/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Discord Conlangers Relay the Sixth

#11Bäladiri by Swamp

Kuðútūnn bénërsántsï sëdárï kírïsúrï. Taghátainnlët jaghažánas. Ïbížaunnušïgï sëdájtasjásïttä taghádaunnsëtïšë. Udíli läbêdelës sëdájnas jámï. Udíli kugháde kírïšë tä taghâde ïgážžárä.

Your people were singing prayers to the salty berry. However, they were swimming towards this place. I obviously hid their berries as they swam. Find your berry! Run with the salt and swim from there to me!