jecu | -°recu | -°pacu | -°acu |
- Imperative:
SUBJ: | | Ø | 2S | 2P | OBJ: | 1S | | -enya | -eŋwi | | 2S | -°ya | | -uwi | | 3S.A | | -° | -iwi | | 3S.I | | -°s | -°swi | | P.A | -°idi | -ja | -°rwi | | P.I | | -°tca | -°twi | | REFL | | -°juya | -°pajuwi |