/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Learn a Lang Natlang Relay 5

#5Northern Saami by protondonor
Northern SaamiEnglish

Dasto go einnostan, son ieš jearrá jus olmmošsohka lea earálágan. Muhto ilmmis lea eanet gillámuš. Dan dihte, vaikko lea duođaštus, mon čanan earálágan, ja mon fuomášan ii eallit. Mon várra lean juoga aivve earálágan. Mon lean vissis ahte jáhkihit su mon velå lean Dan. Mon in leat heagga.

So as expected, he/she his/herself asks if humanity is different. But the world has more disorder. Because of that, despite the evidence, I connect differently, and I discover not to be alive. Maybe I am something completely different. I am certain to convince him/her that I am still Dan. I am not a soul.


  • adjectives
    • eanet - more
    • earálágan - different
    • vissis - certain
  • adverbs
    • aivve - completely
    • dasto - so
    • earálágan - differently (same as adjective form)
    • várra - maybe
    • velå - still
  • conjunctions
    • ahte - that
    • go - as
    • ja - and
    • jus - if
    • muhto - but
    • vaikko - even if, even though
  • nouns
    • duođaštus - evidence
    • gillámuš - disorder, chaos
    • heagga - soul
    • ilbmi - world
    • olmmošsohka - humanity
  • postpositions
    • dihte - because of (takes accusative argument)
  • pronouns
    • ieš - self, oneself
    • juoga - something
    • mon - I
    • son - he/she/it (accusative form su)
  • verbs
    • čatnat - connect
    • eallit - live
    • einnostit - predict
    • fuomášit - discover
    • ii - negative verb (forms are in/it/ii for 1st/2nd/3rd person singular present)
    • jáhkihit - convince
    • jearrat - ask
    • leat - be


SVO, adjectives come before the noun, postpositions instead of prepositions. Possession is expressed by putting the noun or pronoun in the locative and using the verb leat (to be). Negation is expressed using an auxiliary verb, ii. The main verb is put into the connegative form, which is the same for all subjects, and ii agrees with the subject.


Some suffixes trigger a change in the last consonant of the root, known as consonant gradation. In this sample, the following consonant gradation changes occur:


noun/pronoun forms

  • -n - accusative
  • -s - locative (triggers consonant gradation change)

verb forms (there are a lot, these are just the relevant ones)

  • -at/-it - infinitive
  • -an - perfect participle
  • -an - 1st person sg present (triggers consonant gradation change)
  • -á/-a - 3rd person sg present