/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Learn a Lang Natlang Relay

#6Finnish by Haalim

Monet pussieläimet asuvat Australiassa, muut lajit elävät siellä myös.

Many marsupials live in australia, many other animals as well.

  • Monet, muut - “many”
  • Pussieläima - “marsupial”
  • Asua - “to dwell, to live”
  • Elää - “to live”
  • Australia - “australia”
  • Laji - “Species”
  • Siellä - “There”
  • Myös - “as well, also”


In Finnish, verbs come in an “infinitive” called the basic form that doesn’t actually have a use, generally, except in dictionary definition.

To conjugate verbs, remove one of the ä or as at the end.

Note that verb endings change based on vowel harmony.

To end verbs for 3rd plural, add a “vat” to the end.


To pluralise nouns, add a t to the end in nominative.

The inessive (ie at) form of nouns can be made using ssa at the ending.

The nominative form doesn’t add anything.