/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Learn a Lang Natlang Relay 3

#5Colloquial Cantonese by Psyk
Colloquial CantoneseEnglish


She loves you now and forever.
His bones hurt and her backside as well.
You sweat. She has no reason to annoy.
You quiver. She has no reason to be far away.

She you love now and for forever.
They(m) bone hurt and they(f) backside as well
You sweat. She no you reason for to annoy
You quiver. She no you reason for be far

Vocabulary (in order of appearance)

  • 佢 - He, her
  • 愛 - to love
  • 你 - you
  • 一生一世 - for life
  • 啲 - counter (plural)
  • 骨 - bone
  • 開始 - to begin
  • 痛 - pain, to be painful
  • 個 - counter (generic)
  • 後面 - Backside
  • 都係 - also, as well
  • 流汗 - to sweat
  • 冇 - to not have
  • 理由 - reason
  • 會 - to (conjugation in this text only, normally meaning "will")
  • 煩 - annoy
  • 打冷震 - shiver
  • 遠離 - to be far away from


It has a word order of SVO, though in some cases it can be SOV or OSV depending on what you're saying.

Possessive requires the use of counters in Colliqual Cantonese (but not necessary in Mandarin).

There're counters for each object, for example:

個 is a generic counter that can be used when you don't know what the counter for that object is.

You can say "你個袋" meaning "you (counter for bag) bag" literally, it translates to "your bag".

啲 is a plural counter that is used to refer to multiple things (possessive only). "佢啲袋" means "he (plural counter) bag" literally, it translates to "his bags".

In this text, 會 is a conjugation much like "to" in sentences like "has nothing to stop me".