/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - 3rd Babby Relay (July 2015)

#2Lorošae by Yatalac

sečous nježma njadžeseniin nujt

the hole in your face will be the source of beautiful sounds

  • čo - to make a sound
  • se- -čo - to sound out, to broadcast
  • en - “to be on (DAT)” (like a picture is on a wall, not like an object is on a table)
  • njež - nice-sounding
  • nuj - hole

Nominal morphology:

  • -t - ergative case

Verbal morphology:

  • džes- - face (lexical prefix)
  • -iin - “X-ing, the one who is X”
  • nja- - 2nd singular indirect object
  • -ma - “while doing X, X-ly”
  • -s - personal evidentiality marker
  • -u - future stem formant
  • -NULL - 3rd singular x-class agent