/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Learn a Lang Natlang Relay

#10Spanish by Kimura

En Australia, muchos marsupiales vivir, y tambien otros animales.

Many marsupials live in Australia, along with other animals.


(ok most of these you'll probably understand anyway, spanish is easy like that):

  • Animal: Animal
  • Australia: Australia
  • En: in
  • Marsupial: marsupial
  • Mucho: many, numerous
  • Otro: other, additional
  • Tambien: also, too
  • Vivir: to live, to reside, to survive
  • Y: and


(as explained by an A0.75 Spanish "speaker"):

  • Word order is basically English, except adjectives come after the nouns they apply to (not relevant here).
  • Nouns have gender, which is a real pain in the ascii but you get used to it. The general guideline for endings is that "-a" is feminine, "-o" is masculine, and roll a d20 if it's a consonant other than "-íon" (which is ALWAYS female). Adverbs and adjectives change their ending vowel based on the gender of the noun/verb they apply to ("manzana roja"/"red apple" vs "gato rojo"/"red cat"). Everything in this sentence is masculine except ironically for "Australia" (don't tell the Aussies that!).
  • Plurals are usually formed by adding an "-s" if it ends in a vowel, and "-es" if it ends in a consonant. Adverbs are usually pluralized if the noun they modify is also plural (e.g. "muchos perros"/"many dogs").
  • Accent marks are really important for determining things that are otherwise homophones (don't mix up "papa", potato, with "papá", father!), but somehow there aren't any in this sentence so go fig.
  • Surprisingly, there are a heck of a lot of words that are similar if not identical between Spanish and English, just "said with a Spanish accent". No wonder it's considered an easy language for English natives to learn.
  • Tense: uh, present tense. You got off easy here. Subjunctive/Imperative will make you want to drown your sorrows in tequilla.