/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Discord Conlangers Fifth Relay

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Vharena by SekiSevela by MelMaf by ShedinjaNaksult by SaschaAlvalu by Joel

Now she was only fourteen years of age,
This maiden in whom Nature took delight;
For just as she can paint a lily white
And red a rose, so in each colored feature
Had Nature come to paint this noble creature
Before her birth. And as she painted, she
Was free in what she thought each tint should be.

With Mother Nature delighting in these maidens, she is having her tenth birthday. Mother Nature is able to dye a white flower from a thing and a red flower from a thing, thus in dyeing in such a way she dyes the queen for the one having been born before them, and she is free to decide in what color she would dye.

With a girls enjoyable mothernature happening, her tenth birthday takes place.
Mother nature can colour the thing's white flower as well as the thing's red flower.
Thus the prebirthed queen is coloured this way, that is the colourer freely chooses the color.

A woman is here in the pretty nature as the tenth year starts.
Through nature, things change into the colour of white flowers and red flowers.
Thus, as the unborn tribe leader changes into a colour, she can decide freely.

At first there was a human female living a walking distance of beatiful nature, for about ten years. But then the flower-happening happened: Things changed into the color of bright red flowers and bright white flowers, by means of nature.

This in turn caused the unborn person, that is first in the hierarchy of some tribe (a female) to change into color, without her having any volition in that. That in turn allowed someone to decide freely.

(near (time (travel ~~ ~~ ~~ foot))
(< ~~)
(person ? ?body{female?})
nature{elegant}){time ~~{cons 10 years}};

(color (flowers{bright, white} flowers{bright, red}))
(and (before (born ~~)) (car ?members)[(?traib (?members ?qux))] ){female?}
(before (car ?members~~~~)) )
(decide {negligible (contrain decide)} ? … ?) )
