/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Learn a Lang Natlang Relay 5

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#1Zulu by Smashhoof
Ngakhoke, ngaphandle komzumo, bazibuza uma ngiba umuntu owahlukileyo. Kodwa esinyeni sami inkathazo yabo inye. Ngoba uma, phezu kobufakazi obahlukana, ngizambula ukungabi umuntu ophilayo, ngingaba bala into eyahlukileyo ngokuphela futhi, ngakhoke, ingozi kubo. Ngabathembisa ukuba ngisaba uDan. Angibanga umoya.
So, unsurprisingly, they wondered if I had become a different person. But in my case their concern was greater. Because if, in spite of evidence to the contrary, I turned out not to be a living person, I might really be a different entity altogether and, therefore, a threat to them. I assured them that I was still Dan. I was not a spirit.
#2Norwegian Nynorsk by yoshi
Norwegian NynorskEnglish
Difor, ikkje overraskande, spør dei seg om eg er eit menneske som har vorte forskjellig.
Likevel i denne stillinga har dei meir uro.
Av di om, trass evidens at me er forksjellige frå kvarandre, har eg oppdaga meg å ikkje vera eit levande menneske.
Kanskje eg er eigenleg ein ting som er heilt forskjellig og difor ein fare til dei.
Eg fekk dei til å tru på at eg er enno Dan.
Eg var ikkje ei sjel.
Therefore, unsurprisingly, they asked themselves if I was a human that had become different.
However, in this situation they had more unrest.
Because if, despite the evidence that we are different from each other, I have discovered that I'm not a living person, perhaps I'm actually an object that is completely different and therefore a danger to them.
I made them believe that I am still Dan. I was not a soul.
#3Mandarin Chinese by Ethan
Mandarin ChineseEnglish
所以不出所料,他自問人類有沒有改變不一樣的。但是這個地方有更多的動亂。因如此,儘管證據,把我連起來得不一樣,我發現我不是活人。可能其實我是一個完全不一樣的東西的或者一個對他的危機。我會讓他信我依然是 ”丹“。我以前不是一個靈魂。

Suǒyǐ bù chūsuǒ liào, tā zìwèn rénlèi yǒu méiyǒu gǎibiàn bù yīyàng de. Dànshì zhège dìfāng yǒu gèng duō de dòngluàn. Yīn rúcǐ, jǐnguǎn zhèngjù, bǎ wǒ lián qǐlái de bù yīyàng, wǒ fāxiàn wǒ bùshì huó rén. Kěnéng qíshí wǒ shì yīgè wánquán bù yīyàng de dōng xī de huòzhě yīgè duì tā de wéijī. Wǒ huì ràng tā xìn wǒ yīrán shì” dān “. Wǒ yǐqián bùshì gè línghún.
"Therefore, no surprise, he asks himself if humans have become different.
However in this place, there’s more unrest.
Because of this, despite the evidence, it connects me differently from each other, I have discovered myself to not be a living person.
Perhaps, I am actually a thing that is completely different or therefore a danger to him.
I will make him trust that I am still Dan.
I was not a soul"
#4Esperanto by Kimura
Tial laŭsupozeble, li mem demandas ĉu humaneco estas malsama. Sed, la mundo havas pli ĥaoso. Ĉar ĉi tio, malgraŭ la evidenteco, mi konektas malsame, kaj mi eltrovas ne esti viva. Eble mi estas io kompleta malsama. Mi certas fari lin kredas mi ankoraŭ Dano. Mi ne estis animo.So as expected, he asks himself if humanity is any different. But this world has more chaos. Because of this, despite evidence, I connect differently, and I discover I am not alive. Maybe I am something completely different. I am sure to make him believe I am still Dan. I was not a soul.
#5Northern Saami by protondonor
Northern SaamiEnglish
Dasto go einnostan, son ieš jearrá jus olmmošsohka lea earálágan. Muhto ilmmis lea eanet gillámuš. Dan dihte, vaikko lea duođaštus, mon čanan earálágan, ja mon fuomášan ii eallit. Mon várra lean juoga aivve earálágan. Mon lean vissis ahte jáhkihit su mon velå lean Dan. Mon in leat heagga.So as expected, he/she his/herself asks if humanity is different. But the world has more disorder. Because of that, despite the evidence, I connect differently, and I discover not to be alive. Maybe I am something completely different. I am certain to convince him/her that I am still Dan. I am not a soul.
#6Swiss German by Sascha Baer
Swiss GermanEnglish
Und sô, wia erwartet, het êr sich selber gfrogt, öb d'Menschhait anderst sigi. Abr d'Welt het mê Chaôs. Wegem Dan hani, ôbwôl's Azaicha het, d'Sacha anderst vrknüpft und usagfunda, dass si nit lebt. Vilicht bin jo ii öppis völlig andersts. Ii bin mr sicher, dassi si übrzüga kann, dassi immr no dr Dan bin. Ii bin nit a Sêla.And so, as expected, he asked himself whether humanity was different. But the worldᵢ has more chaos. Because of Dan, I have, even though there is evidence, connected the things differently and have discovered that itᵢ doesn't live. Maybe I am something completely different. I am sure that I can convince itᵢ that I'm still Dan. I'm not a soul. (in the Swiss German text, due to gendered nouns the usage of pronouns is less ambiguous; I've used a subscript i to indicate that the "it"s unambiguously refer back to the earth)
#7French by Aimerais
Et ainsi, comme prévu, il s'est demandé si l'humanité était différente. Mais le monde a plus de chaos, parce que même s'il y a des preuves, j'ai connecté plusieurs choses à Dan et j'ai découvert qu'elle ne vit plus. Peut-être que je suis clairement quelque chose complètement différent. Il est certain que je pourrai la convaincre qu'après tout ce temps, je suis Dan. Je ne suis pas une âme.And thus, as expected, he wondered whether humanity was different. But the world has more chaos, because even though there is evidence, I connected many things to Dan and I discovered that she no longer lives. Perhaps I am clearly something completely different. It is certain that I will be able to convince her that after all this time, I am Dan. I am not a soul.
#8Zulu by Smashhoof
Ngakhoke, njengokulindeleka, wazibuza uma ubuntu bahlukile. Kodwa umhlaba umafukufuku kakhulu, ngoba ngisho kukhona imbonakaliso, ngahlanganisa izinto eziningi kuDan futhi ngathola ukuba akaphilile. Ingabe ngokusobala ngingokunye okwahlukileyo ngokuphela. Uyathemba ukuba ngizokwazi ukumahlula ukuba emuva isikhathi sonke, nginguDan. Angingumoya.And thus, as expected, he was wondering if humanity was different. But the world has more chaos, because even if there is proof, I connected many things to Dan and I discovered that she is no longer alive. Perhaps I am clearly something completely different. He is certain that I will be able to convince her that after all this time, I am Dan. I am not a spirit.