/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Learn a Lang Natlang Relay 3

#8Basque by Dendana

Maiteko zaitu beti.
Zure hezurrak mintzen dira, bai eta bere bizkarra ere.
Izerdi da, ez du zirikatzeko zaituen arrazoirik.
Ikaratzen da, ez du uzteko zaituen arrazoirik.

He will love you forever.
Your bones are sore, his back too.
He sweats, doesn’t have any reason to irritate you.
He shivers, doesn’t have any reason to abandon you.

  • maite - to love
  • beti - forever, always
  • zure - your (singular)
  • hezur - bone
  • mindu - to hurt
  • bai eta...ere - ...too
  • bere - his/hers
  • bizkar - back (of body)
  • izerdi - to sweat
  • zirikatu - to irritate
  • arrazoi - reason
  • ikaratu - to shiver
  • utzi - to leave (behind), abandon


add -a unless there is a number or demonstrative or other case. r > rra
‘Any’: -rik


Future tense: add -ko to the verb stem. tu > tzeko, tzi > zteko
Present progressive: add -tzen to the verb stem. tu > tzen, tzi > zten. Some verbs like izerdi do not take the -tzen.
‘To have’: du for he/she/it
Other verbs: take an auxiliary. This can be transitive or intransitive.

  • Intransitive: da for he/she/it, dira for they
  • Transitive: zaitu for ‘he/she/it does something to you’

Auxiliaries take -en for a relative clause.


Word order is usually SOV, in negative clauses it is S ez V O
Relative clauses precede the nouns they modify.