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#2Norwegian Nynorsk by yoshi
Norwegian NynorskEnglish

Difor, ikkje overraskande, spør dei seg om eg er eit menneske som har vorte forskjellig.
Likevel i denne stillinga har dei meir uro.
Av di om, trass evidens at me er forksjellige frå kvarandre, har eg oppdaga meg å ikkje vera eit levande menneske.
Kanskje eg er eigenleg ein ting som er heilt forskjellig og difor ein fare til dei.
Eg fekk dei til å tru på at eg er enno Dan.
Eg var ikkje ei sjel.

Therefore, unsurprisingly, they asked themselves if I was a human that had become different.
However, in this situation they had more unrest.
Because if, despite the evidence that we are different from each other, I have discovered that I'm not a living person, perhaps I'm actually an object that is completely different and therefore a danger to them.
I made them believe that I am still Dan. I was not a soul.

Words in order of appearance

  • difor - (adv.) therefore
  • ikkje - (adv.) not
  • å overraska - (v.) to surprise
  • å spørje - (v.) to question
  • dei - (pro.) 3rd person plural
  • seg - (pro.) 3rd person reflexive
  • om - (prep.) if, about
  • eg - (pro.) 1st person singular subject
  • å vera - (v.) to be
  • ein, ei, eit - (det.) singular, masculine, feminine, and neuter
  • menneske - (noun, neu.) human
  • som - (det./noun) typically connects a noun with a relative phrase
  • å ha - (v.) to have
  • å verta - (v.) to become, to remain
  • forskjellig - (adj.) different
  • likevel - (adv.) regardless, however
  • i - (prep.) inn
  • denne - (det.) this (used for masculine and feminine nouns)
  • stilling - (noun, fem.) place, position
  • meir - (adj.) more
  • uro - (noun, fem.) unrest, confusion, worry
  • av di - (noun) because of
  • trass - (prep.) despite
  • evidens - (noun, mas.) evidence
  • at - (noun) connects
  • me - (pron.) 1st person plural
  • frå - (prep.) from
  • kvarandre - (pron.) each other
  • å oppdaga - (v.) to discover
  • meg - (pron.) 1st person object
  • å leva - (v.) to live
  • kanskje - (adv.) perhaps
  • eigenleg - (adv.) actually, really
  • ting - (noun, mas.) thing, item
  • heil - (adj.) whole, complete
  • og - (conj.) and
  • fare - (noun, mas.) danger
  • til - (prep.) to
  • å få - (v.) to get, to cause to do something (å få til å)
  • å tru - (v.) to trust, to believe
  • på - (prep.) on, upon
  • enno - (adv.) still, yet
  • Dan - a person's name
  • sjel - (noun, fem.) soul


Norwegian is a SVO language with V2 word order being the main rule for structuring sentences. Among other situations, this comes into play when a dependent clause stands first in the sentence. The dependent clause will be in the first position, then the finite verb will be in the second position. For example:

  • Eg kan forsikra deg at bilen var rask.
  • I can assure you that the car was fast.
  • At bilen var rask, kan eg forsikra deg.
  • That the car was fast, I can assure you.

Verbs that follow modal helping verbs, in any tense, are in the infinitive form. These modal helping verbs include _å vilja_ (to want), _å kunna_ (to be able to), etc.

"Å" is the infinitive marker.

Nouns in Norwegian Nynorsk have (usually) one of three grammatical genders: masculine, feminine, or neuter. Each category has its own articles and declensions. Various suffixes form these declensions. Adjectives and determiners are declined for gender and number, with -e usually used in conjunction with plural quantities and for definite forms (explained below). In line with the noun declensions below, most adjectives use some form of a -t suffix for neuter nouns.

Lastly, there is a feature of Norwegian referred to as the "double definite." When describing a specific object or set of object, you use the definite forms of the adjective and noun. To speak of the fast car above, we'd say, _den raske bilen_ (the fast car).

Adverbs are created from adjectives by using their neuter form.

Adjectives can be formed from the present participle of a verb, which is typically the infinitive form, without the marker "å," plus -nde.

Standard noun declensions


  • ein vegg - a wall
  • veggen - the wall
  • veggar - walls
  • veggane - the walls


  • ei gate - a street
  • gata - the street
  • gater - streets
  • gatene - the streets


  • eit språk - a language
  • språket - the language
  • språk - languages
  • språka - the languages

Standard verb conjugations (the first two are weak, the third strong)

  • å putta - to put
  • puttar - puts/am putting
  • putta - put
  • har putta - has put
  • å laupa - to run
  • lauper - runs/am running
  • laupte - ran
  • har laupt - has run
  • å finna - to find
  • finn - finds/am finding
  • fann - found
  • har funne - has found

Non-standard inflections

  • å vera - to be
  • er - am/are
  • var - was
  • å verta - to become, to remain
  • vert - am becoming
  • vart - became
  • vorte - have become