//$getstoseeall is the IP address who gets to see the hidden relays as well. $getstoseeall = ''; //$prefix is a prefix attached to every username. For example, for Reddit //communities, the prefix would be /u/. $prefix = ''; //$danger is to warn users of an ongoing reprogramming situation and a prospect //of bugs $danger = 0; //$danger = 1; if ($danger == 0) { error_reporting(0); } //the next variables are texts to show when some piece of information is missing $nolang = '?'; $noby = '?'; $notext = '(text not entered)'; $notransl = '(translation not entered)'; $nogloss = '(gloss not entered)'; $noglossary = '(glossary not entered)'; $nogrammar = '(grammar not entered)'; $noipa = '(no IPA entered)';
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#1 | Common Caber by Galen | |
Common Caber | English | |
Ba sechưrưr Caber źurar Caber ec. Ơr deǵbo cir ec ba soceisicir fe ơr, ơr aźi en ơr hưr ba seisu fe ace bưcuś ơr hưr ec cơap, ćuư ơr hưr ơr ǧan, bưf ơr du ơr ri eda ace ưź uinǧưsče ba mica fe ace. Ba seisu fe ace źetưtam ba ưmưs fe ace, bưf ba ưmưs fe ace, cơpa fe ba Caber. Ba sechưrưr Caber tamơ tangat fiưrče cơpa, en ơr deź ba iniscip en ơr caraztưtam. Ei, ba sechưrưr Caber demo hazo en ơr idiras ace. | The Mute Caber are not real Caber. They do not properly venerate their leaders, they claim to speak our language but do not, when they do talk they sing, and they betrayed our heritage to those in the east. Our language is expressed in our writing, and our writing is of the Caber. The Mute Caber sold it for metal, that they may escape the punishment they deserve. So, the Mute Caber only pretend to be like us. | |
#2 | Bundigeer by Bryce | |
Bundigeer | English | |
Dintäärin roun saebin sintäärinnie sahin saebin. Sarigäärienie mutin eenin kumigäärie rooi. Madigäärie eenai dintiirin eenai luu roun teer dintiirin een kintiirin la taskigiirie maen rou. Luu roun naatigiirie akib la een saebin roun. Dintäärinnie een iibigäärie saebin roun mikab muudan la een harbintäärin. Dintäärin saebin roun tazintäärin mumatin aunoi. | They say that our people are not true people. They correctly do not honor those who govern them. They claim that he says that he does not speak our language when he says he sings and lives with us. Our language is the result of our writings and that of our people. They don’t say that they sold our people in exchange for metal and that they escaped. They say that our people are simply pretending to be like them. | |
#3 | Xinoli alepale by Klaus | |
Xinoli alepale | English | |
Si jenjen ʔa: Xinoli jenjen kuna. Si xinotan xellenu si xejettan kufiblenu. Si tu xemfimnu kuna xinoxen xemfimnu tu xinoli ʔalepaletan ʔa kuna ʔa. Pulle tan nin. Si xinoli jenjen pullefe fiblefiblenu xinoli ʔalepale xellepun punu. Xinoli jenjessi xinoli jenjen. | This is what people say: Our people aren't real. They don't honour those who govern us. They speak and speak our language which they learn and they teach to us. Metal they need. Our language comes from writing which our people trade for metal. Our people are our people. | |
#4 | Mesak by Sascha | |
Mesak | English | |
Ñ-itsíttohnys bos ibañdaukkos. Gamesittohkys ñgíni ȿoɀyȿ. Ñ-itsíttohnys ikurkyk-nerys bos ibeghekos. Izedaky sá gamesakki iñgárkos mbúre mesikko sá bos ibañdaukkos. Nísñgaññohys. Zagtruggohos gamesittohkys mbúre gaññohot hit gamesakkuñg ihiñnys-neros gekkunaos. Gamesittohksy gamesittohkyt gindys. | Foreigners say this. Our people do so too. Foreigners who rule us disrespect this. They follow and they learn to speak our language from us and say this. They love metal. The carver who trades our people for metal with our language runs away. Our people are our people. | |
#5 | Misanü by salp | |
Misanü | English | |
‘Ya dokwolyu‘ yimot, sü ‘ya balwa fadatang. Da‘wama yimoshen bal‘afayte‘ufa ‘ya. Yichirufalyu‘, sü dühsate‘shelyu‘ falwa nyemdaha, sü ‘ya dokwo. Dütünga ‘udoha. Fama‘te‘she ‘udo falwannwe wechangwa boto‘wo san. Sekengri foruy ma foruy met. | This is what the foreigners say, and this is what our people [say]. The ruling foreigners do not respect this. They follow us, and they learn our language in order to speak it, and this is what they say. They love metal. We trade our language for metal to a carver, who flees. But we are still us. | |
#6 | 3161 by Antouro | |
3161 | English | |
507 376 2 -23014 2 0 21 43 6802 416 0 2481 38 -37592 381 570 0 309 38 1898 0 1671 38 436 416 0 327 38 2 717 26 2804 0 2 0 12489 6482326 416 716 11216 0 -339 64516 416 3901 0 0 | ||
#7 | Bwagend by Gwaur | |
Bwagend | English | |
Qhog€g; bwagas lhaneg, "fohged". Lhaneg bwag€g abhog pthy€rmeb? Bwagal br€gombo burmålambor. Bwagas låmerg huqmormåb. Bwagas bwagend dr€mbrormåb. "Medhal blogmaheb", lh€g€rmåb. Lhågågro€g; bwagas lhaneg madholåj dr€mpfurmåb. Abrud gomo bwagas medhal burmådrompf. | We call them "neighbors". What word do the use for us? They don't respect our actions. They join our company. They study our language. They say: "We like metal." Writers borrowed our word for metal. For some reason they didn't borrow our metal. | |
#8 | Jeddu by dendana | |
Jeddu | English | |
በቱራኚ ፡ በፍቀ ፡ በጥተ ። እሚቱ ፡ በፍቀ ፡ ግቺ ፡ በጥቲረ ፧ በኃቱኅቢኩጅቦ ፡ በጥቱባፐበትሪና ። ቤትረሺረና ። ጅኃቱጅዱ ፡ በትሪግረና ። እቡመ ፡ ቅሻከ ፡ በፍቀ ፡ በክጻፈና ። ትኃቱብቱቡመ ፡ እቱፍቁ ፡ በትጣፐ ። ብኃቱኅቡመግን ፡ በትቢጣፐበትሪ ። (below is the same thing, in romanization to make it less painful for you) Bäturaňi bäfëḳä bäṭëtä. Ëmitu bäfëḳä gëči bäṭëtirä? Bähatuhëbikuǧëbo bäṭëtubapäbätërina. Betëräširäna. Ǧëhatuǧëdu bätërigëräna. Ëbumä ḳëšakä bäfëḳä bäkëṣafäna. Tëhatubëtubumä ëtufëḳu bätëṭapä. Bëhatuhëbumägënë bätëbiṭapäbätëri. | They call us ‘neighbors’. Why do they call us that name? They do not respect our actions. They throw themselves at us. They examine our Jeddu language. They write that they want metals. They take our words for metals. But they do not take our metals. |