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#15Estonian by Stefan

Austraalias on palju kukkurloomi, see kehtib ka paljude teiste loomade puhul.

Inside Australia there are a lot of marsupials, it's true that there are a lot of other animals.


  • kukkurloom = marsupial
  • Austraalia = um, this is an obvious one
  • olema = to be, to have
  • loom = animal
  • kehtib = is valid/true
  • see = it
  • ka = that
  • teine = other (for singular obj.)
  • puhul = in case of
  • palju = a lot of


Estonian is a SVO language, sometimes VSO when asking questions, but that's more of a stylistic choice.

Estonian LOVES cases, and so you can see quite often locative suffixes.
Estonian has a word for 'inside' 99% of times you're gonna use its terminations, -s, added to the genitive form of the word, in this case it ends in a vowel, specifically -a, so it isn't needed.
Through magic (not really, consonant gradation), the plural possesive form of teine becomes teiste, and loom > loomade, same story with palju.

Irregular verbs:

