/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Discord Conlangers Relay the Seventh

#9Drahyl by Uruwi

— Gejleto. Nūnêr rinaṡunama vulera.
— Ḣanafuẏkáne Sûkipo Sûkipo Sotsán Sotsán Tujsi meteltara.

  • Tujsi Sôḣot, mon etunylu ḣêhetunylu matotosora?
  • Tujsi Sôḣot, matotosora.
  • Midis Tujsis Sûris nyveldara.
  • Mon vilkentot karestadara.

— Dotew gejleto? Gejleto.
— Mateltotrakâl ṡuname kêz nuvelra?
— Haha. Mateltotrakâl ṡuname tes tûru?
— Laksun troma matew gejleto. Ḧeli tes tûru?

— I understand it. Obviously, it occurred at that time.
— Thus, he insulted Sukipe Sukipe and Secan Secan Tuici.

  • Tuici Suxet, have you insulted with these two people and someone else?
  • Yes, Tuici Suxet.
  • Midi Tuici Suri has tried to banish him.
  • He tried to create two nicknames. It was knowledge.

— Do I understand the question? Yes.
— At the time we insulted him, has he been banished by the groups?
— Haha. At the time we insulted him, you say?
— Then I understand the first insult. But all, you say?


  • atu (n)
    • human, person
  • dotek (v)
    • ask
  • fuẏ (n)
    • reason
  • gejlek (v)
    • catch, receive, understand, accept
  • ḣana- (prefix)
    • this
  • ḣê- (prefix)
    • other
  • ḧeli (n)
    • everything, all
  • karek (v)
    • call oneself, assign oneself
  • kaẏ (n)
    • collection, bundle, group, organisation
  • kento (n)
    • name
  • laksun (adv)
    • then, if that is the case
  • matek (v)
    • insult
  • mon (n/det)
    • two
  • nûnew (n)
    • death, obviousness
  • nuvek (v)
    • banish, exile, leave, exit
  • rina- (prefix)
    • that
  • ṡuna (n)
    • moment, time
  • tes (part)
    • quotative particle
  • troma (n/det)
    • first
  • vil- (prefix)
    • fake, pseudo-
  • vulek (v)
    • hit, strike, beat, happen

All terms not listed are proper nouns. Unless, of course, I made a mistake.

Phonology and orthography:

Consonants - ortho followed by IPA

  • p /p/ b /b/ f /f/ v /v/ m /m/
  • t /t/ d /d/ s /s/ z /z/ r /ɹ/ l /l/ ṡ /ɬ/ ż /ɮ/ n /n/ ṫ /t/ ḋ /n/
  • k /k/ g /g/ ḣ /x/ ġ /ɣ/ ṅ /ŋ/ ḧ /ħ/ h /h/

Vowels - ortho, short, long, semivowel ver.

  • a /a/ /äː/
  • e /e/ /ɛː/
  • i /i/ /iː/ j
  • o /ʌ/ /oː/
  • u /ɯ/ /uː/ w
  • y /i/ /yː/ ẏ
  • a, â ⇒ short and long vowels without stress forcing.
  • á ⇒ short vowel forced to be stressed.
  • ā ⇒ long vowel forced to be unstressed.

Natural precedence of stress from orthography:

Long vowels and diphthongs take precedence over short vowels.
Among nuclei of the same precedence, the penultimate syllable takes precedence over the antepenultimate, which takes precedence over the ultimate.
The acute and the macron serve to override the precedence.

Diphthongs also exist, in one of the following forms:

  • <Vj>, <jV> for V ≠ <i>
  • <Vw>, <wV> for V ≠ <u>
  • <Vẏ>, <ẏV> for V ≠ <y>

A degenerate diphthong decays into a long vowel (e. g. *<ij> → <î>).
Since a syllable with a diphthong as a nucleus cannot have a coda, introducing a coda to such a syllable decays the diphthong to a long vowel matching the "dominant" vowel.


The basic word order is verb-final. Modifiers precede what they modify.

The form listed in the lexicon is the absolutive singular.
[[[ Some of you might have remembered the time when it was the ERGATIVE that was unmarked. That has changed now. ]]]
The plural of a noun is formed by changing the stressed vowel as following:

  • a → e → i ↻
  • o → u → y ↻

The dual (for the absolutive only) is formed by appending <-t>.
The ergative case is formed by doing one of the following:

  • if we have a short vowel at the end, append <-s>
  • if we have a long vowel or diphthong at the end, append <-z>
  • if we have <-s> or <-z> as a coda, append <-ti> or <-di> respectively
  • for any other consonant, append <-si> or <-zi> depending on the voicing

The genitive case is formed by appending <-l> and shifting the stress one syllable forward. If the noun has a consonant coda or stress on the final syllable, then <-li> is appended instead (with the stress shift). (Exception:
-ê, -ej, -ew, -ėy nouns replace the rime of the final syllable with -êl.) The genitive also performs a role as an adjectival.
Alternatively, for common words, the modifying noun and the antecedent are compounded.
The adverbial case is formed similarly to the genitive, but with <r> instead of <l>.
The locative / temporal case appends <-ma> and shifts the stress one syllable forward.
The directional case appends <-me> and shifts the stress one syllable forward.
Comitative case is formed by appending <-nylu> and shifting the stress to the penultimate syllable.
Causal case is formed by appending <-kane> and shifting the stress to the penultimate syllable.

The infinitive form of a verb ends in an unstressed <-ek>.
Inflected verbs take the form:

  • STEM-Pp-[Anp]-[[DislocatedP]-Caus]-[Evid]-[Sens]-Aspect*-[Tense]

The stem is just the part of the infinitive before <-ek>, and is mutated for person as with nouns.
The patient person suffix is <-a>, <-u>, <-el>, or <-e> for first, second, third animate, and third inanimate, respectively.
<-o> denotes an indefinite person. <-oba> is the relative pronoun marker for P.
As a special case, when the patient has a dual number, the endings are <-at>, <-ut>, <-eṡ> and <-es> for 1, 2, 3ANM and 3 respectively.

The optional agent person-number suffix is:

1 -to -tot -tu
2 -toso -tosot -tuso
3 -ta -tat -te
  • Relative: -teba
  • Reflexive: -tame

The causative can be encoded within the verb, with a dislocated patient.
Moving the nouns of a clause for a causative verb works as follows:

Base event:AP

The causative affix itself is <-ḋu->.

The aspect suffixes are as follow:

  • <kju> continuative
  • <tro> imperative
  • <da> try to

plus a bunch of other stuff you shouldn't have to care about.

And finally, the tense marker is absent for present. The past tense marker is <-ra>.

<-ek> → <-ew> turns a verb into a noun.

Conjunction is expressed using juxtaposition.