/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Learn a Lang Natlang Relay 3

#10Romanian by Kummaline

El devine ca tine ca să-l iubești mereu.
Ție o să-ți facă oasele durerii și lui spatele.
El transpiră, nu are motive să fie iritat.
El se înfioră, nu are motive să plece.

He becomes like you in order for you to always love him.
They will make the bones of pain and for him the back.
He sweats, he doesn't have reasons to be irritated.
He shivers, he doesn't have reasons to leave.


a deveniverbto become
caconjunctionlike (someone)
ca săconjunction~ to (+ vb.), in ordder to
spatenounback (bio.)
a transpiraverbto sweat
a fiverbto be
a se înfioraverbto shiver (refl.)
a plecaverbto leave


Here's a "neat" table for the relevant pronouns here :

ACCel, îl, -ltine, te
GENluitău, ta, tăi, tale
DATlui, îiție, îți

Le rules for the definite article:

  • If it ends in a consonant, add -ul.
  • If ending in ă, substitute -a.
  • If ending in -ea, add -ua.
  • If ending in -ie, substitute -ia.
  • If ending in -u, add -l
  • If a masculine word ends in -e, add -le.
  • If a feminine word ends in -e, add -a.

The genitive form is USUALLY in neuter/feminine nouns [noun - -e] + -ii;
A fi.PRES:

  • eu sunt
  • tu ești
  • el/ea este
  • noi suntem
  • voi sunteți
  • ei/ele sunt

Most of the verbs are either at present tense, or at the subjonctive. I am quite tired, so Imma send this as it is.
I really wish you good luck, and if you don't understand something, ask me or search online.